HOTs, Oil Rinses, Ends Sealing&Scalp Oiling 9/1 - 12/31 2011

I put some Hairitage Soft & Creamy Jojoba butter on and sealed up with Silk Dreams PRE.

I'll be washing on Thursday, so in the morning I'll soak my head in a mix of Amla, Brahmi, JBCO, Hemp, Rice Bran, and Grapeseed.
I applied my oil mix and gave myself a scalp massage. I wish there was an easier way. Scalp massages make my hands hurt unfortunately. I am looking forward to being finished with the twist challenge so I can wear my hair in looser styles and tend to my scalp more often without messing up my style. I'm a broken record :lol:
Applied coconut oil on my scalp,SM coconut curl cream on the length (moisturize),Sealed with rice bran oil...

Happy Hair Growing!
Took my braids down and DCd my hair. Spritzed with Matrix Biolage leave in, coated my hair with Miss Claudie's Satin, then sealed it all in with grapeseed oil. For good measure, I went around my edges with Seyani Hair Butter and also applied an extra bit to my ends.
Finishing Up a bunch of Oils it seems all at the same time.

I did finish up Hydratherma Naturals Growth Oil and my JBCO w/Pimento Oil. Today is wash day so I will use either the remainder of my Pequi Oil, a tiny corner of Darcy's Pumpkin Seed Exlir or something else that's almost finished.

Will Moisturize and Seal with Regular JBCO.
Last night I massaged my scalp with the last of my Claudie's elixir and did an overnight HOT.

Today I oil rinsed with hemp,evoo & evco and will seal with enso's serum.
Massaged in some Hairitage Hydrations "Sprout" (the equivalent of Christine Gant's Mixed Greens) for a Fraction of the cost.:look:

I love that stuff!:lick:
The oils of the day for me are avocado and jojoba. I used the first with my DC and the second as my leave-in.
Since I'm under this Crazy Wig & Durag....I've decided to go back to spritzing. The Indoor/Car Heat is so drying.:ohwell:

So, I gotta figure out how to work it into my Regi. I pulled out a couple of Spritzes I had that's either small or already open.

Imma start with:

Enso Naturals Sweet Agave Nectar
Njoi Creations Herbal Tea Spritz
Bear Fruit Hair *can't think of the name*
(These are already open & the Njoi is only like 3 ounces)

So, I think I'll Spritz, Moisturize, Seal.:yep:

Weekends I'll Baggy.:grin:
Warmed up some evco for my scalp,Bee mine moisturizer on length,sealed with Rice-bran/Sunflower oil combo...

*My scalp is really liking the warm evco,very soothing especially with this fall weather...

Happy Hair Growing!

That sounds wonderful.:yep:

IDareT'sHair Hi! I notice my scalp started getting itchy & feeling dry at night..EVCO has anti-fungal properties/I decided to warm a little up in a small bowl & apply it on my scalp,focusing on problem areas/My scalp absorbed it very well..(No itching or flaking) put my silk scarf on...

Happy Hair Growing!