Hip Length And Beyond. 2019 Challenge!

Wow, ladies. I'm loving the progress pics. I'm going to put some up mid-yearish. But I wanted to update that in order to stay true to the spirit of this challenge while at the same time not giving up my trim schedule, I decided to do mini-trims on wet hair and just straighten and trim once in July. Today I did a mini-mini-trim of 1/4 inch on my ends and I was so pleased to see the condition they were in. The majority of my ends looked like it had just been cut, last trim was at the beginning of January. I just need to figure out how I'm going to trim the top layers of my hair because they are in the most need and could stand a shape up, since I wear wngs most of the time.
Just a quick update to say that I'm still here. I've been apprehensive about doing length checks because I don't want to find out that I'm not progressing. I missed my trim for March so I'm going to try and wait until June to do one. My hair has been feeling healthy and looking pretty good if I may say so myself.

I don't think that I'll make it to hip length this year (my hair grows so slow!), but I'm really inspired by all of you and your beautiful long hair!
Just a quick update to say that I'm still here. I've been apprehensive about doing length checks because I don't want to find out that I'm not progressing. I missed my trim for March so I'm going to try and wait until June to do one. My hair has been feeling healthy and looking pretty good if I may say so myself.

I don't think that I'll make it to hip length this year (my hair grows so slow!), but I'm really inspired by all of you and your beautiful long hair!

I wouldn't be too sure about that. We still have about 8 more months to go. Hair is funny, it can surprise you. I understand about not wanting to do the length checks. I think you are solidly on track with your hair in 2019!
So I relaxed after about 2 months.
Used half of the ORS protein packet
And will use the other half after a week or two has passed.
Current length:

It’s about an inch longer now. Placing me at roughly 2.1-2.2 inches left until I reach Classic length. Soooo excited!! It looks like a lot more to go until Classic, at least to me it does, but from where my finger is to just under my butt crease is 2.1-2.2 inches after measuring.

A friend of mine got me the Deva Curl line as a birthday present, so I’m going to be using mostly deva Curl for a while. She got me the no lather creame cleanser, one condition conditioner, Matcha Butter mask, and the build up buster, along with the micro fiber towel. Goodness she’s such a sweetheart.

The micro fiber towel ain’t playing no type of games. No snagging, soaks up excess water very quickly, the towel itself dries quickly, and it’s very soft, and doesn’t suck out any conditioner from my wash.

I’m getting the urge to trim. I think it’s just me wanting to be at my goal length so I can thicken up my hemline. I’ve been itching to start micro trimming for about a year now. Patience, patience, patience.

Other than that my hair is holding up well. No too much shedding, and my scalp is feeling good too.
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So my hair has been so gross lately. And I'm still balding... I think. I straightened my hair this weekend, way early because I'm switching jobs and moving to Texas. I noticed a lot of little baby strands, so maybe the Nioxin was working, cant' tell. Anyways my hair has been dry and tangly in the wash n gos so I'm going to start wearing my hair in twist outs and braid outs for the rest of the challenge. I also think I'm going to move away from wngs in general because my hair needs more stretch. I'll keep pushing for length this year and then do another year of thickening in 2020. Bottom string is at TBL. Would love to get to BCL by the end of the year. I'm also thinking about getting a split ender. Does anyone have thoughts on that device?


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So my hair has been so gross lately. And I'm still balding... I think. I straightened my hair this weekend, way early because I'm switching jobs and moving to Texas. I noticed a lot of little baby strands, so maybe the Nioxin was working, cant' tell. Anyways my hair has been dry and tangly in the wash n gos so I'm going to start wearing my hair in twist outs and braid outs for the rest of the challenge. I also think I'm going to move away from wngs in general because my hair needs more stretch. I'll keep pushing for length this year and then do another year of thickening in 2020. Bottom string is at TBL. Would love to get to BCL by the end of the year. I'm also thinking about getting a split ender. Does anyone have thoughts on that device?
I think @Coilystep uses it. Correct me if I’m wrong.
So my hair has been so gross lately. And I'm still balding... I think. I straightened my hair this weekend, way early because I'm switching jobs and moving to Texas. I noticed a lot of little baby strands, so maybe the Nioxin was working, cant' tell. Anyways my hair has been dry and tangly in the wash n gos so I'm going to start wearing my hair in twist outs and braid outs for the rest of the challenge. I also think I'm going to move away from wngs in general because my hair needs more stretch. I'll keep pushing for length this year and then do another year of thickening in 2020. Bottom string is at TBL. Would love to get to BCL by the end of the year. I'm also thinking about getting a split ender. Does anyone have thoughts on that device?

Your hair still looks very full and thick!
I think it looks absolutely wonderful!
I hope you get through this hair loss. I understand how frustrating that is.
Also.... BCL actually comes before TBL. So by looking at the picture you’re already AT BCL.
At least, that’s what it looks like to me.
I'm also thinking about getting a split ender. Does anyone have thoughts on that device?

I used to be obsessed with that thing in highschool. Back when I had a pixie cut, I used it to taper my bangs a lot since I had the back of head shaved, and was going for that asymmetrical look or whatever you call it.

Only reason I’m not too fond of it now is because that thing will snip off hair that otherwise didn’t really need to be trimmed. The only thing it’s doing is cutting off hairs that aren’t all laying in the same general direction. Meaning, if you use that thing on hair with any type of curl or deviation from going in one direction it’ll cut off whatever hairs are in its path.

