Hide Your Hair For 6 Months Challenge: June 15 - December 15

Checking in. Still wiggin it. I am not sure if I am going to change it up between now and my retouch in seven weeks because it is so easy. I'm not bored with the wig yet, so I am cool.
^^^32 weeks, dang are your trans or what?
**Nvmd I see that its over for you in a month, sorry!
Still in sewins...no relaxer since May 09.
This install i've had in 9 weeks...will be doing another this weekend or over Thanksgiving break.

I can't wait to see my hair in the Spring! :woot:
I will be bunning until I get a synthetic LF from BSS this weekend, and that should last me to the 15th of Dec.
Checking in - I did my 1st weave October and took it out in October - it just wasn't for me. I trimmed my ends which may have set me back some but my twist outs, etc. are looking much better.
They didnt have the LF that I wanted at the BSS so I am going to try and get Bali Girl at another BSS. I wore a braid out today.....
5 more weeks until this challenge ends and I am still hiding it. I have no desire to reveal it just yet because of all the trims I had and will have next year. I am not retaining a whole lotta length, but I am doing better with thickness for sure.
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I'm still hangin' in there. I tried wearing twists :nono:, not sure what happened but I finally give up on them. I'm now back in a bun and I think I will just continue that style, in some variation, until the end of the challenge.
I am still in. Yesterday I straightened my roots some. Just enough to slick it down in a tight bun. Since it's november now I don't think I will use any passes after all. My ends, look great, my hair is moisturized, even thicker than usual and in great condition, overall.
Have been in braids for the past month but I'm trying to stretch to two. I get the itch to take them out after a month so this will be hard but I can just redo them one by one if needs be.
I am still in. Yesterday I straightened my roots some. Just enough to slick it down in a tight bun. Since it's november now I don't think I will use any passes after all. My ends, look great, my hair is moisturized, even thicker than usual and in great condition, overall.

This is great encouragement for me with this challenge. I know that I can look forward to improvement in my hair when this challenge is finished. I am also going to continue it all through next year as well. I want full APL hair again when I do my next hair reveal:yep:.
Tell me about it ms_b. My new growth is only back to neck length, so imagine the waiting that I have to endure to get to APL again:look::nono:.

The girls in my class keep telling me that they love my NG and I should go natural:rolleyes:, they got me thinking.:wallbash: I dont wanna cut my hair though, or deal with it in general......
The girls in my class keep telling me that they love my NG and I should go natural:rolleyes:, they got me thinking.:wallbash: I dont wanna cut my hair though, or deal with it in general......

You can transition without doing a bc. I'm not. You can also do it using weaves, wigs, half wigs, and braids. I'm not going that route but it seems like its something you would be comfortable with.
Wow! A bit over a month away until this challenge is over! Still wiggin it, I don't have the energy to do anything else at this point (I'm 33 weeks post / arggh!).
The girls in my class keep telling me that they love my NG and I should go natural:rolleyes:, they got me thinking.:wallbash: I dont wanna cut my hair though, or deal with it in general......

My new growth curlies are very pretty too and makes my little sister jealous but I don't want to go natural. It's definitely not for me. I hate detangling now as it is because I am so accustomed to even a fine tooth comb gliding effortelssly through my hair.

Going natural is not for me:nono:. I like straight hair too much and I am only texlaxing for a little added texture in my hair, that's the only reason. I will texlax my hair maybe about 25%, relaxed straight about 75%. I don't need a whole lot of texture. I believe that Mizani BB mild lye relaxer can achieve this for me:yep:.
my ng is getting really crazy at 9 weeks post, I'm happy about the growth...but since I have like 7 more weeks to go before I touch up I'm hoping I can keep things under control. Recently ive discovered if I brush (with a natural soft boar bristle brush) the areas of ng that are really thick after I moisturize and oil that this really keeps the matting and tangles at bay, however I never brush through the entire length of my hair.

Other then that Im starting to get really board with my protective styling and I need a new style BAAAAAD!! I purchased a wig for when I want to jazz things up, I hope this will help!
You can transition without doing a bc. I'm not. You can also do it using weaves, wigs, half wigs, and braids. I'm not going that route but it seems like its something you would be comfortable with.

I cant do this puff in the middle with the 21 week post hair. I relax but it end up coming out texlax, I like the texture of that.
Okay, so I tried a new bun this week. Pics just for you Ms_B!!!

SOMETIME before this challenge is over, I plan to wear one french braid. Here was my first attempt at one. Hopefully I'll perfect it before the challenge is over.

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Okay, so I tried a new bun this week. Pics just for you Ms_B!!!

SOMETIME before this challenge is over, I plan to wear one french braid. Here was my first attempt at one. Hopefully I'll perfect it before the challenge is over.

Your hair is thick and GORGEOUS!!!!
Wow I cant believe it's almost a month until the challenge ends. At the beginning, I wanted to give up so badly. Now that winters hair I'm going to keep hiding my hair.
I've made it through the last 5 months without much trouble- braids, buns, and twists have been my protective styles. But the regimen that worked so well for me in the spring and summer, isn't working as well now that the weather is getting cooler and I'm trying to find a simple solution. I took some progress pics in October and my plan was to leave my hair out for a couple of weeks before having braids done again. Unfortunately every weekend since then has been busy with family commitments and I have not had the time to sit for braids. I've used the blow dryer and flat iron twice in 5 weeks, and though it's considerably less direct heat than I used prior to LHCF knowledge, I feel like I'm reverting back to bad habits because I'm not sure what else to do.

I miss regular cowashing, and I need a good moisturizer. I must be overdoing it with the coconut/olive oil mix because it feels as though the oil is just sitting on my hair. I don't know, maybe this is all part of the process and I just needed to vent. I'm not at all dissatisfied with my progress. I'm just trying to figure out some strategies to help me maintain and retain, I guess.