Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2015-2016 Challenge!

A couple of years ago I took a picture of my back with a measuring tape against it then marked each milestone on the picture to reference for length checks. Looking at it today, knowing where WL sits, I feel pretty good about reaching Hip by end of year and that's a conservative estimate. From there, TBL would likely be achieved by early spring.

I am truly amazed by how much my hair has grown in the last 3 years. All the research, trial and error, PJ ways :look: to find the right products, and TLC has been well worth it.

For those reading this thread and may be frustrated with their journey - hang in there! I've gone from highly frustrated ( pre-big chop and mid last year) to highly satisfied. Your hard work and attention to how your hair responds will pay off!

Yes, yes and YASSSSSS! I am just reaching Hip Length after 5 years of being natural! I think the worse for me is when it seems like your hair has stalled in growth. Especially when you're RIGHT THERE! :lol:
I notice that most curly heads with very long hair have one thing in common:

They don't touch their hair for more than 1 to 2 times a week.

Usually my rule is that i can't go any longer than 3 days with doing my hair. I'm a heavy shedder and there's nothing i can do about it, but maybe is can start doing my hair on a weekly basis if i'm heavy on the products. I notice when i do that, my curls last longer.

Its funny how even at this length, i'm still somewhat of a product junkie, but i need to stick to what works at this point. I've worked so hard to get where I am. I think my issue is finding affordable but good quality products that I can stick to. So far i'm loving the Garnier Whole Blends shampoo/conditioners. My favorite stylers of all time is still Mixed Chicks, EcoStyler or Xtreme Wet line gel, I'm just now discovering how much I actually love the Curls line of products...that Blueberry Bliss line is just everything to me right now LOL!! And i'm still taking my Mielle Vitamins everyday. I think i will keep taking them until maybe this fall since i have the length i want but now i just want to think my hemline when its straightened.
I don't remember the last time I did anything to my hair. :look:

I have just been spritzing it with water, sealing in with oils and using my curls control paste to put my hair in buns. I discovered I can finally wear my hair in that half up ninja bun style without looking like James Brown.

The rest of the week I've just been wearing both sections in buns.
So I just shampooed all the gunk out of my hair and then I detangled and deep conditioned and restyled my curls. Then I scrunched in some coconut oil and sprites with Carol's Daughter black vanilla leave in to prevent crunchiness from my gel.

My scalp feels better
Girl, that is not me! I wish, but that is a goal of mine,:yep:

OMG i'm so slow!:nono: Lol! I just noticed your post up thread said "Goals" lol! Lort! I just got back on my mental meds so i'm still adjusting! :lachen:

So how bout...

I bought me some hair grease. I decided to go old school today and use grease and water and gel. I used the grease as my leave in after i conditioned my hair in the shower this morning and then put the gel on top for old and frizz control...because, Florida. So far so good...it is a little greasy...just a LITTLE bit, but i figure after 2 more days or so, the greasiness will fade because my hair GULPS down everything. The longer it gets the drier it is and I just had to do SOMETHING about it.

I think my new regimen will be to shampoo/deep condition every 3-5 days and use the grease and gel combo.

Simple. Simple. Simple.

The only reason i was co washing so much is because my hair would be DRY on day 2...even if i didnt use gel.
Yes, yes and YASSSSSS! I am just reaching Hip Length after 5 years of being natural! I think the worse for me is when it seems like your hair has stalled in growth. Especially when you're RIGHT THERE! :lol:

Lol, yeah every 3 months I think my hair has stalled :grin: Hair stalls do exists but in my case I realized 1. I was checking too often to notice progress (like every other day) 2. It goes through natural cycles with the seasons. I had to put myself on a no length check for a while :brucelee: and it was hard! My fingers were itching to pull that hair down! :lachen:
I notice that most curly heads with very long hair have one thing in common:

They don't touch their hair for more than 1 to 2 times a week.

Usually my rule is that i can't go any longer than 3 days with doing my hair. I'm a heavy shedder and there's nothing i can do about it, but maybe is can start doing my hair on a weekly basis if i'm heavy on the products. I notice when i do that, my curls last longer.

