Have You Gotten Anyone Else Started on Their Healthy Hair Journey?


Well-Known Member
I got my mom started on her HHJ by growing her TWA out to a much longer thicker fro using comb coils and kinda being like the gestapo with making sure she wore her satin scarf:giggle: now she's all about braid outs her own whipped shea butter mixes and sulfate free poos:yep:

I've also been told by four of my closest friends that I inspired them to go natural one of which used to ALWAYS wear weaves to her butt, that was a shock but I think my enthusiasm shows and whenever someone presents a problem I usually have a technique to share.

There have also been some beautiful and kind ladies here since I've joined LHCF that told me I inspired them to go natural as well I dont remember how many but its a great feeling:yep: and I'm currently trying to get my cousin to start stretching her relaxers and use better color on her hair.

Have you gotten anyone else started on their HHJ?
HEHE NOPE! is that mean that i want to be the only girl in my clique with fly hair?!? Is that being selfish? lol People online told me i have helped them but that’s it.

But i have tried to help my mom. I tell you she perms her hair every 3-4 weeks. her hair is short (never grew past ear length) so she keeps perming the same thing over and over again, the whole head. She never gives herself time for new growth to come in. But oh well. I told her when she is 60-70 years old and she goes bald we will go wig shopping together. She gets mad at me when i say that but oh well its the truth!
I'm trying to get my sister and sister in law (so she can take better care of my niece's hair too) on the same page as me.
I give them tips and product suggestions and try to lead by example and my SIL even joined but she's just an occasional lurker.
It was fun, because i, beeing relaxed, inspired a friend, a year ago, to stop relaxing (she wanted healthier hair) because her hair is too fine. She have a beautiful natural curls so she did. Now i'm natural too, we are living in differents countries now, but we still talking about hair by msn. We have like a challenge, as my hair grows faster than hers, we want to see who reach apl before.

It was fun, because i inspired her to have healthy hair, and she inspired me to have natural hair.
my mum keeps trying to get started but she isn't ready yet. i think she thinks it's too much work and she doesn't Have the time. i think she will start when she is ready because she definately is interested and doesn't question any advice i give her or think i'm talkin crazy.

my little sister's hair is in really good condition. i will definately get her started on a hhj when she starts taking care of her own hair (she's 9). i just hope my family lets her do the things they may see as odd.

so to answer your question...no. lol
My sister and close friend are transitioning.

My SO little sister (17 yrs old) did her BC on October 9 after transitioning since February.
Yep, I've inspired my mom and two of my friends to stretch out relaxers until at least 8 weeks, do at least weekly DCs, increase moisture, do ocassional protein treatments, lay off the direct heat, and always use leave-ins. Both have said they see a difference.

Oh and they both are now members of LHCF. :)

So far so good. :yep:
Two girls from work!! One was transitioning under a wig and really didnt know what to use on her natural hair. She finally threw the wig out and wore her natural hair straight to work the last 2wks. She needs more confidence on wearing her curly hair so thats my next step. Her hair is gorgeous. Also another coworker BC'd down to 3inches two wks after I did mine. She says its the best thing she could of ever done. Its cool because I get to talk about hair and products with the ladies at work. We also watch youtube videos and I have given them this site to check out as well.
The only other person is my sister and I are still working on my mom. She chopped her hair short but she is afraid her natural hair isnt thick enough to pull it off. Well if she produced my sister and I Im sure her hair is hella thick
Nope but I know once I progress the way you ladies have, I m sure I'll get someone to listen
Oh yes, having visible progress really helps:yep:, alot of times I'll say something they can't believe like how often I wash my hair or how they should perm infrequently or my hommade DC's and they'll have a face of doubt and give me the side eye then their eyes will veer over to my hair and they'll shrug and be like you gotta be doin somethin right so I believe you....then they'll call me two days later tellin me how much they loved the DC they almost called me crazy for:rolleyes:

I love spreading the good word:yep:
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I have tried to give my aunt and her daughter advice but they don't listen. I tried to teach my aunt the proper way to detangle she just rips through her hair no patience :nono: Then my poor little cousin plays basketball and I told them to cut down on the braids back to back and put her hair in twist but they :rolleyes: so yeah I have tried.....:grin:
Just my daughter, but I figure she's the most important person in my life that I need to influence. I have a co-worker who insists that I have "good hair" and that's why I can wash so often and still retain length. She also says that if she had my my length there is so much more she would do with her hair. I have to say, I have never been accused of having "good hair" in all of my life, and I have never been someone that folks thought of when they said long hair. Thanks to this forum, I'm a changed woman!
yep my mother and sister, and working on my stubborn friends!

The SAD thing is, in high school I was hell bent on getting these two natural girls to relax their hair- for some reason people listen to me and they both did. Looking back I feel AWFUL about that...
If what you mean by "healthy hair journey" is getting people to go natural... no, I haven't, but that's not my intent. I leave that entirely up to them.

