Hey guys i'm back, and still growin!


New Member
How you doin? To those who all ready know me..heyyy!!

I've been really boring with my hair, doing the SAME OLD THING! I've subscribed back and ready to learn again.

My hairs still near-enough waistlength, but STILL an off-red colour, i really want to find something permanent to dye my hair with thats not damaging. i've heard about Indigo on anouther hair site, but i'm not sure hwo safe it is to use on black peoples-relaxed hair??

Those of you who dont know me, HI!! :D
I was on here for 2 years, and grew my hair from collar-bone to waistlength in around a year and a half-2 years.

KINICAKES!!!!! YOUR HAIR HAS GROWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNN OH MY DAYS! I might have to ask you some advice on your henna dying thing u go goin on! your hairs amazing.

SARECA!! hey chick, i hear you are the queen of henna and indigo? help me ?! lol

heres a recent pic...


its not as dark as it looks, and an adore rinse i used not long ago rinsed out in about 1 wash lol! MY HAIR IS SO NON-POUROUS...its not always a good thing. THAT AMLA OIL is still my friend...and so is my darling KERACARE. I have the HUMECTO tub, you guys are correct thats its much thicker...its great.

I honestly dont do anything specialto my hair (as usual) still water spritzing, and coconut oil. its stil lgrowing, much slower than when iwas @ brasteap though. My goal is still hiplength. I'm not near waistlength @ the front yet, its underneath my boob (sorry!) which is about brastrap @ the front. I stil dont trim, only the splits, and my hairs as thick as ever.

So if anyone wants to give or recieve any tips from/to me...let me know!

ps. i dont use heat, i use it less than ever
pps. my hair hardly ever gets combed lol, its too much WORK!
ppps. i dont use topical growth aids...i dont disasgree with them though, i dont use em cos i never comb my hair! hehe
pppps. I actually now distribute a conditioner i made (avocado - remember me ravin about that??) and its doing quite well! I still always use it. And i still wash once a week, btu i might increase it after being on here for 5minutes! i remember how many benfits i had when washing every 4-5 days!!!

So just thought i'd pass thru and say hey...

tell me what it do

have i missed anything?


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Hey Chica, I am so glad you are back...you were one of the reasons I joined because you were one of my hair inspirations :grin: :grin: , WELCOME BACK, Ms. CANDY:)
Welcome back! I missed reading your posts you always had really good advice, it's good to see you back and that hair is just beautiful!
:dance7: I'm so happy to see you again, Welcome Back Candy-C, your avocado treatment is a staple for me, OOh and your hair is groowing beautifully !
Welcome back Candy_C!
You've had some good growth!

I'm sure indigo is safe. It's most effective used after henna. I think Sareca is an expert on henna/indigo :)
ahhhhh thanks for the warm welcome guys!!!

Enchantment: hey! sorry bout the mix up last year - you know i couldnt keep away for much longer!

Tia - i went to my local beauty queens and told them to get it otherwise i wont be coming to them again!!! lol my friend owns the place so i can be fiesty with him liek that. But you can go to you local black hair product provider in the town/city and ask them to order you the large tub. If they can get it in my town they must in yours! i live in a village lol!!

thanks agin peoples

you inspired me to take some pix for my new hair album

i have Lots of fluffy growth, i'd say around maybe 2 inches...i've SLACKED on the vits, otherwise i would have been gettin that inch a month. I'M BACK o nthem as from last week, flax oil, biotin (1,000mcg) b50 complex and a multi...i will be adding white tea to the mix as of next week :-)

heres the sneaky preview:

Just combed her out, 10 weeks post! relaxer in 2 weeks woo hoo!

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Yea, Candy_C's back!!! :D

Your hair is magnificent, I drool every time I see a pic!

Indigo is easy to use, and I love the jet black color it gives...it can be messy, but to me it's soooo worth it!
soun said:
:dance7: I'm so happy to see you again, Welcome Back Candy-C, your avocado treatment is a staple for me, OOh and your hair is groowing beautifully !

oh my gosh SOUN!! hii hunny hope your good, send me a msg sometime we can catch up.

glad the avocado is being good to you..you know what i started doing? heating it up in the microwave...ooohh it feels sooooooooooooo good! try it

Your hair is GORGEOUS!!! My ultimate goal is bra strap length but I might be changing that after seeing your beautiful hair.
WomanlyCharm said:
Yea, Candy_C's back!!! :D

Your hair is magnificent, I drool every time I see a pic!

Indigo is easy to use, and I love the jet black color it gives...it can be messy, but to me it's soooo worth it!

Hi!! hows ya doin? yes i'm backkk! hows your hair doing?

ooohh thats good news about Indigo - jet black mmmmmm i love black hair, looks more healthier and feel stronger.

What type of indigo should i look for?
Do you mix anything in with it?
Does it dry the hair?
Are you relaxed?

lol some many q's, i bet i should stop being lazy and hit the search facility. :cool:

Hold Up, Wait a Minute!!! Candy_C is in the house!!1

Its so great to have you back. You were missed.

Your hair is fantastic!! as always!!
Candy_C said:
Hi!! hows ya doin? yes i'm backkk! hows your hair doing?
My hair is finally happy and healthy, growing all the time! :D

ooohh thats good news about Indigo - jet black mmmmmm i love black hair, looks more healthier and feel stronger.

What type of indigo should i look for?
the kind that can be used for hair, it's not hard to find.

Do you mix anything in with it?
I just use water and amla oil, others mix it with pectin to make a smoother paste.

Does it dry the hair?
I also use henna with it, and yes, that can make your hair crunchy dry...a deep conditioner is in order afterwards.

Are you relaxed?
Yes ma'am, I am! :grin:

lol some many q's, i bet i should stop being lazy and hit the search facility. :cool:


there's a few great henna threads floating around, I'll try to bump some up for you...also HennaSooq is a member here, she is a henna/indigo expert, she'd be glad to answer more of your questions. Here's her website:

XXXtacy!! AtriniBeauty! HIIIIII!!!!!!

argh i missed you guys.. i miss sharing and and learning from this site.


i got to the point where i'm bored man, need to do something new to this mane. i'm not cuttin it and i'm not lookin to find any new styles either...so i wanna change or tweak my regime here and there.

i havent done a hot oil treat in years!
I havent switched products for about a year. i'm even scared to use a new conditioner now!!!!

Hi Candy_C!

I was wondering when you'd show up again. Welcome back! You hair is beautiful you've made excellent progress.