He dumped me through a text message

Sorry to hear about this love!
Do you and then move on. This loser was not worth it...he didn't even have the decency to tell you face to face. When he comes crawling back make sure you press the ignore button!
If we've already done the do, why would he come back? The chase is over for him, don't you think?

I don't know about men, so perhaps I'm wrong.
I'm so sorry that this happened to you phynestone! the fact that you've already done the 'do' is what will guarantee that he will come back. the fact that it's already been done, men/boys think that it will be easier to do again & sometimes they are right. they already know what to say/do particularly to you to get you to go there again. also, they know a good woman when they see her and sometimes this scares them away as well as they are not ready for you or not man enough to be by your side or ultimately know that they really could not make you happy. so they pull away. BUT this still does not stop him from still wanting to go there as that is separate for him but usually not for us. this is not all men so please dont give up. just dont look.
I'm sorry you had to go through this and am sorry to hear that you ended your celibacy for this piece of man. :nono:
I am officially done with men. I will never get married or have children. At this point, all of my energy will be focused on God, work and community service. .

There's nothing wrong with focusing on things important to you i.e. G-d and community service, but never give up on your dreams. If you wish to be married and have children, you will have them despite all the trolls that move into our paths and take up valuable air. Please, be officially done with jerks, not men. You haven't had "one" yet....and you will, I pray for it.
I am so sorry. :(

I don't understand why you should have to suffer just because you met a dork. I also don't understand why your future husband has to suffer just because you previously met a dork.

Reach deep within yourself and ask God what you need to do next. Stop relying on men for your happiness and have fun with meeeee! Call me! And you better call me too...
Good focus on God, right now, and get your life in order and don't give up on love, there are wonderful men out there, once you have life you have hope.
If we've already done the do, why would he come back? The chase is over for him, don't you think?

I don't know about men, so perhaps I'm wrong.

You would be surprised....they usually come back...like a previous poster said for various reasons....when the ball is in your court make sure you control it...Who knows, in a couple of months you may be writing to let us know how he is trying to get back and how much fun you are having playing with HIS feelings:grin:. I am speaking from experience and all I can say is I am having the time of my life with my EX right now...Pray about it because this to shall pass.
Well I was dumped by my last boyfriend via IM. AOL, i believe. So I can relate. It was painful especially because the breakup was so immature and stupid. but today i laugh about it, I think it's the funniest thing in the world. I am happily married and we have the cutest little boy in the world. and yes it's true, the ex still makes it a point to try to tell me he still loves me. WHATEVER! So don't loose hope over some immature dude, he definitely did you a favor. He probably realized that he can't measure up to your standards so he bounced early before you dumped him.
Well I was dumped by my last boyfriend via IM. AOL, i believe. So I can relate. It was painful especially because the breakup was so immature and stupid. but today i laugh about it, I think it's the funniest thing in the world. I am happily married and we have the cutest little boy in the world. and yes it's true, the ex still makes it a point to try to tell me he still loves me. WHATEVER! So don't loose hope over some immature dude, he definitely did you a favor. He probably realized that he can't measure up to your standards so he bounced early before you dumped him.

I never considered this theory. It is flattering.
yeah the text breakups r popular nowadys and tacky. at least he told you, shoot back in the days when I was dating people would just dissappear and not take my phone calls! lol!!!

so don't worry we've all been done wrong. don't give up on every being married and having children, just make sure you take your time and don't actively look for someone because sometimes that can be trouble and bring the wrong people into your life.

you stated you gave him a chance. so when you first met him was there something that you didn't like about him? when you have those feelings about people do what you feel stay away.....

you will be ok and God will send you the right man in time. i know that makes you feel like yeah yeah yeah but it is true. i thought' i'd keep getting done wrong and then god sent me a lovely man with an arse for a mother.....hey i didn't say it'd be perfect. lol!!!!..:)
that happened to me before.. but he did it through an email:nono:
looking back, I realize it was all for the best
You will pull through