Has anyone else gotten lazy with their hair care regimen?

I'm definitely lazy but always have been. The co wash every other day? No way. Every day? Riiiiiight.

I stayed braided up for two years and now I'm braided up under a weave so that I could have a change of pace. BUT it's helped me to get beyond the length below (taken last year in late January to the right, last pic of length check) so I'm not arguing.

I will say I complain when I do it, I don't have a quick way such as NOnie. Mine takes foooorevaaa! But I clean the scalp with just tea tree or rinse in between, and when I take it down after 3-4 weeks in braids (or after I take down the weave) then I do the major wash which because of length and density combined with the fine strands and 4a texture, I have to detangle slowly and I do a dry dc and oil rinsing just to make up for that. So the process on wash day (and the night before) is long. So even though I complain, it's only something I do everyonce and a while (with exception of cleaning the scalp or in between rinsing to clean the hair but still it's in braids so it's a much easier thing to do!).

low manip works for me, and lucky me because I am not going to retwist my hair daily or do all the other stuff I've heard and I'm glad my hair still thrives as long as I give it moisture, and leave it alone.
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The only time I fall off is when I get sick with a cold, since I don't want to get my head wet. Do anybody wash their hair when they have a cold or wait it out until they get better?

I have a cold now I wash my hair in the evening when I get off work. Do the DC seal and plait it up. So by the morning I can put my wig on and go to work with reasonably dry hair

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Me. I can't believe I've complained so much about the look/health of my hair yet this year has probably been the worst in terms of my hair care regimen. I'm kinda ashamed actually.

Here's to doing better in 2012! lol
I think we've all gone through it at one time or another over the course of our HHJ. I know earlier this year, I totally neglected my hair, and ultimately I had to pay the price for it. I was hiding my hair, but that was just about the only thing I was doing (not much moisturizing, little to no sealing, impatient detangling, you name it). I didn't feel like dealing with my hair, what with all of the other stressful events that were going on in my life.:nono:

^^^THIS!!! I hide my hair daily under half wigs, and when i DO wear my own hair (in a twistout bun usually), my results are horrible because I have so many split ends and my moisture level is nonexistent :nono:...so then it goes back under the wig to be neglected some more. They were supposed to be a protective style option, NOT a crutch. Now I'm dependent on them and don't feel cute without them :sad:

i definitely need an intervention.

And i don't want to say it, but....

it was much easier to stick to a consistent regimen and keep up my hair's health when i was relaxed :sekret:
I changed my regimen completely to work with my work out schedule. Yet, when it comes down to wash time. I am dragging, dragging and dragging. But....... I do it, unhappily :giggle:

I am annoyed with it right now.
I started doing my hair in steps prepoo one day then the next day I do the rest, too lazy to do it all in one day
Yes, I have been very lazy...for the LAST 2 YEARS!

I haven't DC'd regularly, haven't trimmed often enough, stopped regular protein treatments, and just maniuplated my hair way too much.

Two months ago, I decided to get back on track. I joined a couple of "challenges" (listed in siggy) to heip keep me motivated, so I expect to see a lot of progress in 2012!
Yes, I've been lazy and I think my hair will suffer for it. I'm about to do a flat iron length check, and I'm pretty sure I'll be UNpleasantly surprised. :-(
Now that I have my one year old's hair to braid weekly, I don't do all the extra obsessive things I used to do (Severe hand in hair syndrome). I guess I've gotten over my hair and turned my attention to my daughter's hair. I do the bare minimum and just look for breakage.
Me! I am between jobs and not with my SO so it is part depression and part laziness.

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not lazy per se...i'd say more low maintenance :look: In my defense my hair retains length this way. I've officially given up weekly washing, for example. my hair is fine with washing every two weeks. I then twist in 20 big twists and spritz it with water every few days and seal with an oil or butter. i twist my hair in such a way that i can untwist the bottom half and leave the top half twisted and pinned up for a different look when i want to. I retained 5 inches in 2010 with this method but only 3 inches with wearing braid outs and washing weekly this year. with more manipulation came more knots, which meant more dusting/trimming.

laziness isn't a bad thing necessarily. :yep:

LovelyNaps26 do you have a picture of how you twist your hair? - the idea of only undoing half the twists sounds interesting. I'm guessing you re-twist every night. How would this be less manipulation for your ends compared to wearing a 'full' braid-out?
LovelyNaps26 do you have a picture of how you twist your hair? - the idea of only undoing half the twists sounds interesting. I'm guessing you re-twist every night. How would this be less manipulation for your ends compared to wearing a 'full' braid-out?


Bublin you can't see the top too well but i have about 10 twists in total at the top. Four on one side of the part and 6 on the other. i knew i wanted to wear the back out so i actually flat twisted in 7 rows and then braided once i got to the nape. with that definition i wouldn't need to retwist. usually i pin it up so i'm not concerned about as much definition. in this pic i had worn my hair out one day and then banded it in 2 pony tails in the back. i wore it out for 3 days, banding each night. banding to me is less manipulation since i'm not separating the strands. after day 3 i then i twisted it in about 7 large twists and pinned it up for the next few days. I didn't comb once. i just spritzed the large twist with water and pinned 'em right back up. so in 2 weeks i wore it out a few days and had it pinned up in large twists. for braid outs i have to rebraid my hair in large braid every night.

hope that makes sense.

ETA: This is a closer shot of the back. the definition lasts without re-braiding for at least 3 days with only banding at night

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Love this look. Very cute and professional.

I am transitioning, and not very far in, so my neglect is extension wearing right now. Before this, I was wigging for work and cowashing every 3 days/washing once a week. My hair was loving the moisture, best it's felt in years. But I got so sick of the wigs, I didn't know what else to do short of big chop. I do at least wash/rinse my braids weekly and use castor oil on my scalp as needed, but nothing compares to doing these things without the added weight on my follicles and regular DCing.
I kinda have too. I used to co wash daily and wng.

Now...I wash/dc on Sundays and co wash on Wednesday or Thursdays. My hair gets combed every 3 days. I simply wet and shake my hair on those inbetween days to refresh my wng and I mash it into some kind of puff or bun.

Sometimes I go a week without combing.
I haven't deep conditioned in like two weeks. I just haven't had the time. I think i'm gonna start baggying but I'm afraid of how my scalp will react to that.

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I fell off after a month or so, too much work lol. I don't use heat as much but whatever shampoo/conditioner I feel like, sleeping with my hair down and brushing wet or dry is my routine nowadays.
Yup, I too have always been lazy with my hair. When I started on this site I was shocked at how much time, effort and money people were dedicating to their hair!

I want healthy hair but I need to get there on the simplest, easiest, non-time-consuming, cheapest route possible!

Now that is a thread I'd love to read; I'm gonna start it!

Hi Nix08 :grin:, I am afraid to get or worsen a head cold. My cold is finally almost over so I am currently hot oil steaming my hair, so I am back on my game. Yes I love the hot water down my back and body, but don't forget the cold rinse we need to do at the end. I shudder to think of it when I am sick.

You do realise that colds and flus are viral infections and nothing to do with washing your hair or getting it wet.
It's a black myth!
Rain or shine, sick or well, white folk wash their hair daily!
Wash your hair, nothing is gonna happen to you.
I am the self-proclaimed queen of Hair Lazydom. I went all summer off the regimen, and my hair suffered for it, too :nono:
i gave birth in july and have been so busy taking care of my new born + my older son of 3 years old. And laziness has killed my hair!!!!!! a desaster. im so pissed ,it had grown well, but ive been leaving it there missing on moisturising it, deep condish,etc... last week i had to cut those ends. i even feel like shaving it all off.

and at work i cant wear my hair like i want! fustrating...
I definitely have gotten LAZY as hale due to school and finals... but now that they're over, I have time to baby my hair! I'm about to clarify and deep condition, the whole bit :D
Thank you very much for the photos and explaination. Your hair is beautiful. I think i may try undoing 3/4 of a braid and see how it looks on my much shorter hair. Definition lasts for days in my hair too but if i add anything water based i have to re-braid or i'll have a frizzy mess on my hands. I'll give the banding a go overnight.
Yes, this is me. With school I have not dedicated any time for my hair. I almost feel bad if I am enjoying myself in any way other than studying, lol. I am trying to keep my hair in braids or twists, and on top of that I keep it in a high bun. I am still being lazy, but now that school is over, I am willing to take a good look at my hair :)
Yup. I've let more time pass between washes and I've been lazy with tying my hair up. Hopefully I'll get back on track over the holiday off time. I seem to see the most growth with more washing, so I'll implement that back into my regimen.