He thinks I'm conservative

Maa Maa omo mti

New Member
So the guy I've been talking to for a while(since sept) thinks that I'm conservative, cause I'm reserved and don't take nonsense when it comes to how he is courting me. He's gotten to the point that if he makes a slight reference to sex or playing around he gentlemanly(sp) asks if what he said is too forward. :lol:
He's not saying it(conservative) in a bad way, but the fact that he has already assumed that I am got me thinking,... um will he be surprised when we get closer and finds out that there are more dynamics to me and my personality.

I'm wondering if him considering me to be a conservative is a good thing and will it effect me negatively if he finds out I'm not...entirely( :lol: )..... :look:
^^^^^^I totally agree :yep:. My DH still says I'm conservative but he is usually talking about when I'm outside our home and in public. :grin:
i think its a good thing there is nothing worse that talking to a guy n he thinks he can talk about any type sexual references when you dont even know him like that :ohwell: guys like that piss me off
um will he be surprised when we get closer and finds out that there are more dynamics to me and my personality.

I'm wondering if him considering me to be a conservative is a good thing and will it effect me negatively if he finds out I'm not...entirely( :lol: )..... :look:

Gurl don't even worry. When you decide to put all this on him: :naughtycouch::poledancer::whipgirl:

Let him think he the one bringin it all out of ya!

He go go be like :woohoo2:
I worry when men around me feel they can just say and do anything in my presence. I try to carry myself in a way that commands a certain amount of respect.

There is nothing attractive to me about a woman who "lets it all hang out" in public.

My husband knows I am a lady and he treats me as such. He is proud of that fact that he has a wife that knows how to carry herself in public and will not embarrass him. He also knows that I can handle my business when the time comes (if you know what I mean)