Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2015-2016 Challenge!

Thanks so much! @Chicoro one of my hair crushes since I came to LHCF :love:

I can't believe it's been 8 yrs since I joined, already!

And look how far you have come, past waist length to hip length, when your hair is stretched! For most of us, it takes about 1 to 3 years to just get on track. That means, understanding hair and products and processes and then figuring out how to apply that information to one's own hair, as in figuring out the best products for your hair and figuring out the best processes for your hair. Once that's done, then it takes anywhere from 3 to 5 years, to get to waist length and beyond waist length hair, even with a few setbacks. This is barring or assuming there is not major hair cutting, only trimming during this time frame. I define 'major cutting' as cutting more than 2 inches during a 12 month time period. Thus, where you are at now and the time you have been on the board is about what it takes. Many people don't take into account the preliminary time frame to learn and understand, which is required to get oneself on track.

Bravo to you!

If I were a newbie, I would look for your hair posts. Your posts would serve someone like an ideal, text book case to get them from where they are to hip length. Because of your documented experiences and information, they would probably be able to cut the time down to 3 to 5 years. All of this is written to say, that you are not only someone's hair crush, but your personal , documented, hair journey on this site is a possible pathway someone new could use to guide them to the hair length of their dreams.

Thank you for letting me know about being one of your hair crushes. I greatly appreciate it. It is kind and generous of you to take the time to say so.

I really love this thread because it's just like the threads that used to be here, the 'old school' threads: There are photos of progress! I keep coming back in here because I can never get enough of hair updates and hair progress in the form of descriptions with PHOTOGRAPHS!:2inlove::drunk::headspin::bouncy::bounceline::grin::headspin::happydance::love::love3::love4:

This thread is pure joy!
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Let me stop playing and join this challenge since I'm always up in here anyway! I am about 3 inches from my hip and about 6 inches from my tailbone. I'm going to copy the headings that @eocceas just posted.

Current length + hair type:
  • W'HIP (about 2 inches beyond my waist)
  • I don't like hair typing
Regimen in 2016:
  • Wash 1x per week
  • Deep condition weekly (moisturizing conditioner with olive oil and honey) using heat
  • Aphogee 2 Minute Keratin Conditioner (for protein)
  • Panthenol water-based leave in (Infusium/Aphogee Vitamine Leave-In/ or one I make)
  • Coat ends with oil, scurl, hair butter (or vaseline)
  • Hair is always in protective style most times with a baggie
  • Apogee 2 Step Every 8 weeks
  • Sulfur Oil on Scalp 2x per week cover head with whole head baggie overnight
  • Water and Scurl daily to style/refresh hair
  • Gel to lay down fuzzier at hairline
Plans to get to HL:
  • Continue with above regimen
  • Up water intake
  • No trimming
HL goal date (7 months left in 2016):
  • Gain 3 more inches at average 1/2 inch per month
  • Be at HL by December 31st, 2016
Plans once HL is achieved:
  • Work on getting thick, full ends at hip length
  • Then move on to tailbone length
@Chicoro :welcome4:
I'm so excited to be in a challenge with my fine hair idol! :happydance:

When will you release your 3rd book?

Thank you for the wonderful warm welcome!

Someone translated for me and I published Grow It into French( Faites-Les Pousser!), for the women with Afro-textured hair here in France. It's on Amazon.com and Amazon.fr-the same book from 2008, but in French! So, the next book will be my 4th. I plan to work on it in the Fall of 2016, in a few months and have it published in December. Thank you for asking!
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And look how far you have come, past waist length to hip length, when your hair is stretched! For most of us, it takes about 1 to 3 years to just get on track. That means, understanding hair and products and processes and then figuring out how to apply that information to one's own hair, as in figuring out the best products for your hair and figuring out the best processes for your hair. Once that's done, then it takes anywhere from 3 to 5 years, to get to waist length and beyond waist length hair, even with a few setbacks. This is barring or assuming there is not major hair cutting, only trimming during this time frame. I define 'major cutting' as cutting more than 2 inches during a 12 month time period. Thus, where you are at now and the time you have been on the board is about what it takes. Many people don't take into account the preliminary time frame to learn and understand, which is required to get oneself on track.

Bravo to you!

If I were a newbie, I would look for your hair posts. Your posts would serve someone like an ideal, text book case to get them from where they are to hip length. Because of your documented experiences and information, they would probably be able to cut the time down to 3 to 5 years. All of this is written to say, that you are not only someone's hair crush, but your personal , documented, hair journey on this site is a possible pathway someone new could use to guide them to the hair length of their dreams.

Thank you for letting me know about being one of your hair crushes. I greatly appreciate it. It is kind and generous of you to take the time to say so.

I really love this thread because it's just like the threads that used to be here, the 'old school' threads: There are photos of progress! I keep coming back in here because I can never get enough of hair updates and hair progress in the form of descriptions with PHOTOGRAPHS!:2inlove::drunk::headspin::bouncy::bounceline::grin::headspin::happydance::love::love3::love4:

This thread is pure joy!
YAAAAASSSSSSS!!! You preached a word there!

It's so true! I have so many friends and women irl that always ask me what I did to grow my hair this long.


No product or pill or potion will do you any justice in growing your hair if you don't know how to utilize them. Or the science behind them. And how the ingredients work and how hair works.

I found LHCF through a random Google search for shampoo back in 2008.

So now...I know what to do when it comes to using cones, mineral oil, sulfates, heat...I have a great understanding of it all because I did my research.

