Have You Ever Spoken In Tongues?

Have You Ever Spoken In Tongues

  • Yes, I've spoken in tongues, I am saved.

    Votes: 21 39.6%
  • No, I've not ever spoken in tongues, I am not saved.

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • I don't believe speaking in tongues is required for salvation.

    Votes: 29 54.7%
  • I do believe speaking in tongues is required for salvation

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • I have only spoken in tongues once or twice, not regularly.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I speak in tongues on a regular basis.

    Votes: 13 24.5%

  • Total voters
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I believe speaking in tongues refers to the ability to speak understandable languages, so that people will hear the Word of God in their native/familiar languages. As told in Acts, on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit bestowed this gift so that the gospel message would spread to the scores of different peoples present.

There is no statement in the Scriptures that a person must speak in tongues in order to prove the presence of the Holy Spirit. In fact, the Scriptures tell us that the myriad of gifts are bestowed to us as the Lord sees fit (see 1 Corinthians 12). Some receive certain gifts while some receive others. The fruits of the Spirit are given in Galatians 14.

In 1 Corinthians 14, the Scriptures clarify that tongues must be understandable to others. If someone is speaking in an unknown tongue, then there must be an interpreter. Others must understand in order to be edified.

Just to expound further, tongues does not refer to unintelligible, undecipherable speech. The Scriptures speak against such things. In fact, Jesus taught us how to pray and gave instruction on these matters.

Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. The Greek word for “repetitions” here is battalogeo, which translates to babbling, stammering, or chattering. Here is in interesting explanation:

In Matthew 6:7 Jesus said, "But when ye pray, use not vain [or `meaningless'] repetitions, as the pagans do...." The phrase "vain repititions" is the Greek word battalogeo. The verb logeo means "to speak," and the prefix batta is not even a word. It is a figure of speech that in English we call an onomatopoeia--the naming of something by a vocal imitation of the sound it makes. For example, we say that a bee goes buzz, or a zipper goes zip, or a plane goes whish. Those aren't words, they're onomatopoetic figures of speech. Well, batta isn't a word either. What Jesus is literally saying in Matthew 6:7 is, "When you pray, don't say batta, batta, batta--the sound of the stammering, stuttering gibberish that the pagans offer to their gods. The Father isn't interested in that kind of communication." So, we are to pray intelligibly and "with the understanding" (1 Cor. 14:15). http://www.biblebb.com/files/MAC/sg1871.htm

This makes much sense. If anyone has ever heard the babbling and stammering of individuals who claim to catch the spirits of certain non-Christians gods and goddesses, it is strikingly similar to the babbling and stammering of those who claim have caught the Holy Spirit. This should not be the case. The presence of the Holy Spirit is always different from that which is not of God. The fruits of the Spirit include temperance (self-control). One must be able to control speech and as noted earlier, to interpret and understand for it to be the Spirit of God.

Whenever God creates something good and pure, Satan - the master of deceit - comes up with a counterfeit to defeat the purposes of God. Here it is important to recognize that speaking in tongues refers to languages that others can understand for the spreading of the gospel and edification of others. Anything else is a counterfeit...

God bless.
Last edited:
last post (for now) in this thread...
all of us were raised different
all of us are different ages
all of us are from different areas
all of us are weird for even caring about this LOL
(btw, for everyone who has never texted, LOL is put somewhere to insinuate a joke, to lighten the mood, like... don't take the previous statement seriously)
but anyways, I know this is absolutely correct:

Romans 8:38
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

If anybody can really say that this means that speaking in tongues are a requirement, then I'll send you some cookies...
And I don't think that people that speak in tongues are more "spiritually grown" than I am. And I teach at a private school. And I will gladly tell my kids that every day for the rest of my career.
My God does not separate. My God is one of equality. He says to draw near to Him, not nearer to Him than everyone around you...
Maybe that is an assumption as well though...
Maybe all of my beliefs are assumptions...
The "Christian" Forum is very frustrating to me, and somehow enjoyable at the same time...
daps n hugs.
u know someone's looking at this planning their attack on you... its hot in here LOL
and u got that naked skinny heifer as your avatar lol its coming soon
who is that anyways she has a good body i wanna look like that in a bathing suit... geeez =/
u know someone's looking at this planning their attack on you... its hot in here LOL
and u got that naked skinny heifer as your avatar lol its coming soon
who is that anyways she has a good body i wanna look like that in a bathing suit... geeez =/

That's my "wife": Aria Giovanni!

Her body is 100% AMAZING!

Check out this website. If the link doesn't work, go to Yahoo.com and type in her name :lick:

Hottest woman on the PLANET! :yep:


Yea, I had no idea that the Christian Forum rolled like this!

Forget the Soap Opera and Relationship Forums!

This issue has come up several times in this forum. There are those who believe that speaking in tongues is evidence of "saved" status ....evidence of being a christian. There are those who believe it's essential to the christian walk and even those who believe that it's evidence that the person has entered into a relationship with Jesus. What are your thoughts on this? Have you ever spoken in tongues and do you believe that those who have never spoken in tongues are hell-bound?

