HOTs, Oil Rinses, Ends/Scalp Sealing Challenge 5/1/11- 8/31/11

I am really lovin dis thread!! I am learning about so many different oils and products, I see some of yall use mustard oil. If you don't mind me asking what does that do for your hair?

An_gel, I just started using Mustard oil after reading about it on the last oil challenge thread. I can tell you when I put it on my head it was very stimulating...a light tingly feeling. I did some research on it and it is known to help with growth. On a couple of the threads (just google it) there were ladies who said they had been to doctors who said they could do nothing for them (paraphrasing) and they started using Mustard oil and their hair grew back completely. That is all I needed to hear. I have shared it with my mom too who was having thinning problems at her crown. I'll keep you posted as to the results.

You should know it has a slight scent when you open it, but it disappears about 5 mins after you apply it. So I choose to apply it at night or during the prepoo (granted only been doign this two weeks LOL). That way I know the scent is gone before I go to work.
Wash Day. Will Use Pure Argan and a little Hairveda Cocosta and maybe do a Warm Water Oil Rinse with Extra Virgin Olive Oil after I Deep Condition.
Okay...I've started oil rinsing more frequently and I'm really liking the results :yep:... The place where I get all my ssks on the left side of my nape has really improved!

So I'm gonna wash, oil rinse and deep condition tonite.

And thanks for the feedback y'all!!!
Today I cowashed with Tresemme Naturals and oil rinsed with coconut oil. Used a leave in and sealed with Zipporah Beauty Delight My hair Leave In Cream (oil based).
Bought some vatika oil from the Indian grocery for an oil rinse today. After dcing will seal with castor/jojoba mix.
I sprayed on some Follicle Booster, moist. with BFH Desert Castor Seed and sealed with HTN Oil. Tied up my hair and went to bed. My hair is so silky and shiny!
The DC+ Hempseed oil......:lick:. Hair was soooo soft, when I eventually twisted my hair (moisturised with aloe vera juice/glycerin/honeyquat/SAA/hydrolysed wheat protein mix, then added KCKT, and sealed with hempseed/grapeseed oil), the twists were plump and stayed moisturised.:grin:
I moisturized tonight with Enso milk and honey finally got it in the mail. Hope it does well tomorrow. S/N: There has got to be some Nikos cousins here on Osan AFB cuz I went to the BX in search of some eco styler (been looking for weeks now) and all the eco styler gel is gone and so is all the S-curl..everything else in the "ethnic" hair care aisle is still there..:lachen: The common denominator has to be LHCF cuz nobody talks about S-curl and Eco styler but us..:lachen:
pre-poo with massage oil. shampoo with Cream of Nature. oil rinse with rice bran oil mixed with few drops of tea tree oil. final acv rinse. distribute gel with denman brush and air dry.
Went to the store to buy some apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil and of course didn't find either. Ended up buying some more coconut oil and evoo along with rice bran oil since I read that it contains ceramides. I mixed three oils in a 4 oz bottle: 1 oz coconut oil, 1 oz sesame oil, and 2 oz rice bran oil. Mixed together the oils have a light nutty smell which I like.
I trying out apple cider vinegar to deal with my itchy scalp (since I can't find the tea tree oil yet) following this video: How I cured my dandruff by 95%. Figured I might as well do a pre-wash treatment like I usually do since I have to rinse it out tomorrow so I lightly misted my hair with water, applied the mix, and then put on a shower cap. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow. :)

Quick question how many drops of tea tree oil should be put into say 4 oz of a given carrier oil or mixed oils?
Oiled my dry scalp with Vatika oil, remoisturized my hair with Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and sealed my ends with Zipporah Beauty GF Green Tea Hair & Body Butter.
Dampen my hair with water & applied Hibiscus leave-in....Sealed with Sesame seed oil....

Happy Hair Growing!
DC last night with AE Garlic condish mixed with hempseed oil and a dash of avocado and coconut oil. Moisturised with ma usual mix and sealed with hempseed/grapeseed oil combo.
I tried the grapeseed oil as an overnight prepoo and was impressed!

The oil was easy to shampoo out and noticed that I didn't have issues with detangling. My hair strands were smooth, soft, and shiny after the wash. I will keep this oil in rotation :grin:.