Yes I've always had "long" hair...yes I have a mixed ancestry...a lot of ppl do...but not all of them have a easy time growing their hair to extremely long lengths (to me Hip is extreme)...you have to put in the work. What you put into your hair care is what you get out of it.

Thank you for pointing that out @Chicoro :yep:
Thank you guys for the warm welcome...soooo excited! It's been years!! LHCF was so instrumental w/helping me get to WL the 1st time around.
Well I'm currently in Bantu knots since around the 1st and will take them down on Sun. and wear them out til the 15th. I'll then co-wash w/Taliah Waajid Co-wash➡️Dc w/Alter Ego➡️Leave-in w/Henna strengthening tea (Curly Proverbz recipe)➡️Style w/Taliah Waajid Shea-coco style cream➡️Seal w/Henna infused Whipped shea butter (Curly Proverbz). Also 3rd day doin Inversion Method. I mean business ya'll...hoping to see some serious results from IM.


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Thank you guys for the warm welcome...soooo excited! It's been years!! LHCF was so instrumental w/helping me get to WL the 1st time around.
Well I'm currently in Bantu knots since around the 1st and will take them down on Sun. and wear them out til the 15th. I'll then co-wash w/Taliah Waajid Co-wash➡️Dc w/Alter Ego➡️Leave-in w/Henna strengthening tea (Curly Proverbz recipe)➡️Style w/Taliah Waajid Shea-coco style cream➡️Seal w/Henna infused Whipped shea butter (Curly Proverbz). Also 3rd day doin Inversion Method. I mean business ya'll...hoping to see some serious results from IM.

YOU are looking absolutely gorgeous in those bantus! Will you post a photo when you take out those bantus, please?:grin:
Let me stop playing and join this challenge since I'm always up in here anyway! I am about 3 inches from my hip and about 6 inches from my tailbone. I'm going to copy the headings that @eocceas just posted.

Current length + hair type:
  • W'HIP (about 2 inches beyond my waist)
  • I don't like hair typing
Regimen in 2016:
  • Wash 1x per week
  • Deep condition weekly (moisturizing conditioner with olive oil and honey) using heat
  • Aphogee 2 Minute Keratin Conditioner (for protein)
  • Panthenol water-based leave in (Infusium/Aphogee Vitamine Leave-In/ or one I make)
  • Coat ends with oil, scurl, hair butter (or vaseline)
  • Hair is always in protective style most times with a baggie
  • Apogee 2 Step Every 8 weeks
  • Sulfur Oil on Scalp 2x per week cover head with whole head baggie overnight
  • Water and Scurl daily to style/refresh hair
  • Gel to lay down fuzzier at hairline
Plans to get to HL:
  • Continue with above regimen
  • Up water intake
  • No trimming
HL goal date (7 months left in 2016):
  • Gain 3 more inches at average 1/2 inch per month
  • Be at HL by December 31st, 2016
Plans once HL is achieved:
  • Work on getting thick, full ends at hip length
  • Then move on to tailbone length

Hi @Chicoro
:wave: glad to see you. Congratulations on the new translation of your book. Im aiming for HL then TL too. If it wasn't for Chicoro and others I wouldn't have made WL the first time. Thanks chica
After my postpartum hair shedding last year, I've been protective styling like crazy and will continue in my wigs for the remainder of the year. I want to try to get my full ends back the quickest way I know how; my wigs!

I've only been washing once a month to keep the manipulation down to a minimum as possible.
I'm posting a picture but under unusual circumstances. I got an alert from two people. One of them is the lovely @Poohbear from this site, that my photo is being used on a site to sell a growth product. It's a Chinese site, based in China. When I go to the site I see nothing related to my photo or the product, just Remy hair products. I believe that there is something to do with the configuration of the site and the country. France might be blocking some things or the site may not be configured for France to see.

I sent an email asking them to remove the picture. @Poohbear was kind enough to give me a link and a pdf/image so I had a copy of the photo. This can be looked at two ways. On one side, it's an untruth and immoral and false advertising. Thus, I have tried to address this by sending them a polite email. I will have to see how that transpires and plays out.

I try really hard to look at things to find the benefit and blessing in the situation. The other side of the coin is that somebody waaaaay in China found my photo ( I know the internet reduces the distance) and is using it to say that:

"... I finally have amazing hair that I always dreamed of..."
(That's their written information, not mine!)

The point is, I tweaked and refined my processes from information I found here on LHCF. So, I am a 'product' of LHCF hair information and guidance.

If it's possible to get the right information to gain hip and tailbone length, LHCF is definitely one of the best places to get it!

More specifically, this thread targets the gaining of healthy hair at these super long lengths. I consider this thread one of the many hair goldmines that are dotted all throughout this site.

Stolen photo jpeg.jpeg
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I want to join! I'm a little new here! I lurked for about 3 days then finally decided to join!
I was at hip length before I big chopped in May of 2014 (cut my hair down to SL)
Now I'm just a tad bit past waist length. My goal is TBL!

I've never had a relaxer, but I had heat damage like crazy and a ridiculous amount of split ends. I haven't straightened my hair in about a year and a half now, so my current length prediction is from stretching....

I want to join! I'm a little new here! I lurked for about 3 days then finally decided to join!
I was at hip length before I big chopped in May of 2014 (cut my hair down to SL)
Now I'm just a tad bit past waist length. My goal is TBL!

I've never had a relaxer, but I had heat damage like crazy and a ridiculous amount of split ends. I haven't straightened my hair in about a year and a half now, so my current length prediction is from stretching....

You have beautiful curls!!! I hope you NEVER relax those locks!