Disclaimer and Posting Etiquette:
These threads have generally become very heated...ahem, I was guilty of such before. I do not wish for flaming in this one. Just honest opinion and OPEN discussion. Bare your thoughts on this and please provide scripture for those of us scripturally impaired.

I think this would be a time to ask those people who believe this or that to lead you to a scripture which supports their beliefs. That would be very beneficial in proving what is true and what is false.
:yep: I agree.

It's been addressed in this thread there is a distinction between speaking in tongues and being moved by the Holy Ghost to utter. A lot of Believers, like myself, mistakenly make see the two as interchangeable. I am not ashamed to say I was not quite right.
I believe speaking in tongues refers to the ability to speak understandable languages, so that people will hear the Word of God in their native/familiar languages. As told in Acts, on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit bestowed this gift so that the gospel message would spread to the scores of different peoples present.

There is no statement in the Scriptures that a person must speak in tongues in order to prove the presence of the Holy Spirit. In fact, the Scriptures tell us that the myriad of gifts are bestowed to us as the Lord sees fit (see 1 Corinthians 12). Some receive certain gifts while some receive others. The fruits of the Spirit are given in Galatians 14.

In 1 Corinthians 14, the Scriptures clarify that tongues must be understandable to others. If someone is speaking in an unknown tongue, then there must be an interpreter. Others must understand in order to be edified.

Which Scriptures are those?
Just to expound further, tongues does not refer to unintelligible, undecipherable speech. The Scriptures speak against such things.

I find it interesting that no one here is acknowledging the Day of Pentecost for what it really is: The day the Holy Ghost was sent down.

Have you ever seen a drunken person in full control of themselves?

If the men moved by the Holy Ghost were in control of themselves, the witnesses there wouldn't have been amazed or in doubt of what they just saw. Those who witnessed wouldn't have mocked, saying "These men are full of new wine." (Acts 2:13) and Peter wouldn't have stood up to them to reply "be this known unto you, and harken to my words: for these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day." (Acts 2:14).

In Matthew 6, God is asking us to not repeat prayers as a ritual. I take it that you mean when someone yields to the Spirit of God and utters, they are being repetitious? That is not the case, for every time God moves it is different. In this situation, the Holy Ghost is in the role of Intercessor and communicating to God through us, thus the "babble" that you are referring to.
In fact, Jesus taught us how to pray and gave instruction on these matters.

Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. The Greek word for “repetitions” here is battalogeo, which translates to babbling, stammering, or chattering. Here is in interesting explanation:

In Matthew 6:7 Jesus said, "But when ye pray, use not vain [or `meaningless'] repetitions, as the pagans do...." The phrase "vain repititions" is the Greek word battalogeo. The verb logeo means "to speak," and the prefix batta is not even a word. It is a figure of speech that in English we call an onomatopoeia--the naming of something by a vocal imitation of the sound it makes. For example, we say that a bee goes buzz, or a zipper goes zip, or a plane goes whish. Those aren't words, they're onomatopoetic figures of speech. Well, batta isn't a word either. What Jesus is literally saying in Matthew 6:7 is, "When you pray, don't say batta, batta, batta--the sound of the stammering, stuttering gibberish that the pagans offer to their gods. The Father isn't interested in that kind of communication." So, we are to pray intelligibly and "with the understanding" (1 Cor. 14:15). http://www.biblebb.com/files/MAC/sg1871.htm

Here, you are referring to the 9 Fruits of the Spirits vs works of the Flesh. The Fruits of the Spirt are the qualities someone who has God living in them, through the Holy Spirit, should have according to Galations 5. This is different from when the Holy Ghost is moving and we yield to the Holy Ghost Someone who has God living in them shouldn't yield to the Flesh but to the Spirit, which makes their walk a spiritual one.

At the same token, when someone is moved by the Holy Ghost and reacts, that's the Spirit's effect on the Flesh. Now I will say some people will overreact, but that doesn't mean they didn't feel the intensity of God.
This makes much sense. If anyone has ever heard the babbling and stammering of individuals who claim to catch the spirits of certain non-Christians gods and goddesses, it is strikingly similar to the babbling and stammering of those who claim have caught the Holy Spirit. This should not be the case. The presence of the Holy Spirit is always different from that which is not of God. The fruits of the Spirit include temperance (self-control). One must be able to control speech and as noted earlier, to interpret and understand for it to be the Spirit of God.

I agree! I always am challenged by your posts, but I sincerely hope you are not implying anyone here is being deceitful. :(

God Bless you, too. :yep:

Whenever God creates something good and pure, Satan - the master of deceit - comes up with a counterfeit to defeat the purposes of God. Here it is important to recognize that speaking in tongues refers to languages that others can understand for the spreading of the gospel and edification of others. Anything else is a counterfeit...

