He offers to cook you Dinner for the 1st date


Well-Known Member
Do you accept? So I met a guy about 2 weeks ago, and we have spoken on the phone and done the obligatory getting to know you talk. He seems respectable, kind, sincere, etc... etc....
Well for our first date he invited me over his house for dinner and a movie. I told him I will let him know.
I have not called him back yet to accept or decline.
I am not too sure how I feel about this as I do not want to misrepresent myself by going to a man's house that I barely know.

But due to my work schedule and location it would be so convenient, but I don't want to unknowingly start off on the wrong foot.
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I don't think you misrepresent yourself, as long you conduct yourself like a lady.

For me my only concern would be safety more specifically if we didn't have a prior foundation (friendship)
I'm a little chicken, because I wouldn't want to go home to a stranger so soon...
He might also expect sex?
I wouldn't go. I'd make him take me out. It's a sweet gesture-if that's where he's going with it but he's putting the bar way too low IMO. SO what you have to earn a real date?

"come over" for Dinner and a movie IME has always been code for sex.
i would have him take me out

i understand we r in a recession and things r tough but im sayn bro....

i agree it is a kind gesture--im a sucka for a man that can cook but by golly--first date equals outside your premises
I wouldn't. I'm ol' school when it comes to that- I don't know you well enough to be coming to your house like that, :nono:. If it were warmer, I might go for him making something for a picnic in a public park.
What Zaynab said. Personally I don't believe in going over a man's house to "chill" and watch a movie. He needs to put in more effort to court me than putting a disc in the DVD machine. I would respectfully decline.
I wouldn't just from past experiences. Have him take you out and you can see what his intentions are.
I would not accept. Dinner at his place makes it very convenient for one thing to lead into another. Unless that's what you want, it's not a good idea.
Do you accept? So I met a guy about 2 weeks ago, and we have spoken on the phone and done the obligatory getting to know you talk. He seems respectable, kind, sincere, etc... etc....
Well for our first date he invited me over his house for dinner and a movie. I told him I will let him know.
I have not called him back yet to accept or decline.
I am not too sure how I feel about this as I do not want to misrepresent myself by going to a man's house that I barely know.

But due to my work schedule and location it would be so convenient, but I don't want to unknowingly start off on the wrong foot.

Nope. It isn't safe with someone you hardly know and it is a little too convenient for him...his bed is right around to corner. No thanks! The suggestion would be an automatic turnoff. He should be trying to impress you. Making it a Blockbuster night with dinner at his place is not a good start IMHO.

here is what you tell him. I don't do house dates. Das it n das all.

what da hell...is he cheap, broke or what? da hell u wanna sit round his house to eat n watch a movie. you can do dat at home by yo dayum self. u got food n cable at'cho crib don'tchu?

Dayum da bullshyt. Set the standards now. NO HOUSE DATES, unless yall be datin for like some months. If you say yes, you've set the standard of how you want to be treated by dis bama. Don't nobody do dat no mo....gtf outta hea....

And you ain't pressed for no meal....chile puleez....i don't care how nice he is... and don't eva compromise urself n start makin excuses about how ur busy and ur schedule is tight. we make time for what WE want. Not what HE wants. Let him WORK for YOU, not da otha way around. By goin to his house ur makin it too easy for him....and then...da bama may show u a bootleg movie :perplexed
Also, I take an invitation to a man's house as an invitation for sex. When he says "Do you want to come over?" I hear "Do you want to have sex with me?"

If the answer is no then.... I won't go over. That keeps things simple for me.
Do you accept? So I met a guy about 2 weeks ago, and we have spoken on the phone and done the obligatory getting to know you talk. He seems respectable, kind, sincere, etc... etc....
Well for our first date he invited me over his house for dinner and a movie. I told him I will let him know.
I have not called him back yet to accept or decline.
I am not too sure how I feel about this as I do not want to misrepresent myself by going to a man's house that I barely know.

But due to my work schedule and location it would be so convenient, but I don't want to unknowingly start off on the wrong foot.

Not for a first date. Make it a public setting for the first few dates to feel him out and decipher his intentions.

here is what you tell him. I don't do house dates. Das it n das all.

what da hell...is he cheap, broke or what? da hell u wanna sit round his house to eat n watch a movie. you can do dat at home by yo dayum self. u got food n cable at'cho crib don'tchu?

Dayum da bullshyt. Set the standards now. NO HOUSE DATES, unless yall be datin for like some months. If you say yes, you've set the standard of how you want to be treated by dis bama. Don't nobody do dat no mo....gtf outta hea....

And you ain't pressed for no meal....chile puleez....i don't care how nice he is... and don't eva compromise urself n start makin excuses about how ur busy and ur schedule is tight. we make time for what WE want. Not what HE wants. Let him WORK for YOU, not da otha way around. By goin to his house ur makin it too easy for him....and then...da bama may show u a bootleg movie :perplexed
:lol: :lol:

Its so hard to get back in the game after you have been out for so long, you don't even know what to do anymore :lol:
I would not go for safety reasons. Cooking dinner for someone at your home, sounds a little too intimate as well for me.
Nice gesture but get to know him before you go over his house you never know maybe I am paranoid about some things you know people can put things in your food and date rape drugs in your drink.

Have him take you out
I need for him to take you out. You need to see his hygiene away from the kitchen. We don't know him like that. I'd personally feel uncomfortable.
No, I wouldn't go. I think it's very inappropriate for him to even invite you to his house. Even though he tried to be slick and offered to cook dinner, I would still take major offense to it- like what is he trying to imply? It's very insulting...

So to sum it up, I wouldn't go to his house, nor would I go out with him either.

He killed it.
I need for him to take you out. You need to see his hygiene away from the kitchen. We don't know him like that. I'd personally feel uncomfortable.


and to the OP, I know it's hard since u been out da game for a minute, but you know how you want to be treated, you have to let it be known set standards for yourself, and then verbalize. if he can't understand, tell him to kick rocks n keep it movin.
No, I don't do "at home" dates for first dates. Unacceptable to me.

If money is a factor, we can do something low cost but it will be in public. We will not be at either of our houses on a first date. Too much potential for creating a false sense of intimacy.

here is what you tell him. I don't do house dates. Das it n das all.

i don't do house dates!!!

In my experience... house dates have led to more house dates... cheap men... they won't necessarily take advantage of you, but you may never get a 'real' date, because that's the expectation you set...

Don't do it!!!!
I agree with most of the other ladies... if he has time to cook he has time to find a nice restaurant and take you there... just from my experience... dinner and a movie at the house means hes trying to get some.
I've learned from experience that men who want to be oh so sweet and cook you dinner early on because he wants to showcase his bombdiggity cooking skills are masquerading and are really cheap or are trying to get you nice and comfortable on his couch or bed.
You can do a coffee date over the wknd at your favourite cafe.

It's cost effective. Plus you can always leave early if things get "awkward" sans the good night kiss.
House date???! for the first day? No! He needs to put in a little more effort than that for a first day. And when I say effort I mean money!!
If you found out he lived in a very expensive part of town in a fabulous multi-million-dollar condo/home and wanted to impress you; would you still have second-thoughts? :laugh: