Heat Training Support Thread

@coolsista-paris if you straighten your hair, you have to avoid water and glycerin; they will cause your hair to revert. I'm new to this process myself, I haven't found a moisturuzer that doesn't cause reversion I run a tiny bit of hemp oil through my everyday until the next wash. I make sure I DC really well so my hair is well moisturized before I straighten it. I'm sure the other ladies will chime in :)

staying away from leave-ins with glycerin is key.

Your DC's can have glycerin and other moisture grabbing ingredients because the heat protectant you use will block humidity from causing your hair to poof too much.

oh an easy DC to try that is easy to purchase and is popular is Keracare Humecto, make sure you get the one that says "New&improved"
Forgot to mention, I like the Apex guys :up: the comb glided through the hair noticeably easier and it straightened my hair better; so much so that I was able to get away with doing bigger sections, and there was no smoking. Napp and Val y'all are so right, you just need a tiny bit, and its gets nice and smooth. My hair is very soft and shiny today. Thanks ladies :)

Ive been starting everything wrong. As a natural i was used to putting glycerin in my home spritz so i thought it was good. OK now i know lol.

Im gonna have to do some hair shopping.... as my hair has reverted 50 % back, i will wait till wash day to start all that again. It won't be right for me to straighten the same week in a row. I'll end up damaging my hair i guess.

Thanks again. i'll have to buy my stuff on the net (there is no sallys here and the afro stores do not sell everything we look for).

Thanks again ladies for saving my mess:spinning:
I would love to start heat training but I have a couple of worries/concerns.

First off how often do you moisturize and seal with out reverison or whatever??

Second, how to you obtain growth while using heat? I'm trying to work on growing my hair without pills.

Third, I have this BOMB.com FHI flat iron but it doesn't have a heat setting. I don't wanna give up my bby, so is there any way around that?

TIA for any advice
hi the belloefelle . You might have to read everything from page 18 to now (i asked the same questions so its maybe better to read first cause the poor girls will then have to repeat the same thing they did today).

Im also new to this (since 2 days), you'll find good advice, throught the answers i got. ;-)

but of course feel free to ask more if you have not found what you needed exactly.

Ive been starting everything wrong. As a natural i was used to putting glycerin in my home spritz so i thought it was good. OK now i know lol.

Im gonna have to do some hair shopping.... as my hair has reverted 50 % back, i will wait till wash day to start all that again. It won't be right for me to straighten the same week in a row. I'll end up damaging my hair i guess.

Thanks again. i'll have to buy my stuff on the net (there is no sallys here and the afro stores do not sell everything we look for).

Thanks again ladies for saving my mess:spinning:

There is nothing wrong with trying again the next week. Since you are heat training which is changing the texture of your hair I dont see the problem.

IMHO damaged hair that has used heat consistantly is hair that is dry and brittle and breaking off, usually this hair has heat that is way to high.

Remember to pay attention to how your har looks wet and dry to see if your previous hair has looked the same. This will tell you how many passes you need to do to get your desired results.
I would love to start heat training but I have a couple of worries/concerns.

First off how often do you moisturize and seal with out reverison or whatever??

Second, how to you obtain growth while using heat? I'm trying to work on growing my hair without pills.

Third, I have this BOMB.com FHI flat iron but it doesn't have a heat setting. I don't wanna give up my bby, so is there any way around that?

TIA for any advice

I agree with coolsista you should read this entire thread.

Also your FHI's temperature is set at 410 degrees F. it make take you longer to get to your desired results because you will have to do more passes per section.

your hair would grow the same as if you had a relaxer, by paying attention to moisture protein balance AND keeping those ends moisturized.
I would love to start heat training but I have a couple of worries/concerns.

First off how often do you moisturize and seal with out reverison or whatever??

Second, how to you obtain growth while using heat? I'm trying to work on growing my hair without pills.

Third, I have this BOMB.com FHI flat iron but it doesn't have a heat setting. I don't wanna give up my bby, so is there any way around that?

TIA for any advice
I would think you obtain growth the same way you would if you didn't use heat. I don't think that would alter your growth rate.

I DC once a week and I apply moisturizer to my hair then heat protectant before I blowdry.

Last weekend I didn't blow dry though. I massaged in some knot today leave in and just pulled my hair back in a bun and let it airdry. By the end of the day It was dry and pretty much straight. I sprayed in heat protectant then flat ironed.
I tried the Apex for the second time today and got awesome results. The first time I used too much and it was super greasy. My ends are still s mess and snarled, but I decided I am going to do a chin length bob, and start fresh from there. I still plan to flat iron weekly from now on. It is one of the only things that keeps my ends looking okay!
this week I wore my hair curly...pulled back in once and secured with a hairzing. That's how I wear it to work.

I will DC tomorrow
Im glad yall are liking the apex! It still is the best at preventing reversion although i do like razac finishing creme as well but my roots revert so quickly.i used razac in my siggy. I will be bustin out my tin of apex when the real heat comes lol.

Oh and if anyone is having issues with puffy ends try using a SOFT boar bristle brush and use the chase method. Since the bristles are pliable they give less resistance on the ends which prevent unecessary breakage and gets the end smoother than the few teeth on a fine toothed comb.
Hello Ladies,
I tried apex and my hair came out pretty, but it reverted the same day. The roots were in ok shape the ends were a mess. they may just need a trim though. Crisco with a little heat protectant worked for me and left my hair in pretty good shape for days. Did you all add apex to wet hair?
My hair was the longest and healthiest looking also when my mom used to press it with a straightening comb. Back then there was no deep condition, no heat protectanct, not temperature control. LOL So with all of the new technology today Im guessing I can have healthy heat trained hair. My only problem is reversion!! I paid 45.00 for a flat iron at the salon that she got relaxer straight but by day 3 my roots were reverting. If I could get a good 7 days I would be cool. Anywhoo has anyone tried the Mizani Thermasmooth?
I just had to come in to say how soft my hair is today, after pressing with Apex again last night. People, seriously my hair has never been this soft without leave-in....ever. I mean, I thought I had struck gold with hemp oil, but geez Louise! I haven't put anything in my hair yet... crazy soft! apexistheshizznit.biz :yep:
My hair was the longest and healthiest looking also when my mom used to press it with a straightening comb. Back then there was no deep condition, no heat protectanct, not temperature control. LOL So with all of the new technology today Im guessing I can have healthy heat trained hair. My only problem is reversion!! I paid 45.00 for a flat iron at the salon that she got relaxer straight but by day 3 my roots were reverting. If I could get a good 7 days I would be cool. Anywhoo has anyone tried the Mizani Thermasmooth?

I've never tried the whole system but I did try the anti humdity spray which doesn't work.
I washed, DC, and did a demi rinse last night then I flat ironed my hair. I think it would have come out great had I not used too much ultra sheen cream press. My hair is so heavy I hate it! It doesn't even look close to my week old flat iron in my siggy pic. I want to wash my hair so bad and do it all over again but 1. I'm sick and 2. I think that would be too much heat to use back to back. I'm going back to using my isoplus oil until further notice. My beautician uses Vital Pro pressing cream so I may give that a try next. Last night I did a red demi rinse which barely shows up on my hair. I think I'm going to let my beautician do a permanent color whenever I go back. I just need to do my research first on how to keep it moisturized without reverting. I also picked up some circle brushes (the heat up kind) from Marshall's to use whenever I blow out my hair before flat ironing it. I figured out how to use the brushes.
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I'm alternating between flatironing one week and doing the tightly curly method the next. I am trying to keep my ends fresh so I think this will work best.

jazzyto try Aveda's Anti Humectant Pomade it works wonders in this New Orleans humidity.
Today when I took my hair out of its ponytail I noticed a few hairs of breakage in my face bowl. I ran my hair through my ends section by section trying to figure out where the breakage was coming from. I've been protective styling non-stop for the past 2 years until I started heat training recently. I'm going to re-evaluate my haircare situation. I want heat trained hair but I don't want breakage. I also want to be able to enjoy my hair without always having it in some type of protective style 99% of the time. Maybe I need to gradually transition to heat trained. Heat training 3 weeks out of the month may be too much starting out. I may need to train twice a month then after my texture changes increase to 3 x's a month.
@theFAB you're up on protein?

me-T- I've upped my protein since I began heat training. I use Aphogee shampoo/Joico k-pak, and alternate protein shampoo and moisture rich con, or moisture poo & protein DC. Besides heat training, I have gotten my hair done by my new beautician who uses Nairobi products and I'm not sure of their protein content. That's the only major change in my regi. She is also not as gentle as I am when detangling :nono:.