HOTs, Oil Rinses, Ends Sealing&Scalp Oiling 9/1 - 12/31 2011

@choctaw You do the most creative things......:grin:

What would you say is the lightest Oil You've tried?

@faithVA is looking for a super lightweight Oil.

I think Pure Argan is the lightest I've tried. Along with Grapeseed, Black Cumin and now Pure Jojoba that I got from Jamaican It's Super Light.


I have Camden Grey's pure argan oil and it is the lightest oil I have tried. I never liked jojoba and have not tried black cumin or grapeseed. I am chopping down my list of oils to those that give best results for my skin and hair :lick:
choctaw Thanks Lady!:blowkiss:

I Agree.:yep: Pure Argan is absolutely Light.:yep: faithVA

I also got the one from Camden Grey (and it was nice). But I really liked the Pure Argan I got from HennaSooq.
Thanks IDareT'sHair and choctaw.

I was looking at purchasing some things from Camden Grey so I will definitely try the argan oil. I also have Jojoba oil. I used this mostly as the base for my scalp oil blends. But I also use it for my oil rinse since it is supposed to be good for the skin and scalp. It is about the same consistency of sunflower oil.

Camden Grey has an oil sampler and a butter sampler I want to try. But will probably wait until next year for that. :yep:
I mixed some coconut oil with two avocados in a blender last night and let it set in my hair overnight. Rinsed it out early this morning, then washed with therappe, rinsed with a large cup of warm water mixed with maybe an ounce of castor & olive oil, worked that in, detangled, rinsed and conditioned with mane & tail. Toweled dried, moisturized and sealed lightly with grapeseed & castor oil mix, brushed hair back into bun. Just took hair down and it still feels moisturized (a little damp in back)

I usually dc after avocado mask, but since i did everything this morning, i think i'll either dc tonight or tomorrow.
Oil rinsed w/castor oil. After cowash, used evoo in my kckt/avg leave in. I swear this layering of kckt/avg/evoo leaves my hair moist and luscious. Oiled scalp with castor oil. Moisturized with HV whipped ends hydration + whipped gelly and sealed ends with castor oil. Dang, forgot my hemp seed oil.
got some castor oil that i laid on top of my conditioner marinating in my hair right now.

this will probably end up being an overnight conditioning/oil treatment.
i decided to rinse tonight instead of leaving it overnight.

my hair felt great being rinsed. like butter, actually.

i moisturized with a little of the aubrey organics hsr & mandarin jelly mixed and sealed with my oyin burnt sugar pomade mix (with added castor oil, apricot kernel oil & cocoa butter).

at first i wasnt sure the results would be too great after i moisturized with the hsr & mandarin jelly...but as it dries, it seems to be feeling really nice. so we'll see what happens once it's completely dried. ((fingers crossed))
Did my pre relaxer prep. Clarified first. Then DCd with a 75% oil 25% condish mix, with a capful of SAA mixed in to protect my hair. I'm about to coat my ends with oil...but Im not sure which one to use. Any suggestions? I have
Vatika frosting
Decisions decisions!
In the Process of doing a Hendigo. I added a Splash of Black Cumin Seed Oil to my Henna Mix.

After Indigo'ing I'll do an Olive Oil Rinse before DC'ing.

Then I'll use Pequi Oil with my Leave-In and will massage in my Camille Rose Oil Growth Oil
Didn't end up doing the Olive Oil Rinse and didn't end up Using Pequi Oil with my Leave-In.:nono: *couldn't get it out of the had solidified*

Ended up using for today's Wash Day:

Black Cumin Seed *a Splash in my Henna Mixture*
Pure Jojoba Oil
Pure Argan

Will Still Massage in some Camille Rose Growth Oil tho'.:lick:
LaidBak What did you end up coating your Previously Relaxed with? I would have Selected:

Coconut Oil

Since those 3 Penetrate the Hair Shaft.
Scalp massage with my oil blend. Sitting under my heat cap for 30 minutes. Will keep it in over night wearing a plastic cap. Will wash it out tomorrow. Sometimes I love scalp massages and sometimes not. :perplexed:
OIl treatment as part of my steamed DC (applied to my roots) WGO, hemp, avocado, coconut, amla, olive:grin:
This a.m. sealed with noursish. This p.m. I sealed with hemp. Usually don't seal 2x daily but decided to be different today.
I been busy with school forgtting to post but oiling everyday, using Enso serum. I have some hv vatika frosting that i will use up immediately before it gets cold.
Hey Hair-Hotties!:hiya:

Hope you're having a Great Day!

I'm in the midst of a nice Scalp Massage with Camille Rose Growth Oil:drool:
Loved my scalp w/some Amla & castor oil, sealed ends w/grapeseed oil, she is GUCCI now!!! :)
Earlier today I did a pre-poo with coconut oil, shampoo, condition, applied coconut oil to damp hair. will apply henna paste tonight.
soooo...i was supposed to just rinse & condition sometime later

but decided to dc instead.

ao white camellia that i let marinate on my head for about 2 hours
and i just added some apricot kernel & jojoba oils on top of it
i'll let it sit for a bit, then i'll rinse.
choctaw How often do you Henna? Or apply some type of Henna Paste? You seem to do that often.

You're just going for the Conditioning effects right? And not the Color?