Its funny how even at this length, i'm still somewhat of a product junkie, but i need to stick to what works at this point. I've worked so hard to get where I am. I think my issue is finding affordable but good quality products that I can stick to.

Totally agree, product consistency and looooow maintenance are crucial for me. Now that I can really see the results of staying true to this it's easier to do. There are so many products I want to try but I'm going to stick with what works and explore on an exception basis only occasionally
myswimcap.com is water proof. I'll try to bump some threads/posts about it later. Members have had great success with it.
Thanks for this @MileHighDiva going to order this weekend. Went swimming last weekend without a cap and my hair was soft when it dried...??? It's a salt water pool, maybe that's why but I wasn't expecting that. Even my trouble spot in the crown was soft and easy to retwist without using the QB CTDG to help it along. Seems odd...
@caliscurls I'm not in this challenge but I like to lurk :look: anyway, thanks for saying to hang in there because it can be very frustrating indeed. I'm transitioning and will be 20 months post soon. I was 1 inch from WL but cut it to maintain my ends.

I'm hoping by late next year to be MBL at least when I BC. With shrinkage, I think I will need to be at least TBL for my natural hair to even look long:afro:

How's it going @flyygirlll2 ? Hopefully the trim has helped some. Transitioning can be tough
@caliscurls Yes the trim did help a little bit. I also bought new shears that are sharper than the ones I had, so that should make things better too.

Things are ok. Some days are harder than others but I've managed to make it this far (20 months) so I will keep going. My natural hair reaches APL now; but since shrinkage will make me feel like I'm bald headed, I don't want to BC yet.
Can't help but wonder just how long Cipriana Quann and her twins hair is...https://www.instagram.com/ciprianaquann/?hl=en

When I wear my loose twists down they hang nicely at BSL but detangled and stretched its at waist. Their hair is probably at their thighs....wow

Between the two of them, they have enough hair for at least 20 people. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I had all that hair, my hair right now is already a hassle to deal with most days.
Blow dried my hair for Memorial Day weekend and had my friend use her curling wand. It's swelling by the minute in this PA heat but I love it!

And I love hair pictures, especially of fabulous hair. It's so perfect looking that it seems like a wig. I know it's not. What it is -is gorgeous, luscious hair. So beautiful...sigh...just lovely. You are doing a great job with your hair!
Okay so now idk how I feel about grease. :look:

Yes my hair stayed slicked for a few days but it was really hard to wash it out of my hair! I shampooed about 2-3 times :nono: There was a greasy feeling left behind.

My shampoo just was not strong enough. I might just save the grease for winter time. :ohwell:
Hi I was wondering if it would be ok to join this challenge? I really really need the momemtum and inspiration. Had a slight set back and had to cut ab 4" but I'm ready to get back on my grind.

Current length + hair type:
~ MBL Natural 4a.
~ Wash 1x mo. and co-wash bi-wkly
Plans to get to HL:
~Henna and Ayurvedic treatments ~protein/moisture
~Inversion method
~ GHE method
~ 85% protective styles
~ Biotin/multi-vitamin
~ Excercise 3-4x wk
~ Drink plenty of water
HL goal date:
~ December 31st, 2016
Plans once HL is achieved:
~ Maintain hair
Hi I was wondering if it would be ok to join this challenge? I really really need the momemtum and inspiration. Had a slight set back and had to cut ab 4" but I'm ready to get back on my grind.

Current length + hair type:
~ MBL Natural 4a.
~ Wash 1x mo. and co-wash bi-wkly
Plans to get to HL:
~Henna and Ayurvedic treatments ~protein/moisture
~Inversion method
~ GHE method
~ 85% protective styles
~ Biotin/multi-vitamin
~ Excercise 3-4x wk
~ Drink plenty of water
HL goal date:
~ December 31st, 2016
Plans once HL is achieved:
~ Maintain hair

YAAAAASSSSSSS! Welcome welcome welcome! :) :grouphug: *Hip Hugger* lol

Get it? :lol: :look: