Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2015-2016 Challenge!

Checking in...did a quick length check in the back and I made waist length :toocool:

Life is a little crazy so my minimalist ways have gone to the extreme but my hair has been kept in a bun or French majority of the time. Lately I've been doing EVCO scalp massages every few days because I haven't had time to wash o_O it's helped keep my scalp clear.

Still rocking the loose twists. I need to squeeze in some time this week to redo them or I will pay for it for sure. An hour every night should do the trick.

Hope everyone else is doing well! On to hip length I go! :auto:

Congrats on making waist Sis! Woohoo hooooo! :band:
Checking in...did a quick length check in the back and I made waist length :toocool:

Life is a little crazy so my minimalist ways have gone to the extreme but my hair has been kept in a bun or French majority of the time. Lately I've been doing EVCO scalp massages every few days because I haven't had time to wash o_O it's helped keep my scalp clear.

Still rocking the loose twists. I need to squeeze in some time this week to redo them or I will pay for it for sure. An hour every night should do the trick.

Hope everyone else is doing well! On to hip length I go! :auto:
I'm here for your ride to TBL :auto:
:congrats: on waist length! Great Job!
So how long does it take to do HL hair versus BSL hair versus SL hair.

My hair isn't SL and it takes me at least 2 hours. In a pinch I could do 45 minutes but that is pushing it. It takes me at least 30 minutes to style it if I rush. But it usually takes me an hour.

I'm guessing detangling would take the most time.

Yea the detangling for me takes the most time. Not because it's not manageable but like everyone else you want to make sure not to pull, tug or yank your strands. The washing process is quick. Unless I'm doing a 1 hour treatment or something. Don't forget the detangling at the end as well. That's another long stretch. Smh
Well i did better than start the retwist process - I washed my hair! I feel so much better now. Going to DC overnight (because it's late and I need to go to bed), rinse in the morning, air dry, and start retwisting Wednesday. Should be done by Saturday morning.

Can't wait to see your hair pressed next year @lulu97 !

@MileHighDiva the only reason I went ahead and washed it today was because I was thinking along the lines of your signature. As busy as I am, if I break it up over several days i can get it done AND not worry about a setback looming in the future
Well i did better than start the retwist process - I washed my hair! I feel so much better now. Going to DC overnight (because it's late and I need to go to bed), rinse in the morning, air dry, and start retwisting Wednesday. Should be done by Saturday morning.

Can't wait to see your hair pressed next year @lulu97 !

@MileHighDiva the only reason I went ahead and washed it today was because I was thinking along the lines of your signature. As busy as I am, if I break it up over several days i can get it done AND not worry about a setback looming in the future
I'm glad you got your reggie in! Prevention is so much better than correction, :yep:
Even though I hit TBL back in September, I was hoping to be FULL TBL by the end of this challenge. But my little toddler has made it very difficult for me to tend to my hair needs. I need to hack off more than I care to admit. But I'm sure I won't have time to do that either. Smh

I'm trying really hard not to cut in a bob for manageability until my dd is a little older to at least take her own baths or be out of my sight without doing something harmful to herself. Sigh
I want my hair back. Dug out my remaining two bottles of Manetabolism and started taking them again a few weeks ago. Will switch over to Hair La Vie in June just to try it. Still have nearly a full bottle of ol' stinky MTG to use up. If I play my cards right, I could be MBL by Halloween and WL by Valentine's Day 2017.
I can't believe it's been just 1 week shy of a month since I last posted in here! :look:

I have been SLAMMED with life/work lol!

I'm still Co washing every other day to every 3 days and bunning and taking my Mielle vitamins :) I also wear pony tails and let my hair out to give my edges a break as well.

Can't wait to see my results in June! I'm still hoping to be able to claim Hip by then! It would be funny if I end up being TBL :lol:
I've been neglecting my hair, just wearing it in a high bun, but not moisturizing often. I know I have a ton of SSKs. I'll be traveling a lot, then I'm moving, so I should probably get crochet braids or something and keep PSing for the next 3 months.
Even though I hit TBL back in September, I was hoping to be FULL TBL by the end of this challenge. But my little toddler has made it very difficult for me to tend to my hair needs. I need to hack off more than I care to admit. But I'm sure I won't have time to do that either. Smh

I'm trying really hard not to cut in a bob for manageability until my dd is a little older to at least take her own baths or be out of my sight without doing something harmful to herself. Sigh
Can you just put it in a braid. It seems like a braid or something simple like that would be more manageable than a bob.
So how long does it take to do HL hair versus BSL hair versus SL hair.

My hair isn't SL and it takes me at least 2 hours. In a pinch I could do 45 minutes but that is pushing it. It takes me at least 30 minutes to style it if I rush. But it usually takes me an hour.

I'm guessing detangling would take the most time.

I meant to respond to this a while back.

Detangling usually takes me around 10 minutes....especially if my hair is straight from a roller set...which it is 90% of the time.

I do love curly sets (flexi rods) but Lawd they take around 30 minutes to detangle, so I'm trying to back off from doing them so much. I love the look but they lead to tangles and longer detangling sessions. And yet here I am planning to do one on Friday on previously roller set hair :lachen:

Oh and overall my wash day is usually 2-3 hours which includes the detangling, washing, deep conditioning, roller setting and drying time. Not long at all in my opinion.
I meant to respond to this a while back.

Detangling usually takes me around 10 minutes....especially if my hair is straight from a roller set...which it is 90% of the time.

I do love curly sets (flexi rods) but Lawd they take around 30 minutes to detangle, so I'm trying to back off from doing them so much. I love the look but they lead to tangles and longer detangling sessions. And yet here I am planning to do one on Friday on previously roller set hair :lachen:

Oh and overall my wash day is usually 2-3 hours which includes the detangling, washing, deep conditioning, roller setting and drying time. Not long at all in my opinion.
I hope as my hair gets longer that it at least won't take more time.
Do the works yesterday
- Komaza Pona Scalp treatment
- Wash with Chagrin Valley Ayurvedic Shampoo Bar
- Komaza Protein treatment
- Jessicurl Deep Treatment

Air dried overnight in two braids. Will start the re-twisting tonight. I've missed doing my hair more often. Another month and things should get back to normal. This summer I plan to take up weekly swimming so am on the hunt for a good swim cap for big heads :D If anyone has any recommendations let me know!
A couple of years ago I took a picture of my back with a measuring tape against it then marked each milestone on the picture to reference for length checks. Looking at it today, knowing where WL sits, I feel pretty good about reaching Hip by end of year and that's a conservative estimate. From there, TBL would likely be achieved by early spring.

I am truly amazed by how much my hair has grown in the last 3 years. All the research, trial and error, PJ ways :look: to find the right products, and TLC has been well worth it.

For those reading this thread and may be frustrated with their journey - hang in there! I've gone from highly frustrated ( pre-big chop and mid last year) to highly satisfied. Your hard work and attention to how your hair responds will pay off!
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@caliscurls I'm not in this challenge but I like to lurk :look: anyway, thanks for saying to hang in there because it can be very frustrating indeed. I'm transitioning and will be 20 months post soon. I was 1 inch from WL but cut it to maintain my ends.

I'm hoping by late next year to be MBL at least when I BC. With shrinkage, I think I will need to be at least TBL for my natural hair to even look long:afro: