Have You Gotten Anyone Else Started on Their Healthy Hair Journey?

Suprisingly yes, since I've bc'ed twice since being a member :grin:. Two of them are actually members of the site (hi guys:grin:)
Yup. I got one of my roommates to care for her hair more. She's transitioning at the moment to natural which was a shock but very cool. My other roomie thinks her hair is too tough to go without a relaxer but I have been able to get her to stretch them a little longer. I also got her to stop relaxing every month from root to tip. That took work. I took over doing her relaxers and her weaves and I switched her relaxers (she was using tcb). Looking at her hair u can almost see where I started taking over.

Now when I tell her to do something to her hair she does it with less of a fight and we see retention. She's even talking about doing a 6 month stretch, we'll see how it goes, lol.
No, not really. I shut about about any hair talk around my friends. If they want help, then they can come to me but I highly doubt they ever will unless they plan on going natural.

I give my mum advice though, such as letting her know to not get trims from stylists, use heat protectant when blow-drying, don't get braids too small, don't over-process your hair etc. She doesn't really use grease on her hair any more because I don't touch the stuff.

She's in protective styles virtually all the time because that's just how she likes to wear her hair. Even if she takes the braids out, she buns automatically or puts on a hat or wrap. However, she doesn't wash regularly any rarely conditions her hair either. Forget about DCs, protein treatments etc. She doesn't want to be bothered and I'm not pressurising her about it either. Her hair is close to APL (she's 5'8").
My sister used to have the longer healthy relaxed hair, all while I was growing natural and learning how to manage my hair she apparently was taking notes, cause when her relaxed hair started to not thrive or be thick anymore she transitioned and follows everything I do now to a T, but I never officially talked to her, she just watched and listened for years

Ive ingrained it into my daughter so she has it , but doesnt do it much which drives me crazy

and my friends dont listen to me, they think its my hair type and they cant do better, so they keep doing what they do no matter what I tell them, I gave up
Yes!!! Several of my sorors are going natural now too. One of my BFF's from high school. Also, I learned how to re-twist my brother's dreads by watching youtube tutorials b/c he was flustered with the girl who was twisting them. He was going to cut them and I saved his hair! Now he won't let anyone else touch it!

Several women have been following my journey to natural hair and weight loss/ healthy living. It's really inspiring to inspire others to change their lifestyles. And I refer EVERYONE to this site!! :) I am also involved in the starting of a natural hair social club in my area...which is HUGE for Nebraska! :yay:
Yes!! :yep:

My 19-year-old daughter has finally been bitten by the HHG bug!! She is stretching 20weeks, at the end of which time, I will personally be handling her relaxer!! I am so excited for her. Her growth is astronomical!! She will have beautiful, healthy, long, BSL/WL hair in a few years!!! :dance7:
I have.

These days, my mom is always talking about moisturizing and sealing, and protecting her ends, and trying to show me how long her hair is getting. She's still lazy in some areas, but her hair is thickening up and retaining length. I just bought her a replacement bottle of JBCO, and give her products that don't work for me so that she can try them out. She'll be stretching her relaxer also.

I've introduced my sister and niece to LHCF. My sister has started to listen about moisturizing and conditioning regularly, so I'm sure I've inspired her to care for her hair so she can retain the length she has.
No....I've surely tried, but no one will listen to me. My mom saw me baggying once and told me to stop my foolishness and to go wrap my hair. She has really thick BSL hair, so for now, she gets to talk. :lol:

But when my hair gets longer, they'll listen. They'll do more than listen...they'll beg me to tell them the secret.
I'm really contemplating being like nawww sonn :nono2:...ya'll had your chance. :evilbanana:
I've told a least 10 people at least 6 who are members of the fitness center where I work. One lady I told her to go to the website, she never did but I told her about henna, protective hair styles and moisture. Yesterday, I saw her in the locker room and low and behold, her hair was thicker, healthier, and bra-strap length. I was shocked, she thanked me and said she took my advice but never went to this site. Another member, her hair(BSL) was breaking off from a relaxer and I also told her about the site. She also never made it here but she informed her hair is doing better with moisture, protecting her ends, and taking a heat protectant to her beautican. I told her she needs to stretch out her relaxers and to get info from here because I'm natural and couldn't help her. She told me her hairdresser said not to do that because her hair might break off.:wallbash: I didn't even answer her but I wanted say, "you should listen to me because I've helped you more than your so called beautican. No one else has gone to the site(LHCF) too lazy.
No....I've surely tried, but no one will listen to me. My mom saw me baggying once and told me to stop my foolishness and to go wrap my hair. She has really thick BSL hair, so for now, she gets to talk. :lol:

:yep: I was explaining to "a girl I went to school with" about baggying one day while we were out to lunch. I told her I was baggying under my phonie pony at that moment. She laughed so loud and hard and said she would die if she took off my phonie pony and seen a sandwich bag around MY ponytail. It made me feel some kind of way the way she laughed. But I'll have the last laugh when my hair is reaching great lengths. :grin:
almost! I convinced my sister to go natural with me, (Now if only I could get her to stop putting in braids 24/7 and to give her hair a rest!) and my other sister who is relaxed, I'm putting her on AO products and telling her about protein etc. She's a salon junkie though, so its a little hard. I'm the youngest so at first neither of them wanted to listen to me. But my progress will speak for itself!

I'm working on my mother but she has really bad alopecia from medication that she has taken in the past...I don't know what to do to help her. :/ i'm not a doctor... but I feel bad
my Roommate BC'ed 2 yrs ago however she doesn't really take care of her hair..other then clipping her ends... I am trying to introduce her into different products and styles like twist outs...two strand twist..shingling...etc.. that could assist her since she's tired of washing everyday... We kinda switched it.. When I was relaxed and my hair was longer then hers I kinda inspired her to try to grow longer by stretchin between relaxers... and in return she inspired me to just say F'it and BC..lol
My 13 y/o cousin cut all her hair off, she has a twa. My aunts were trying to convince her to texlax, but I told them that would defeat the purpose of her cutting it all off. She nor my aunt knows a thing about taking care of relaxed hair. She has decided to stay natural after I convinced her, she loves it.

She has inspired me, lol...
I've told a least 10 people at least 6 who are members of the fitness center where I work. One lady I told her to go to the website, she never did but I told her about henna, protective hair styles and moisture. Yesterday, I saw her in the locker room and low and behold, her hair was thicker, healthier, and bra-strap length. I was shocked, she thanked me and said she took my advice but never went to this site. Another member, her hair(BSL) was breaking off from a relaxer and I also told her about the site. She also never made it here but she informed her hair is doing better with moisture, protecting her ends, and taking a heat protectant to her beautican. I told her she needs to stretch out her relaxers and to get info from here because I'm natural and couldn't help her. She told me her hairdresser said not to do that because her hair might break off.:wallbash: I didn't even answer her but I wanted say, "you should listen to me because I've helped you more than your so called beautican. No one else has gone to the site(LHCF) too lazy.

Too lazy is a BIG issue for some many about hair care. That's why you can talk til you're blue in the face and nada, zip, zilch. :sad: Well, as many have attested to here, most folks don't seem to like unsolicited advice. shrug.

The good news is about your 1st lady. I'm glad she took your advice. Really, dare I say, if you just do a few simple things, you'll get results w/o LHCF! :grin:
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Yes, my cousin in Texas. She started stalking my fotki and it inspired her to follow my lead and grow out her relaxer. She did her BC a few months ago and now she's 100% natural. She also decided to open a hair shop that focuses on natural hair.
My BFF and a couple other good friends. Although not everyone listens or takes the time to come to the site. So far my best friend is the only one following my recommendation and benefitting from LHCF.

Sometimes I get the urge to stop random people on the street if their hair is looking a H.A.M but I just leave well enough alone.
I am working on three people
My mother, A Sister from my church who just decided to transition and needs help
and my best friend she has long gorgeous hair, but it's coming out on top. I suspect it's from years wearing ponytails cotton bandanas

I am whipping up a batch of my hair cocoction for her tomorrow
Yes, my sister started growing out her natural hair after I went natural. Her hair is gorgeous. She recently started locking her hair.

A former co-worker liked my natural hair and let go of her weave and started taking better care of her relaxed hair. I also brought her some products to use on her daughter's hair. She told me her daughter's hair is much more manageable and it has grown to her butt (from wsl).

My mom was growing out her relaxer with me for several months, but then went back to relaxers. But she asks me for product recommendations and has always had hood hair care practices.