I’d say it would be a good tool for sharpening up layers, if someone is going for the layered look. But as far as dusting or trimming, I’d say you’re better off doing with a good old pair of scissors, or doing S&D.
I'm still here. Not paying much because my routine has been pretty boring. Wash and go once a week, wear it out to dry then pony or bun until next week.

I started adding oil in hopes of preserving my ends. No idea how that's working out. I'm planning to get a press and trim maybe next month so we'll see how it goes.
Hey y'all!

I'm hanging in there...life is throwing some waves at me at the moment. Haven't been doing anything too high maintenance, but I co-wash regularly and deep condition as much as I can. I'm not too sure if my hair is really growing, I think I have suffered some minor breakage...but I'm back on my co-wash train.
Have you all seen this video from Naptural85?

I am fighting not to pull out the scissors. But I think it's interesting that she is trying to grow out her layers because she thinks that it's healthier for the hair. What do you all think about her theory?

I’m a sense yes. One even length of hair, I feel allows utensils to slide through the hair better.
I have layered hair, and more often than I not detangling is an issue because my shorter hair always wrap around longer hairs and cause tangles.

They would probably do that even if they were one even length, but I feel they would do it much less.

And braids look a lot better, and get shredded up and fluffy a lot less than layered hair. In my opinion.

So one even length does have its benefits for length retention and over hair preservation.
Have you all seen this video from Naptural85?

I am fighting not to pull out the scissors. But I think it's interesting that she is trying to grow out her layers because she thinks that it's healthier for the hair. What do you all think about her theory?

I think one length at least helps keep splits and asks closer to the bottom. With layers they can end up 2 and 3 inches up a strand. But that's only for people who suffer with those issues.
Have you all seen this video from Naptural85?

I am fighting not to pull out the scissors. But I think it's interesting that she is trying to grow out her layers because she thinks that it's healthier for the hair. What do you all think about her theory?

I have always believed this. my hair splits less since I stopped getting layers years ago. It's appears denser as well. I avoid layers like the plague because once you get them, it takes YEARS to grow back the hair to one length again.
In the shea thread @Chicoro and @PlanetCybertron were discussing hair partings and growth. I have a thinning part in my crown and I'm wondering if it's because of how I've been parting my hair over the last little while (months? years?) I usually just use my fingers and part where my hair feels like parting, but I plan on making intentional parts this weekend, but starting by putting a "square" of hair in the area that needs to be protected. Depending on the size the parts that I end up with I may end up manipulating my hair weekly instead of every other week, in order to keep my hair looking fairly neat. We'll see.
In the shea thread @Chicoro and @PlanetCybertron were discussing hair partings and growth. I have a thinning part in my crown and I'm wondering if it's because of how I've been parting my hair over the last little while (months? years?) I usually just use my fingers and part where my hair feels like parting, but I plan on making intentional parts this weekend, but starting by putting a "square" of hair in the area that needs to be protected. Depending on the size the parts that I end up with I may end up manipulating my hair weekly instead of every other week, in order to keep my hair looking fairly neat. We'll see.

Sounds like a good idea to me. Please keep us posted on your results.
Still chugging along. Trimmed my ends a couple days ago, but I didn't get it pressed. Just blow dried it and snipped off the rough ends. I know it's hella uneven but idc since it's not straight.

Still wearing wash and go's. I did have a lot of SSKs but they were concentrated right at the ends, so I don't think my hair is suffering from wearing it out all the time.

Length wise, idk how long it is right now. Full TBL? I don't like to guess my length when it's not straightened bc it's usually inaccurate.
Still chugging along. Trimmed my ends a couple days ago, but I didn't get it pressed. Just blow dried it and snipped off the rough ends. I know it's hella uneven but idc since it's not straight.

Still wearing wash and go's. I did have a lot of SSKs but they were concentrated right at the ends, so I don't think my hair is suffering from wearing it out all the time.

Length wise, idk how long it is right now. Full TBL? I don't like to guess my length when it's not straightened bc it's usually inaccurate.

Does keeping your ends in a suspended state help?

By suspended I mean like having them in some type of hold or cast? I can’t remember where I saw this suggestion, but I really liked it.

You’d pretty much apply some type of product that coats and hardens up much like a cast, kind of freezing your ends in place so they don’t try to tangle with one another.

I’ve been doing this for a while now, and I take it a step further and put some oil on over the cast so that it can still move as a unit to prevent crossing the barrier into breakage.
Does keeping your ends in a suspended state help?

By suspended I mean like having them in some type of hold or cast? I can’t remember where I saw this suggestion, but I really liked it.

You’d pretty much apply some type of product that coats and hardens up much like a cast, kind of freezing your ends in place so they don’t try to tangle with one another.

I’ve been doing this for a while now, and I take it a step further and put some oil on over the cast so that it can still move as a unit to prevent crossing the barrier into breakage.

Yes, a hard hold gel on my wash and go keeps my ends from tangling.
I did a mini trim on my hair about two weeks ago. No more than 1/2 inch and mostly less. I've been documenting my hair loss since June and I switched over to... dun dun dun... an oil regimen. Yes, the girl who's hair doesn't like oils is so desperate that now I'm using a modified version of Curly Proverbz growth oil. I'm optimistic that it's working, my hair does seem to be getting longer. But time will tell. The transition hasn't been so bad. I just have to use clarifying shampoos at least once a week. I also stopped using Deva Curl products. Someone else has been complaining about them on Youtube and said that they've changed their formula, so perhaps that added to the problem. I've also been consistent with my Vit D supplementation. I'm not sure about the balding yet, but I have at least noticed that my shedding has declined and is more like it used to be. Amen.

My latest strand pull (longest hair) was about an inch below TBL.