What length are you now? APL
What's your goal length for this challenge? Get to BSL by year end
What's your regimen? in 2020, i'm revamping my hair regimen but I will keep the wash at every two weeks
Every month: clarify and do an Aphogee 2 step protein treatment
Every two weeks:
I will rebraid using LCO method every five days in between wash but the oil part will be the Chebe hair butter
- Prepoo: Ayurvedic hot oil
- Wash: mix of Rhassoul clay + African black soap
- Deep condition: Moringa Honey Deep Conditioner
- Rinse out conditioner: Hisbiscus conditioner
- Leave in conditioner (liquid): Mango leave in conditioner
- Leave in conditioner (cream): Matcha tea leave in
- Braid: Chebe hair butter
What do you need to do/change to reach APL/BSB? Protective styling, no heat, finger detangling
What month do you expect to reach your goal? I'm hoping to be at BSB by June and BSL by December
Starting Pic: View attachment 454229