However, if you mean prompting them to take better care of their hair "as is" yes, several people.
HEHE NOPE! is that mean that i want to be the only girl in my clique with fly hair?!? Is that being selfish? lol People online told me i have helped them but that’s it.
You wrong:lachen::lol::lachen::lachen::rofl:

But i have tried to help my mom. I tell you she perms her hair every 3-4 weeks. her hair is short (never grew past ear length) so she keeps perming the same thing over and over again, the whole head. She never gives herself time for new growth to come in. But oh well. I told her when she is 60-70 years old and she goes bald we will go wig shopping together. She gets mad at me when i say that but oh well its the truth!
You could do like me and hook her up with the ill protective style, then use that as your excuse to why she has to preserve the style properly, then eventually she'll get used to being spoiled in the hair dept and seeing progress that things will work themselves out:yep:
I've tried to help my friends. None of them will listen to me. They "yes" me to death but don't follow what I tell them.:nono: I guess I have to show them instead of telling them. I texted one of my friends my progress pics and she sent me a text back asking, "what's that hair website?!?" :grin: My SO listen to me. He actually uses up my products to the point I have to hide my them! :lachen:Even though I don't care for him growing braids, I do admit his hair is nice, thick and growing fast!
I'm trying (I love a project), but no is listening to me. They all, say, :rolleyes: "Girl my hair is the least of my worries at this point." "I WISH all I had to do was sit up and play with my hair and those message boards all day and night!" :perplexed
But one day, they'll listen...yes...mark my words....one day...:crystalba
Yes. My mother is now very committed to hair care. Two of my best friends have also jumped on the bandwagon. I have gotten calls from the BSS with my friend reading out ingredients to me as well as calls from wal-mart because my other friend couldn't remember the name of the hair vitamin (biotin) I had told her about lol.
No, nobody listens to me. My sister, neice, and cousins just say "You always had nice hair - now you're just growing it out long. Our hair don't grow like that". I don't really have any comebacks. I never took care of my hair before, so now I feel like a hypocrite saying anything to them about haircare. :perplexed
Yes. My mother is now very committed to hair care. Two of my best friends have also jumped on the bandwagon. I have gotten calls from the BSS with my friend reading out ingredients to me as well as calls from wal-mart because my other friend couldn't remember the name of the hair vitamin (biotin) I had told her about lol.
OMG!!!! :blush: Me too!!:grin: I'll get calls like hey! I'm in the Beauty Supply Store which gel did you say is good for natural hair and which cholesterol did you get? and I'll haveta stay on the line till they get it:rolleyes::giggle:

But they thank me for it and I'm always happy to see a sista's hair thrive:yep:
OMG!!!! :blush: Me too!!:grin: I'll get calls like hey! I'm in the Beauty Supply Store which gel did you say is good for natural hair and which cholesterol did you get? and I'll haveta stay on the line till they get it:rolleyes::giggle:

But they thank me for it and I'm always happy to see a sista's hair thrive:yep:

I know! Girl is all up by the register and I'm still on the phone.:yep:
I'm proud to say that I have. I've inspired my friend, cousin, and sister. I've tried to convince others, but they insist that I have "good hair," and that there's no way that they could achieve similar results. I tell them that ANYONE can have healthy hair, that can grow longer than they could've ever imagined. It's irritating to get that feedback in spite of me trying to be helpful and informative. I'll attempt to help anyone who will actually listen.
I got my mother started...she was VERY anti-nappy when I went natural about 6 years ago- however she has not had a perm in about 4.5 years! I know I had something to do with that...

She also is not a big heat user...I had something to do with that too

Now she is contemplating sister locs bc of my suggestion....

She has come a loooooong way with her thoughts about natural hair...as have I ...
I'm proud to say that I have. I've inspired my friend, cousin, and sister. I've tried to convince others, but they insist that I have "good hair," and that there's no way that they could achieve similar results. I tell them that ANYONE can have healthy hair, that can grow longer than they could've ever imagined. It's irritating to get that feedback in spite of me trying to be helpful and informative. I'll attempt to help anyone who will actually listen.
I find it helpful when presented with the "oh but you got that good hair" argument, I simply whip out my iphone and show them my fro and the kinky tightly coily texture of my hair let my persuasive nature take over letting them know the potential of their hair and their usually like.....:shocked:WOW! And thats when I get the questions about regimen and product suggestion.

I got my mother started...she was VERY anti-nappy when I went natural about 6 years ago- however she has not had a perm in about 4.5 years! I know I had something to do with that...

She also is not a big heat user...I had something to do with that too

Now she is contemplating sister locs bc of my suggestion....

She has come a loooooong way with her thoughts about natural hair...as have I ...
Wow thats absolutely wonderful, I have a special place in my heart for sisterlocks:yep: they're soooo gorgeous I was seriously contemplating them early in my natural journey but I wanted to do them for the wrong reasons I wanted to get them outta frustration more then anything:ohwell: but they're soooo lovely
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