He offers to cook you Dinner for the 1st date


:lol: Thank you ladies. I called and respectfully declined. Thanked him for the gesture and told him I wasn't comfortable and would prefer to eat outside of the home.
He asked what kind of food I liked to eat and I mentioned a few and he wants to take me to a Brazilian restaurant after the holidays. So we will see.

Good deal! :) I like how you handled that and set standards. Let's see if he meets them!
If you found out he lived in a very expensive part of town in a fabulous multi-million-dollar condo/home and wanted to impress you; would you still have second-thoughts? :laugh:

My answer would still be no. It's about propiety for me. It's inappropriate for him to even ask.

:lol: Thank you ladies. I called and respectfully declined. Thanked him for the gesture and told him I wasn't comfortable and would prefer to eat outside of the home.
He asked what kind of food I liked to eat and I mentioned a few and he wants to take me to a Brazilian restaurant after the holidays. So we will see.
The fact that he wasn't like "Ok, see ya." and continues to pursue shows promise! Maybe, just MAYBE his head wasn't all about the sheets! Keep us updated but still keep your eyes open!
I never saw it the way you ladies do- but now i know better! KC is home of the 'come swing by my crib'! I met a guy at the store who asked for my number so he could take me out. I was like "ok i haven't been out in awhile...". Well he BEGGED me to come over and see him instead with the promise he was making chicken alfredo. I get there, no alfredo (which i wasn't gonna eat anyways). He ended up preaching to me with Roberta Flack playing in the background so i hightailed it outta there!!! :nono:

Good thing you declined OP!!!
I wouldn't go..you never know his real living arrangement..I mean on the first date you wouldn't even let him pick you up from your house so defintely wouldnt go to his ..where all his devices are..its like playing a game on the other teams home turf..they know all the tricks..
I never saw it the way you ladies do- but now i know better! KC is home of the 'come swing by my crib'! I met a guy at the store who asked for my number so he could take me out. I was like "ok i haven't been out in awhile...". Well he BEGGED me to come over and see him instead with the promise he was making chicken alfredo. I get there, no alfredo (which i wasn't gonna eat anyways). He ended up preaching to me with Roberta Flack playing in the background so i hightailed it outta there!!! :nono:

Good thing you declined OP!!!
You ladies are a riot. :lol: but I really do appreciate the advice and information. It feels weird being back on the market.

You need to read "Why Men Love Bi**ches" by Sherry Argov. She gives advice that you probably never even thought of. I am giving away several copies for Christmas gifts.
As others have noted, an in-home first date is usually an inidcation of the guy being cheap or trying to have sex on the first date.

Is his name Tiger?:lachen:

It's also not safe to be at his home if you do not know the guy VERY well.

ETA: saw the update. Good luck.
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I had a man invite me over for dinner. Spent an hour looking for his house, I was lost and he didn't offer to come meet me., event though I was driving in circles right around the corner from his home.
By the time I got there, he already ate. Empty plate was on the ground with chicken bones. :ohwell:
He did not offer me a plate, and negro wanted to just check me out and cuddle up with me on the couch, I was like hell nah, and left. :perplexed
I was younger then, and got scolded by an older friend after I left to not ever do that again.

I did it one more time with a guy from my previous job that liked me, he did cook for me, and we had a good time. However, it didn't take long for him to ask me for sex later on in the week, and when I told him no, his response was: 'I cooked for yo a-s-s, are you kidding?!' I never spoke to him again, thank God he got laid off a few weeks later. After that, I vowed to never do that mess again.
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Just because you have to ask, I would say no, something is making you hesitate.

Trust your intuition.