Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2015-2016 Challenge!

@caliscurls reverse washing is great for fine hair. I always do my daughter's hair that way. My hair is slightly coarser, but every now and then I dc first. It gives me more volume.

@Prettymetty do you have to apply more leave in or moisturizer to her hair over the course of the week this way?
i was worried my hair would be drier than normal today but it's not. We'll see how it feels a few days from now after only being moisturized during the retwist. This route may become my normal routine as I like how my scalp has no residual conditioner on it. Sometimes it makes me itch.
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Reverse washing update: my hair took less time to dry and seemed more light and airy than usual, still very soft. If I was still blow drying or flat ironing my hair today's finished product would have been superb. I ended up dyeing the front edges before re-twisting and it came out good as well.
@Prettymetty do you have to apply more leave in or moisturizer to her hair over the course of the week this way?
i was worried my hair would be drier than normal today but it's not. We'll see how it feels a few days from now after only being moisturized during the retwist. This route may become my normal routine as I like how my scalp has no residual conditioner on it. Sometimes it makes me itch.
Her hair soaks up everything so I moisturize daily unless it's stretched. For some reason she retains moisture better in twists, mini braids or when it's blown out.
IMG_1970.JPG 2 week post wash hair. Just been wearing it in 1 big braid with the tail rolled and pinned back up inside the braid.

Today I:
1st wash: Joico MR shampoo
2nd wash: Joico Color Endure shampoo

I'm running low on my Joico MR balm, so I mixed it with the matching rinse out conditioner to deep condition with. Still works amazing.

Roller set my mini braids to stretch them and now I'm under the dryer. Will put my big braid back in (like the post wash picture) and leave it in for the next 2 weeks. I plan on moisturizing really well with my Qhemet products so I don't have to take it down.

Mini braids update:
My mini braids have been in a little over 6 weeks and I'm still loving them and the low maintenance they bring. When I initially installed them, they were sitting at MBL and now most are at my Waist.

I have already went through one by one and took down, removed shed hair and reinstalled each braid. I did it over the course of a week to not rush or overwhelm myself. I left the perimeter out as I plan to color it jet black in 2 weeks.

I'll do one last update before the end of the year here.

Hope you Ladies are well!
This is my final check in for this challenge. I still haven't made it to booty-crack length.

I dusted on 12/9/16 and took some pix on 12/13/16. I'll retake them again when one of my friends are over visiting. DS is not patient with this girl stuff. I realized my T-Shirt needs to be pulled down to get a more accurate length check.

Because today is the first day of winter, I going to measure my hair in different sections, before I go to bed. I'll re-measure on the first day of spring. I'm going to do this each season to track how much my hair grows each season. @Gr8ness83 made this suggestion in another thread. I know my hair grows faster in the summer. However, it will be interesting to actually track it with data.

I changed T-shirts because I got a new XL from TMC on BF. But, you can still see my weight gain :sekret: It's just as snug as the large, :lol:

Happy Holidays and Hair Growing, Ladies!


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This is my final check in for this challenge. I still haven't made it to booty-crack length.

I dusted on 12/9/16 and took some pix on 12/13/16. I'll retake them again when one of my friends are over visiting. DS is not patient with this girl stuff. I realized my T-Shirt needs to be pulled down to get a more accurate length check.

Because today is the first day of winter, I going to measure my hair in different sections, before I go to bed. I'll re-measure on the first day of spring. I'm going to do this each season to track how much my hair grows each season. @Gr8ness83 made this suggestion in another thread. I know my hair grows faster in the summer. However, it will be interesting to actually track it with data.

I changed T-shirts because I got a new XL from TMC on BF. But, you can still see my weight gain :sekret: It's just as snug as the large, :lol:

Happy Holidays and Hair Growing, Ladies!

@MileHighDiva Your hair is beautiful! Is that a curlformer set? That's a great idea about measuring each season. I'm gonna be a copy cat and do the same! LOL
@MileHighDiva Your hair is beautiful! Is that a curlformer set? That's a great idea about measuring each season. I'm gonna be a copy cat and do the same! LOL
Thank you, Lulu! No, that's a set on the French mesh rollers. I should have done a CF set to get my roots straight for the LC.

I copped that season idea from gr8ness. I get so many ideas from my lovely e-Sistahs.
I had grand plans for my holiday hair....and then I started tension blow drying it, the thickness eased in, my arms started aching, and I remembered as I was half way through why I just don't do grand :lachen:

It's just too much work. Whew! So instead of flat ironing it for the first time in over a year I finished the blow dry, put it in 8 large twists, French rolled that up and was done. It looks pretty cute.

I had the nerve to do a length check and wonder why I was still at waist...when I just trimmed 1.5 inches off 2 weeks ago o_O lol

Hoping to keep these twists in for 2 weeks. After this it's back to air drying plaits or twists in a bun. Simplicity got me this far and is definitely my friend :)
You guys!! I'm so happy! I finally got a decent twist out!! I tried flat twisting for the second time last night on dry hair that had already been twisted the night before. I finally got the hang of the technique after watching a few videos and here are my results! Not perfect, but I'm going to keep at it. I also need to find some better products but not too bad. Excuse my face. I had woken up about 15 minutes prior to the pics lol


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This is my final check in for this challenge. I still haven't made it to booty-crack length.

I dusted on 12/9/16 and took some pix on 12/13/16. I'll retake them again when one of my friends are over visiting. DS is not patient with this girl stuff. I realized my T-Shirt needs to be pulled down to get a more accurate length check.

Because today is the first day of winter, I going to measure my hair in different sections, before I go to bed. I'll re-measure on the first day of spring. I'm going to do this each season to track how much my hair grows each season. @Gr8ness83 made this suggestion in another thread. I know my hair grows faster in the summer. However, it will be interesting to actually track it with data.

I changed T-shirts because I got a new XL from TMC on BF. But, you can still see my weight gain :sekret: It's just as snug as the large, :lol:

Happy Holidays and Hair Growing, Ladies!

Fabulous progress! I love your pictures and your hair is so long and pretty!