Heat Training Support Thread

I'm not doing this now but when I did, years ago, or I should say when I was getting old school salon trained, the beauticians said my hair was heat resistant but at the same time broke easily under high heat.

We found a salon that trained me on lower heat for a long time maybe over a few years. (I'm not sure but by high school it was trained enough to wear loose all the time). I still got shrinkage but it straightened easier, silkier and lasted longer. My hair pretty much looked the same in the wet state but with less shringage.

I'm curious if some others found little change in texture but maybe less shrinkage while still getting the desired effect when straightening.

BTW It only got straightened once a month so thats probably one reason why it took so long.

i think this is what happened to me. my hair is still very coily/curly when dry

but my hair is very easy to straighten and last longer especially compared to when i started using heat regularly. my curl patten looks wavy when its wet more recently though. i will see if i can post some pictures of the change.
Wow my hair came out so great tonight. I switched up my regi a bit and I like the results:-)

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i think this is what happened to me. my hair is still very coily/curly when dry

but my hair is very easy to straighten and last longer especially compared to when i started using heat regularly. my curl patten looks wavy when its wet more recently though. i will see if i can post some pictures of the change.

Come to think of it, it may have changed some without me really realizing it. I didn't do my own hair back then. I just remember it didn't shrink as much but looked the same to me. I never had straight pieces or sections after a wash that I remember.

Looks like you really know your biz. Your hair looks beautiful and healthy :yep:.
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No longer doing this- Texlaxed 01.2013!!!!!!
Thermal training session #3 complete.

This time I washed, steamed and then used chi silk infusion in each section.
I let that dry about 80-85% then sprayed a little silk elements heat protectant in each small section before flat ironing.

My wet hair still has tons of texture (which is great).
and this time (#3) was much easier to flat iron

I noticed that leaving a tiny bit of moisture in the hair before flat ironing keeps my ends from being puffy.





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I straightened using Organix Brazilian Keratin shampoo, conditioner and flat iron spray last night. It worked well and my hair came out straight. While it was wet I sprayed Jane Carter leave-in and used a little Jane Carter nourish and shine. I just couldn't not used some sort of moisturizer.

Next month or in 3 weeks, I'll try their BKT. I haven't been flat ironing over 370 (I stayed @ 250 before reading other girls' temps on the board) and I've only used 7 passes one time on certain areas.

When I do the BKT, I'll venture up to 400 and maybe use 7 passes.... maybe 5.

ETA: I would post pics, but I obtained a bald spot in the front that's really noticeable when straightened.
Also wanted to say that my hair got drizzled on outside today and was straight when I got home.
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Hi ladies, I don't think I'm going to be doing any training sessions again anytime soon. I'm focusing on my fitness, thus heavy sweating on the daily and this humidity is just too much for me right now. Pressing now would just frustrate me I think. Not jumping ship, just on pause til maybe Nov.
This is my off week so my hair is in it's natural state now. I've cowashed twice for the week already and I feeling like cowashing again tonight. The weeks I wear my hair curly, I usually pull it all back in a hairzing with a puff at the back.

I won't straighten again till the weekend.
overdue update. no pics til tomorrow though. i had to order a new battery since no stores have it locally.

the press before today: i started working on my flat iron technique to get that wrapped look. i guess my wrist work wasn't good enough 'cause as soon as i brushed through it, it looked like my video.

for my texture: it's starting to break up a little more. not curl or wave, but the texture after a wash is getting noticeably looser. i wasn't protecting my hair this last week at night, but on wash day today i had nowhere near the tangles i would usually get. oh, i didn't use any megatek last week either.

today's press: SO mad i couldn't take a pic! i love it! when i flat ironed, i tried to curl my hair up so when i brushed, i'd still have a curve. i need to work on my curl action so maybe i can wear it curly. wrapping was a lot easier today. and omg, a huge :bighug: to Napp girl!!!! i chased with a boar brush and my hair is so much silkier and smoother from root to tip! so mad at my camera right now! and the creme press was distributed better so i got some awesom shine too! 1 of the top 5 tips i got from this site! thanks!

so... i'll have pics of all this tomorrow. wait, i don't think i took a texture pic though.
How are y'all keepin your hair straight this summer? I havent presses in a while and i Dont really feel like it lol.i my hair has been in a permanent bun for the last week and may stay that way until a formal IM going to at the end of the month. I know my hair will frizz and get big and IM not a fan of that. I was thinking of trying out the Lustrasilk hair culture.i am a little wary on the ingredients but i need to do ore research. Now my only issue is finding it...
My last touch up was in January and I've been heat training since then. I think I've straightened about 3 times and this last time I tapped the roots about 20 times. My new growth is very manageable but I'm not sure if that's the heat training or the length weighing it down. Either way my hair is not loosening as much as I'd like.

