...Hmm I don't know how to answer this. In order to answer that, I have to explain why my hair was relaxed to begin with...so here goes:
I was natural right up to when I turned 21. Length was never really an issue, and my hair was fairly healthy. Then I met this guy (I know. Embarrassing)
In little ways, he would suggest that perhaps, I should get a relaxer...as I normally wore my hair pressed anyways. Top that with my hairdresser also adding pressure suggesting that I relaxed stating that it would be easier for me to manage, the curls would still be there just not as tight.
Took both their words, and said, "hey why not? If it'll make him like me a bit more, and make it easier for me to do my hair, let's do it..."
...So then I relaxed it....and immediately regretted it. Yes, my hair was straight, but, the VOLUME was gone. and I found myself missing my curls.
In short. I didn't feel like myself....like I someone else..not me.
But as most of you guys also know, the commitment to transition, can be difficult and it took until the end of last July for me to finally just say "I"m off this relaxer train"...and thus far, I've stuck with it...I aint going back. Thanks to this board and youtube. LOL
as for that guy? Yeah we broke up a year or so after I relaxed my hair...he ended up marrying the next girl.
So this whole going natural is also like me going back to...me. Or an improved version of myself.