HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 2011

Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Oh and I just ordered a 16oz. argan oil from camdengrey. I've never ordered argan from them,and I hope their product is comparable to the others that I've tried. No matter what oils I experiment with, none have performed as well as argan oil on my hair. I'm going to be using said argan oil for a bit of everything.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Oh and I just ordered a 16oz. argan oil from camdengrey. I've never ordered argan from them,and I hope their product is comparable to the others that I've tried. No matter what oils I experiment with, none have performed as well as argan oil on my hair. I'm going to be using said argan oil for a bit of everything.

wow the stuff is so cheap on this site!!! too bad im over my hair spending money limit :nono:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Missed my weekly HOT with Jojoba oil. Might do it today or just wait till next Wednesday, I don't know...
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Steamed with grapeseed oil last night. Sealed with Moku serum this morning.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

WOW. I see i'm going to be stocking you. You always catch my eye. What is HTN regi?


Lately, I've been using Hydratherma Naturals. So,twice a day, I apply Follicle Booster, Protein Leave-In, Growth Lotion & Growth Oil.


Oh and I just ordered a 16oz. argan oil from camdengrey. I've never ordered argan from them,and I hope their product is comparable to the others that I've tried. No matter what oils I experiment with, none have performed as well as argan oil on my hair. I'm going to be using said argan oil for a bit of everything.


I have this too. Let me know how you think it compares to the others you've tried. It's totally different in Color/Smell than the bottle I got from HennaSooq

Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Oiled my scalp..Jojoba,JBCO & eo's mix..Moisturize hair with TW leave-in/Hair back in braids..

Happy Hair Growing!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

IDareT'sHair are you serious?:sad:
Ugh I knew that price was too good to be true! I normally pay $30+ for a 4oz bottle,and that is considered a steal. Okay I'll let u know,and also,how much did you pay for the one you have from hennasooq? TIA!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

@IDareT'sHair are you serious?:sad:
Ugh I knew that price was too good to be true! I normally pay $30+ for a 4oz bottle,and that is considered a steal. Okay I'll let u know,and also,how much did you pay for the one you have from hennasooq? TIA!


That right there (bolded)

Now, I'm not saying Camden Grey's is bad or was just 'different'. :look: :look: :look:

That's why I am curious what you think.

ETA: I'm talking more about Color & Smell. Not performance. It performs the same.
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Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201


That right there (bolded)

Now, I'm not saying Camden Grey's is bad or was just 'different'. :look: :look: :look:

That's why I am curious what you think.

ETA: I'm talking more about Color & Smell. Not performance. It performs the same.

I was watching it for about a week,before I finally bit the bullet and bought it. I was thinking that maybe it is refined (versus organic or unrefined),or maybe they watered it down just a tad:look: with some other oil.
The price is just soooooo low.:perplexed
I think I just got a shipping notice from them(it doesn't say what company shipped it and I made a few purchases this week),so hopefully it gets here soon. :drunk:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I was watching it for about a week,before I finally bit the bullet and bought it. I was thinking that maybe it is refined (versus organic or unrefined),or maybe they watered it down just a tad:look: with some other oil.
The price is just soooooo low.:perplexed
I think I just got a shipping notice from them(it doesn't say what company shipped it and I made a few purchases this week),so hopefully it gets here soon. :drunk:


That's what I thought too. I got mine during BF.

I can't wait to hear what you think. HennaSooq's was a wee bit darker and had a definite smell (of some sort).

This one is very light in Color (no smell at all) but....overall, I think they work the same.:yep:

The weight on both were about the same.:yep: Very lightweight
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

IDareT'sHair, okay,this sounds exactly like some refined argan oil that I bought a few times.:yep:
That makes me feel better,because while I stiill do prefer the unrefined stuff,the refined version worked well too. Matter of fact,I loved it before I tried the unrefined. I can deal with that. Why don't they just say that though?:rolleyes:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201


Lately, I've been using Hydratherma Naturals. So,twice a day, I apply Follicle Booster, Protein Leave-In, Growth Lotion & Growth Oil.



I have this too. Let me know how you think it compares to the others you've tried. It's totally different in Color/Smell than the bottle I got from HennaSooq


You're gonna have me broke :look: lol.

Hey, how do you do the mentions?
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

What kinds of results do you get when you use castor oil to oil rinse and/or hot oil treatment?

Sent from my iPhone4 using LHCF

chayilproverbs31 As a hot-oil..I do add a little jojoba to thin it out a bit (because its a thick oil) rinse with hot water/warm before I'm done/co-wash..Extremely soft hair with-out the greasy look/feel...If I co-wash after/do a lite conditioner treatment/5min..If I shampoo after/do a Dc treatment 40min...(the same results)

Happy Hair Growing!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Living out of a suitcase for a few weeks makes short list of hair care products. Oil rinses with sunflower oil from grocery store. Using castor oil from local pharmacy to oil scalp and seal lends. I packed Giovanndi SAS conditioner and picked up a Tigi Moisture Maniac conditioner. I also have a ball of black soap to clarify. I alternate co-washes with oil rinses and hair is detangled, smooth and surviving New York City winds. I might sneak a trip to kalustyan :look:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201


Did this work????

SN: How do you like the HN follicle booster?? I'm considering it...


Yep. You Got It!:grin: Worked perfectly.

Personally, I love it. It smells good and it works great. These products have really been working famously for me.:yep:

I've put errthang else aside and using this line strictly for my Daily Moisturizers.

I said I would keep using these products faithfully until June and the re-assess. But so far, I am loving them.:lick:

For my DC Treatment tomorrow, I'm going to Steam and Mix the Protein DC'er with the Moisturizing DC'er. First time trying this out with these DC'ers.:yep:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Did a hot then oil rinse with grapeseed on Friday followed by a cowash. Will be doing the hot & oil rinse, followed by a tea rinse, then cowash today. Again I used grapeseed oil. I will most likely finish my grapeseed oil this weekend so I will move on to my Sweet Almond Oil.

Oiled my scalp with Claudie's elixir on Thursday night.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Still using HTN as seal, using ceramides mixes as prepoo.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Did a Warm Water Oil Rinse this morning with Safflower Oil.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Finished Up a Hairveda Cocosta Oil. *Won't replace this one* :sad:

Love the smell and the Oil, but really trying to minimize my Oil Stash.:look:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

ladies, i am so excited about an oil i just made!

well, there's a thread about thinning and shedding that said coffee oil was good to prevent these things from happening, so i made some!

then, since i've always loved garlic oil, onion juice and hot pepper (cayenne) oil, i got a large jar and filled it with coffee beans, cinnamon (they said that was good too and the dominican conditioners always use it as an ingredient), red hot peppers, a sliced up onion, and a head of garlic!

i covered it in evoo and put it in hot water to "cook" for about 8 hrs.

when it was done, i strained it, then put it in a dark glass container to which i added essential oils. (rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, thyme, sandalwood, peppermint)

i love love love it!

now i'm just trying to figure out a way to make it more of a "pomade" for easier application.

by chance, i found that when i throw evoo and melted coconut oil into a plastic container, i end up with a spreadable pomade of both!

this cuts down on the dripping usually associated with using oils and i can slather more on.

but when i tried to mix the coconut oil with my latest homemade oil, it remained drippy...which could also be because of the liquids from the eo's. but if i throw it in the fridge, it does get solid until i take it out, whereas the evoo/coconut oil batch i indirectly turned into a pomade, can sit at room temperature and remains the consistency of soft ice cream.

any tips on how to thicken up this new batch that's got the eo's in it?
i'd love to spread that on my scalp every day without having to go back and forth from the kitchen, lol!

thanks and hhj ladies!!!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

grow That mixture sounds amazing and POTENT!

I'm sure Lita choctaw Ltown can possibly tell you how to make a pomade out of your mixture.

I was thinking Emulsfying Wax or maybe Shea Butter would give you the base you need (But Chile....I ain't no Mixtress:lol:)

But those Ladies are all good at creating things.:grin:

But I gotta give it to you --- that right there sounds GOOD.