Not sure if I should keep add it or just go ahead an texlax again. I really just want less shrinkage so my length shows when I wear my hair out.

ANy suggestions?
Subscribing. I'm hiding my hair while I'm focused on working out, but I need to straighten my hair to do a length check and to trim my ends soon. Heat training is interesting to me because I have a lot of shrinkage.
AtlantaJJ are you still using BKT? If so what have you noticed about your hair from long term use? I am going to get a global on Friday so it doesnt interfere with my workout schedule
i'm sooo very mad yall. i searched hi and low, had to buy a battery online, and that didnt work. my camera just up and died and i don't know why. my hair has been lookin so nice this week!
Napp, i havent done anything diff with my hair this summer. the only time it reverted was on a day after it rained, and that was my fault cause i knew good 'n well it was humid. tryin to be cute, lol
vkb247 quick que, if your new growth is manageable, you sure you need 20 taps? my texture is loosening slow too, but i know i can't up the heat, so we're in the same boat on that.
AtlantaJJ are you still using BKT? If so what have you noticed about your hair from long term use? I am going to get a global on Friday so it doesnt interfere with my workout schedule

I'm not BKTing. Long story but since I workout a lot, and I sweat like a horse in my hair, the BKTs wear off at the roots too fast. I didn't want to have to keep reapplying so I'm just straight natural for now. I would do a BKT again but not for long term wear. I would do it for a small window of time then let it go. I would advise to beware of heat damage. Otherwise, I like the BKT.
Hi ladies, I don't think I'm going to be doing any training sessions again anytime soon. I'm focusing on my fitness, thus heavy sweating on the daily and this humidity is just too much for me right now. Pressing now would just frustrate me I think. Not jumping ship, just on pause til maybe Nov.

I'm with you on this, I want to do this st some point but if I pressed my hair it would only last for one day because of my workouts. That's why I don't bother right now.
I washed and DC'd my hair on Sunday but skipped the heat. This would have been heat session #4 but I decided to wait until June 24 to flat iron again (just for a little break).

My hair was super easy to comb through and detangle, and the shrinkage has minimized a bit. I have not noticed any straight pieces, but I will probably use no more that 300 degrees going forward on my nape area b/c that texture is looser (always has been) than my crown/ front of my hair

Napp my hair starts reverting at the root 5 days post heat so I wear it in a bun and then switch to a full wig

Just wanted to mention that heat training is a gradual process and too many passes could lead to damage (which you definitely don't want near the root).

Hope someone more knowledgeable chimes in with suggestions!

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Don't feel bad, it still takes me about 2 hours, too!

I break up my blowdry/flat iron session so my arms wont hurt.

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@vkb247 quick que, if your new growth is manageable, you sure you need 20 taps? my texture is loosening slow too, but i know i can't up the heat, so we're in the same boat on that.

No I probably didn't need 20 taps. The first two time I heat trained I only did two passes on my roots and one on my texlaxed length. I can tell the difference from the training on my length and I'm happy about that but my new growth is like nothing even happened. So I tried to do a one time session with 20 taps similarly to how Brittany trains. My hair is very resistant so I wasn't worried about doing it that much.

My new growth still isn't loosening, especially in my kinkier crown area. Yes my hair is manageable but its really the loosening that I'm going for. I'm not sure how much more heat I should try or if I shouldn't even try anymore and just go back to texlaxing after a 6 month stretch.

I don't think it would be a good idea to keep on applying the heat and weakiening my hair then still end up texlaxing.
I've really fallen off the wagon...I haven't straigthened in 3 weeks! I keep saying I will every Sunday then get caught up in other things. I want to do a progress check soon though
Hi ladies. I'm taking a break from heat styling. I did a rod set last night. Anyhow I need some advice. I want to get hi lites. A natural head suggested henna although my beautician whom is also natural uses regular dye (on her hair as well). What would you do?

Sent from my HTC EVO using LHCF App
Hi ladies. I'm taking a break from heat styling. I did a rod set last night. Anyhow I need some advice. I want to get hi lites. A natural head suggested henna although my beautician whom is also natural uses regular dye (on her hair as well). What would you do?

Sent from my HTC EVO using LHCF App

Henna doesn't lighten hair, and your hair looks pretty dark, so it wouldn't give you the highlighted look you're probably wanting. I've used regular dyes with no damage.
My texture is loosening up some. I have to be careful with the front (bangs) my hair is very loose .

Considering I live in a humid area. I use a heat protectant and blow dry with a comb. My hair instantly straightens. Then a few hours later I come back and use Apex with a flat iron or a pressing comb.

My hair will be in its protective state....ends in baggy with a phony pony, rest of hair slicked down. Hopefully by the end of the year. I should be MBL.