His reason for being late..LAME!


Well-Known Member
Tonight I am having dinner and catching a movie with this man I've been seeing the past couple of weeks. Earlier when we talked, he said that he'd be over at my house between 6:45 and 7:00 PM to pick me up. I rushed to get ready so that I'd be ready to leave by the time he got here. Then, he calls me around 6:40 (right before he's supposed to get here) and says that he can't leave the house for another 10 minutes because he's got a load of shirts in the dryer & doesn't want to leave me in there all night, so he's going to wait so he can hang them all up.

He lives about 30 minutes away which means that he won't get here until 7:30 or a little afterward. I know it's only 30-45 minutes later than the original time we agreed upon, but I think that's a lame a** excuse. I'm irritated that he waited until the original time he was supposed to arrive to call and tell me he'd be late. Secondly, I feel like my time is valuable and you shouldn't be late for a date just so you can hang up some shirts. He could easily tend to that in the morning, and at worst, he'd just have to iron them. :wallbash:

Am I overreacting? Should I just let it slide and think nothing of it? I've been kind of irritable all day so I'm trying to get a second opinion.

TIA :yawn:
No you arent.

That is the lamest thing I think I have ever heard. Some shirts, for real?

You know him better than us, but just from what you are saying I am wondering if he is not telling the truth.
I agree, you aren't overreacting. That is a very lame excuse.

I don't think I would have gone out with him tonight. I truly believe my time to valuable to wasted by anyone.
When I was dating I didn't give anyone the benefit of the doubt. I expected them to be on time and stay true to what they said they were gonna do.

Short story

When I first starting going out with Dh we had a date. He set the time because he was going hunting that morning. Anyways, he got lost in the woods and was about 10 mins late picking me up. (and since we were friends before I knew he had a history of being late on his dates) He knew I had tickly ways. I wouldn't go out with him even though he had a good excuse. That was not my problem that he got lost. He should have schedule his time better. We was never late after that and always kept his word.

ponder that!:look:
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That was lame, but maybe he's just the type of man; fastidious, etc.
I would date him again and really see where he's coming from 'cause you'll "keep one eye open." If he does it again, KICK 'em to the curb!

On my first date with my SO, he was waiting for me at the restaurant. He had been waiting for 15 minutes before I arrived. :yep: He called me on my cell phone to check on my progress too. When I got there, he got out of his car and opened my car door. Instead of being miffed at my tardiness, he said, "you look beautiful!" (and I was looking good too chil'!). I knew then, that I had to get to know this man better!

You'll know for sure eventually if he's 'worth" it on not. However a man that keeps the lady he has eyes on waiting, especially to launder shirts, probably has other issues that will surface that you will not like as well.
That was lame, but maybe he's just the type of man; fastidious, etc.
I would date him again and really see where he's coming from 'cause you'll "keep one eye open." If he does it again, KICK 'em to the curb!

On my first date with my SO, he was waiting for me at the restaurant. He had been waiting for 15 minutes before I arrived. :yep: He called me on my cell phone to check on my progress too. When I got there, he got out of his car and opened my car door. Instead of being miffed at my tardiness, he said, "you look beautiful!" (and I was looking good too chil'!). I knew then, that I had to get to know this man better!

You'll know for sure eventually if he's 'worth" it on not. However a man that keeps the lady he has eyes on waiting, especially to launder shirts, probably has other issues that will surface that you will not like as well.

:imo:This is a SIGN. Please be aware of the signs. If i had seen the little signs like my ex being late for stupid stuff then I wouldn't have had such a horrible enlightment when our relationship ended on a VERY bad note.

Hindsight is 20/20. File this incident in your brain and do NOT give him too many more opportunities to do it again. Remember, First time HIS FAULT, Second time YOUR FAULT.
What a duck. Sorry for the name calling but I don't think you are overreacting. Even if this was a true statement/excuse (which I doubt), a lie would have sounded much better. He is putting you at an inconvience. Remember your the precious one and if he can't see that then let him spend his years alone drying shirts. I believe you already know what it is.

Real recongizes real.
Thank you so much for the responses. I'm done with this man, seriously. They say there's more fish in the sea...and I'm throwing this one back in.
Honestly, I would have told him that it's fine and maybe we can reschedule for another time. And you still go out and have a good time. No you didnt overreact at all and his reasoning is unexcuseable. He is showing you the importance of his shirts vs you. See, that doesnt even sound right, does it? Move on... Hugs!! Kai
Tonight I am having dinner and catching a movie with this man I've been seeing the past couple of weeks. Earlier when we talked, he said that he'd be over at my house between 6:45 and 7:00 PM to pick me up. I rushed to get ready so that I'd be ready to leave by the time he got here. Then, he calls me around 6:40 (right before he's supposed to get here) and says that he can't leave the house for another 10 minutes because he's got a load of shirts in the dryer & doesn't want to leave me in there all night, so he's going to wait so he can hang them all up.

He lives about 30 minutes away which means that he won't get here until 7:30 or a little afterward. I know it's only 30-45 minutes later than the original time we agreed upon, but I think that's a lame a** excuse. I'm irritated that he waited until the original time he was supposed to arrive to call and tell me he'd be late. Secondly, I feel like my time is valuable and you shouldn't be late for a date just so you can hang up some shirts. He could easily tend to that in the morning, and at worst, he'd just have to iron them. :wallbash:

Am I overreacting? Should I just let it slide and think nothing of it? I've been kind of irritable all day so I'm trying to get a second opinion.

TIA :yawn:

So now that you've decided that you think his excuse was lame - what are you going to do about it? Did you call him on it?? And note: there are ways you can do this without it coming off as mom-ish.

It's one thing for us to decide what we will and will not accept, but does it do us any good to complain about behavior and not address it??
So now that you've decided that you think his excuse was lame - what are you going to do about it? Did you call him on it?? And note: there are ways you can do this without it coming off as mom-ish.

It's one thing for us to decide what we will and will not accept, but does it do us any good to complain about behavior and not address it??

You raised a good point. I actually did address him on it. I simply told him that if he knows in advance that he is going to be late, a simple phone call prior to his scheduled arrival time would be nice. I don’t know if it’s considered a strength or a weakness, but I have always let my boyfriends/partners/suitors know if I have a problem with something that’s happened. Like you said, a closed mouth doesn’t get fed. I try to maintain a balance also pointing out behaviors that make me happy as well.
Dang! Can the dude dry his shirts? LOL

LOL! He can dry his shirts on someone else's time! Actually, it wasn't that he wanted to dry his shirts that irritated me, it was that he was going to be late just so he could wait for them to get out of the dryer and then hang them all up. I don't know, I think if you have just started dating somebody, you should put your A game on...at least for the first few dates.
I'm glad that you dumped him. No point in dating someone who would rather be doing laundry then picking you up for a date.
Yea that was pretty lame..

i hate men that cant get even a simple lie straight(no imagination i tell u)....

does he knw how lame he sounded by telling u that i swear men dont think before they speak...they mess up so easily over the dumbest ish...