How well do you get to know the family?

getting to know his family is important but it's not a driving force for me, i certainly have never stalked anyone's family nor would i ever. i wait to meet them as and when opportunities come up, and proceed from there.

if he's family turns out to be horrid would you give up on a man hose personality (and bank balance) you like?

going to see his father: do you know what sort of relationship the two of them have? do you realise how that could backfire? oh wiat, i think you do.
i doubt any man wants to be stalked, which is what you were caught doing, so how do you propose to get back in his good books? how would you feel if some dude stalked YOUR family?

have you messed up a potential relationship maybe???
just asking.
How did i miss this post. I'm too through with this poster. I'm not wasting anymore brain cells on any of the rubbish this person posts.