HOTs, Oil Rinses, Ends/Scalp Sealing Challenge 5/1/11- 8/31/11

LOL! I totally fell off doing my oils in March and April because I got sooooo busy but still used Jojoba Oil as my sealant. I guess I need to change up for when Summer comes....
Back to using my EVCO (now that it's warm again) and my wheatgerm oil. I was using Hot Six oil but, that was just a cheap fill-in for my precious.

I use EVCO overnight and wheatgerm oil to seal in my daily moisturizer. :yep:
This Morning I M&S'ed with Hydratherma Lotion and EVOO under my Du-rag/Wig.

This Evening I M&S'ed with HTN Follicle Booster, Lotion and a Ceramide Mix (Oils)
Hey @ itsmehmmkay! Thanks for adding me to Part II of this challenge. Still participating! I love oils so much, they are a regular part of my regimen and I always find myself ordering or buying some new type of oil for the hair or scalp, and I've been making my own oil mixes for over a year now.

Update: Loving my MTG oil mix applied to scalp every other night (really stimulates circulation and growth, while keeping flakes at bay and scalp healthy). I see my hair is growing remarkably fast, possibly due to the oil treatments and also supplements. Really like Shikakai, Amla, Mahabringraj oil, and I'm looking for other Ayurvedic oils to add to my stash! I don't mind the herbal smells from them one bit, actually they seem to stimulate my senses!

Toodles, HHG!

ETA: off to apply oil mix to scalp and massage in, adding Shikakai, Amla, hemp seed oils to hair/ends. :lick:
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Will do an overnight HOT with shikaki oil, rinse in the morning, do a tea rinse, and follow up with a cowash. Last Saturday I got out the shower and realized I totally forgot the tea rinse step :nono:. That was like the 2nd or 3rd time that had happened :lachen:.
I'm doing it all tonight because I'm applying a henna rinse and using a cheapie shampoo and conditioner. So need to counter balance.

I applied my oil blend to my scalp and gave myself a scalp massage.
I prepoo'd using the Chicoro recipe
I put 1 TBSP of olive oil in the cheapie conditioner.
Put olive oil on my hair before DCing with Kenra MC (sitting under heat cap)
Will apply Chicoro leave in (with oil blend) before styling

Even with the cheapie shampoo I could tell the positive benefits of the prepoo. Loving the leave-in and my oil blend. Will monitor everything else for a few more weeks.
Afternoon Ladies....:wave:

Welp. I pulled a bottle of Hydratherma Naturals Oil outta the Fridge. :perplexed

I planned to put that away until Fall. And their CS Rep said to store it in the Fridge. Those products have a 2 year Shelf Life if properly stored.

Anyway, I pulled it back out and will be using it again for Sealing & Massaging.:lick:

I do my Hair tomorrow and plan to do a HOT (probably EVOO), use a Ceramide Oil Mix with my DC'er, use Pure Argan with my Leave-In and HTN to Seal after Moisturizing.

So, Lemme See. Wash Day I'll be using: 4 Oils.:grin:
Hi!! I haven't checked in yet, been busy but Friday I pre-pooed my hair with Avosoya oil and put on my heat cap for about an 1 hr and shampooed my hair. This left my hair very soft. :-)
Prepooed while at the Farmer's market using Chicoro's recipe. My mix contains castor oil and I seal with vatika frosting.
I remembered to moisturize and seal every night this week. I used my mango butter moisturizer and castor oil to seal. I usually use coconut oil to seal, but I liked the results from the castor oil.

Also pre-pooed with my oil mix for my wash today.
I'd love to join! I loved the previous thread so much as a lurker that I re-upped my subscription so I could join this challenge (and see photos of the coworker's granddaughter's thigh-length hair :sekret: :lol:)

I'm moving away from heavy conditioners (they have emulsifiers and wax-based ingredients that cause horrible wax buildup for me that is drying and difficult to remove) and just using oil for my moisture. The buildup/remove buildup cycle was so drying! I've found my coarse, dry crown is really improving and getting moisturized with oil rinsing/washing and oils don't build up on me like conditioner :yay:

My staple oils are:

- EVCO (prepoo, sealing, moisture)
- EVOO (oil rinse/wash, prepoo)
- Shea butter mix (EVCO, shea, AVG, castor, honey, lemon oil)

I'm experimenting with & love:

- coffee butter in soy base (sealing: heavy, but non-greasy butter. great for dry, coarse hair)
- meadowfoam oil (sealing: great moisture retention, non-greasy finish, seems to improve elasticity/thickness?)
- monoi oil (sealing: like EVCO but not as greasy. dryer finish than EVCO. Great for fine hair)
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Oiled the ends of my braidout w/ Vatika oil

ETA: they feel so soft and smooth. They say "oil don't moisturize" but I think some do
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My DH bought me some Cocasta oil for my birthday and I am so excited. So I shampooed and oiled left half with coconut and right half with cocasta. I like to see the difference.
The cocasta is a heavier oil, but my hair is less flat on that side. The coconut side is smooth and lays down flatter. I like them both.
I have discovered that all oils are not created equal and you could easily spend a year just trying to find the right combination for your particular hair.
So my overnight prepoo kinda turned into a two day thing (I'm lazy... don't judge me :look:). But my hair feels great now.
I want IN pretty pllzzzzzzz.

I recently got the following::grin:
Castor oil
Grapeseed oil
Hempseed Oil

So...I plan to pre-poo with oils, start oil rinses (today i will be doing my first one:grin:), plus seal with the above oils. As I am a newbie, I see this as my time to figure out which oils(either alone or in combination) work best for my hair.

The only oil in my hair life prior to LHCF was Pink Oil.....:blush::nono: LOL!
Will let you guys know how this oil rinse goes......*crosses fingers*
prepooed with oil mix of evco,evoo , hempseed and indian oils. Cowashed, Dced then used infusium and seal with oil mix.