He looks like family


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever dated someone who looks like they could be related? Did you feel awkward and did it take awhile to get over the familiar aspect of their looks and become physically attracted?

I'm in a situation where I met this guy who is really into me, super cool, has a grad degree, respectful, going places etc..but looks like a combo of my cousin and brother :ohwell:. I'm trying to find him attractive because he is, he just looks like I would see him at a family reunion. I have the tendency to be super picky, so I don't want to be so dismissive, but he really looks like my brother :perplexed
i dated a guy that looked like me:lol: everyone kept telling us how we looked alike. i didnt care and thought it was funny.
If he is a really great guy, I'd try to move past that. I'd have to make sure we are NOT related, LOL.

ETA: He looks like your brother? Oh no................ I just caught that. Yikes!
People tell me that DH and I look alike all the time. :lol: I don't see it, so it doesn't bother me. If I thought he looked like a family member I wouldn't be able to do it. :nono:
Yeah, no... I couldn't. I stopped seeing a guy because he had my brother's hands! :barf: :barf: :barf: "Don't touch me! Aghhhh!"

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I once met a guy who looked like he could be my twin brother.
He had great credentials but I just couldn't get past him looking like me.
Everyone else thought we were related. He claimed he didn't see it:rolleyes:
Well, before you do it, u betta take his hinepots to CVS n getchu one of those kits and swab him down...u know ....one of dem DaNA tests chile....