Does Anyone Else Look Forward to Starting Their Future Daughter on their HHJ??

Yes! Even before I started my HH journey I wanted all girls and I imagined them all having MBL natural hair. I just didn't know how I would get them there. My daughter is almost 2 and she's below SL stretched. Her hair is super thick and super curly, 4a-ish. She hates hair combing and washing time but she loves to stare at it in the mirror when I'm done, lol.
That's wonderful, keep doing what you're doing and stick to your natural journey it will be tough sometimes but it will be more then worth it. You have a leg up because you have this community to come to whenever you have a problem I never knew about this board untill very recently so don't hesitate to look something up or just ask :).

You and your daughter's hair will thrive and reach thickness and lengths you never reached before. It's great that she asks questions answer them all so one day she'll be able to have healthy hair practices herself:yep:

I agree my friend was natural for 3 years and just relaxed her hair :blush: She did not know about this board. I can not wait until I BC :drunk::drunk:.....
I can't wait even my mom says I better have girls cos I'm so obsessed my poor sons will be rocking long hair whether they want to or not, I'm no where near ready to have kids but I'm practising on my 4 year old sister.
I was a late starter. Now, before going to bed, my daughter actually reminds me that we have to moisturize her hair.:yep: She was about 5 when I found the hair boards. She's now 8. She was born with some hair, but it all fell out. Her hair really didn't show any siginifacant growth until she was about 2.

She's the reason why I am transitioning. I absoultely love her natural hair. Once I learned how to take care of my daughter's hair, the health & growth has really taken off. I wasn't quite prepared for the thickness, but we are dealing quite well with it. Here is her progress:

1st pic - almost a year old
2nd pic - before starting the crown & glory technique
3rd pic - about 10 months of crown & glory technique
4th pic - Now (hair still damp, but stretched a little using the tension blow dry method to do twists for the week)


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Oh, yes! DD just turned 4 last week and has TBL natural hair. She's a type 3a/3b maybe. Her hair is gorgeous.

DS also has thick healthy hair... it's thick and gorgeous. His texture is like 3c in the back, but like 2c in the front. I love combing his hair but I have to wrestle him down like full force before he submits, lol. When I put ponytails in his hair he spends as much time as needed to rip them out.

I love taking care of my children's hair. DH has done some sabre rattling about cutting DS's hair but I let him know he better not lay a finger on that boy's head or else something else might get chopped off, lol :brucelee:
I started on my HHJ when I was 16-17 and my cousin, who was 5 at the time, would ask me to take hair pictures of her too :lol:

If I had my computer with me right now, I'd post pix of her hair back then. Nearly waistlength natural.

Sadly, at age 8, her mother texturized her hair. Why, when her texture is a 3b/3c :ohwell: So now it's fully waistlength.

She has yet to see my hair in its natural state, but I hope that a few years down the line, I can convince her mom/her to return her hair to its natural state:lol:
I can't wait even my mom says I better have girls cos I'm so obsessed my poor sons will be rocking long hair whether they want to or not, I'm no where near ready to have kids but I'm practising on my 4 year old sister.
lol this is so funny because i love lil boys with some hair, its so the same for me lol
DD is 6 years old and I've been taking great care of her hair over the past couple of years. She went from APL to WL this past school year and we are aiming for HL hair by the end of 1st grade :) She is a swimmer, so her ends tend to be a little dry, but I give her trims every few months and her hair is thriving. DD#2 is only 7 months old, but she has a head full of big bouncy curls that touch APL when wet :grin::grin::grin: So yes, I plan on teaching both how to take good care of their hair so they can wear it as long (or as short) as they want to when they grow up!


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I have a she is in March (she was 6). I had just used "texture softener" on her hair and flat ironed it that day. I did not know it was the same as a relaxer :ohwell:
I started the LHCF method with her as soon as I discovered this site in July. I used to wash her hair, condition and GREASE her hair once a week. She swims a lot so her hair was on the dry side.
Now I DC after washing and I use coconut oil and/or castor oil instead of grease. Plus I wet her hair before she gets in the pool. I am trying to convince her to wear a swimming cap but she wants nothing to do with it LOL
I still plan to use the texture softener on her though, twice a year. I hate to see her cry when I try to comb her hair.


I can't wait to hook my little girls' hair up when I do have some. Like you said, they're gonna be in elementary school with beautiful coily hair down to their waists! LOL!
I have a she is in March (she was 6). I had just used "texture softener" on her hair and flat ironed it that day. I did not know it was the same as a relaxer :ohwell:
I started the LHCF method with her as soon as I discovered this site in July. I used to wash her hair, condition and GREASE her hair once a week. She swims a lot so her hair was on the dry side.
Now I DC after washing and I use coconut oil and/or castor oil instead of grease. Plus I wet her hair before she gets in the pool.
Maybe you should try wetting it and putting some conditioner in her hair before she get's in the water that way her hair is already saturated with something and less likely to get dried out by the chlorine.I'd do conditioner and castor oil:yep:

then you probably have to reverse the exposure to chlorine to her hair once she gets out with a really good condish....swimmers help me out! lol

I am trying to convince her to wear a swimming cap but she wants nothing to do with it LOL
I still plan to use the texture softener on her though, twice a year. I hate to see her cry when I try to comb her hair.
If you tweak your techniques on detangling then it wont be painful anymore:) combing my hair used to always be painful but when I started putting lot's of oil a little conditioner and combing my hair section by section under a cascade of water detangling became a painless breeze:yep:....sometimes all you need is to tweak your regimen a bit to accommodate different textures.

Your daughter is beautiful:)
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I just had a baby girl this month and I can't wait. DH and I were laughing about what we would do if she came home from a friend's house one day with a relaxer. My only beef though is people..well ignorant people anyway, will just excuse away her healthy hair because she's half filipino. I hope by that time I will have some TBL natural hair to flip but I'm sure they will find some way to negate that too.
I'm new here, but I told myself if I ever have a woman child I would make sure that her hair is taken care of properly and I will keep in clean and neat. I promise to keep my child hair in cute braids with beads; wash often and keep it moisturize. I have a conscious about my hair that it doesn't grow often and I don't want that for my child.
When I have a daughter, it's a wrap!! She'll have mid-back length natural hair by the the middle of elementary school and she'll be proud of her coily glory!!:grin:

I'm not having a child untill I'm a married homeowner preferably after I get my degrees so it's gonna be a bit before I even have to worry about this but yet and still......I regularly think to myself omg I'm gonna start my daughter off so early I'll have the doctors slap on some cholesterol DC once she leaves the womb!:lachen:

Okay I wont be that bad....but I'll be close lol

Anywhoo do you ever reflect on everything you've learned about healthy hair care for black women and think to yourself, I can't wait to start my daughter off from the beginning on her healthy hair journey??

Have you already started your daughter on her HHJ??

Yes! I am so >here< with you!
All the time.. I am transitioning now so by the time I have her I will have had experience with my natural hair to care for hers..
I caan't wait!!!! My little girl (when I get married) will have WSL by the time shes 6
LOL…….I thought I was the only one thinking about this without having a daughter yet…….LMBO :lachen:! In my dreams, she has beautiful, natural, soft MBL hair…….:grin: