6 Month Hide Your Hair Challenge: Starting Photos

thisssssss is great for me il'l join i just got my single braids put in and i plan on keeping them in for 6 months straight ...sorry no pics right now im at work



just cowashed and air dryed from yesterday

This challenge is really hard for me. I've been slowly trimming my layers and just looking at my hair makes me want to get some shears and cut to APL.
I'm hoping that I can make a blunt cut at BSL at the end of this challenge.
Here is my starting pic...it is pressed with a hot comb and a trim and I will do the same in December...I put on my lacefront on June 12...This pic is from June 5th I think
UGH...I'm having a hard time with my attachment...
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Took this June 15 right after my first attempt at self-relaxing. I ended up seriously underprocessing :nono: My main goal is to thicken my hair up by December!
This picture was taken about 3-4 months ago. I can't find my memory card and this just happened to be the most recent pic on my cell phone. If I find my memory card I will edit this and replace the picture.

About a month ago I cut the "V" part of my hair so now it's all even SL.


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I have my starting photos now. These were taken on June 14th. My hair likes to curl up under itself. As you can see, I have wings. My nape and crown are shorter than my front and edges. I'm hoping the challenge helps even things out. I've been hiding for two years now, but, since I fell off the wagon, I'm going to have to go at least another six month with good hair care practices before I stop.

I'm transitioning...so far its been
10 months.. I'm sorry
the pics are so big
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Wow, it sure it hard to self pic! I couldn't get a decent photo of the back so I just pulled a piece forward. I'm SL, natural 4B. I'll replace this photo if I can take a better one.


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Sorry I'm so late! Here's my starting pic!

I'm so excited about this challenge!!!!


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The image isn't super clear, but I'll be better at it when I show off all my progress in December.


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This is the most recent I could find. It's from April and I have since relaxed it but my dumb self forgot to take pictures after relaxing. I was about 6 months post here and the shrinkage was unbelievable!!!:wallbash: It's also my avatar.

Official start pic. Freshly washed and picked out a lil. I should have stretched a few pieces, but I can tell you now that when stretched the front comes to the tip of my nose. Sides about a centimeter pass my jaw bone. and the back pulled toward the front comes to my collar bone. Okay so its the third pic down when you follow the link - click here. For some odd reason I can't get the pic to show up in my post.
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Okay, this is a more clear pic of my hair. Unfortunately I don't do a good job with thermal appliances, so my blow dry look doesn't show the actual length. I've got fine, soft hair which I love. It's never going to be thick and coarse like my DD's hair, but it's versatile and I'm just learning about all of the fun looks that I can achieve thanks to LHCF. I'm natural- have been for almost 13 years. So, the pciture isn't exactly a true measure of length because the poofiness kicked in right away. It does show the problem area at the very center, back which is slow growing, but I'm grazing APL when I stretch.


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These pics were taken beginning/middle of June. My hair was blowdried and recently hendingoed in all the pictures. I am expecting growth, retention and an improvement in the health of my hair whilst I avoid heat as much as possible. All I need now is the willpower not to update my Fotki... he he - I already uploaded just a few wedding hair pics, that's it until December :ohwell: :perplexed

OK... let's go for it girls!

My starting pics:

First one (front) taken 28/6/9, second one (back) taken 11/7/9. Sorry my head's slightly tilted back on the second one, I thought my posture was natural. Obviously not, lol. Will be interesting to see progress in December.

Come on growth spurt!


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I hate this pic so its tiny but you can see it's EL:look: From around the middle of March because thats the last pic I've taken and I'm not taking my hair out for a while yet.
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