God bless.
:yep: I agree.

It's been addressed in this thread there is a distinction between speaking in tongues and being moved by the Holy Ghost to utter. A lot of Believers, like myself, mistakenly make see the two as interchangeable. I am not ashamed to say I was not quite right.

Interesting. I believe in speaking in tongues (languages), but not in what some Christians call utterances that don't have any understandable meaning.

Which Scriptures are those?

The verses in the chapters listed. I believe a number of them were listed earlier, so I didn't want to post them again. I don't mind though, if you would like...

I find it interesting that no one here is acknowledging the Day of Pentecost for what it really is: The day the Holy Ghost was sent down.

Have you ever seen a drunken person in full control of themselves?

If the men moved by the Holy Ghost were in control of themselves, the witnesses there wouldn't have been amazed or in doubt of what they just saw. Those who witnessed wouldn't have mocked, saying "These men are full of new wine." (Acts 2:13) and Peter wouldn't have stood up to them to reply "be this known unto you, and harken to my words: for these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day." (Acts 2:14).

Yes, those who were mocking tried to claim that they were drunken simply because they gain the ability to speak other languages so quickly. However, nothing here mentions anything about people falling all over the ground and uttering things that others could not understand. Others were in shock because of the sudden linguistic abilities...

In Matthew 6, God is asking us to not repeat prayers as a ritual. I take it that you mean when someone yields to the Spirit of God and utters, they are being repetitious? That is not the case, for every time God moves it is different. In this situation, the Holy Ghost is in the role of Intercessor and communicating to God through us, thus the "babble" that you are referring to.

I agree with you to a certain extent but it does seem like the verse goes beyond ritualistic prayers when one reads the Greek. The term does not just deal with repetition but also meaningless, unintelligible speech. Since "batta" isn't a work in Greek, it does seem like it refer to undecipherable speech. It also may derive from the Aramaic word "battal" meaning "useless, idle," particularly since Aramaic was Jesus' language.

Here, you are referring to the 9 Fruits of the Spirits vs works of the Flesh. The Fruits of the Spirt are the qualities someone who has God living in them, through the Holy Spirit, should have according to Galations 5. This is different from when the Holy Ghost is moving and we yield to the Holy Ghost Someone who has God living in them shouldn't yield to the Flesh but to the Spirit, which makes their walk a spiritual one.

At the same token, when someone is moved by the Holy Ghost and reacts, that's the Spirit's effect on the Flesh. Now I will say some people will overreact, but that doesn't mean they didn't feel the intensity of God.

Why would the Source of the Fruits of the Spirit create in an individual, expressions that are not what He claims are the express of His presence?

I agree! I always am challenged by your posts, but I sincerely hope you are not implying anyone here is being deceitful. :(

No. I don't mean that people here are being deceitful - not at all. But only that the Devil is the master of deceit and that he attempts to create counterfeits of all the good that God does. Sometimes we can be sincerely deceived into believing that certain things are good and true, when they are not. It's because of the Devil, but God reaches us in His own time.

This is a touchy topic that I have generally left alone until now, because I know that people are sincere. However, much of what can be seen of the "catching of the Holy Spirit" so similarly mirrors possession by other spirits. This is in no way an attack an any individuals either. I simply believe that the Holy Spirit is distinct based on my understanding of the Scriptures.

God Bless you, too. :yep:

I was asking you to explain how it's essential to the believer if not required of him. That's what I meant by it being edifying. I haven't read the new posts yet....so if this is a repeat, please disregard...I'll get to the posts tonight.

It wasn't toward you. I changed my mind because I was reminded where I was posting. :ohwell:
Take this quiz and then you will know if you need to pray to God for baptism of The Holy Spirit and the gift to speak in heavenly tongues?

* Are you a human being and have you ever sinned?
* Have you ever faced a trial or tribulation?
*If you have faced a trial or tribulation, then this means that there was some type of conflict that could not be easily solved?
*If the situation could not be easily solved, then that means you lacked the power or strength to make it "go away?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then you are a candidate for baptism of The Holy spirit and should seek the gift of tongues.

There have been points or times in my life as many, where even though I know how to pray, I may not know exactly what to say. These are the points in time that every human being is faced with BUT in my case, The Holy Spirit prays for me in the perfect will of God. When you pray in the perfect will of God, then your prayers have more power and you know for sure God is listening. EVERYONE should seek baptism of The Holy Spirit and the gift to speak in heavenly tongues.
Take this quiz and then you will know if you need to pray to God for baptism of The Holy Spirit and the gift to speak in heavenly tongues?

* Are you a human being and have you ever sinned?
* Have you ever faced a trial or tribulation?
*If you have faced a trial or tribulation, then this means that there was some type of conflict that could not be easily solved?
*If the situation could not be easily solved, then that means you lacked the power or strength to make it "go away?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then you are a candidate for baptism of The Holy spirit and should seek the gift of tongues.

There have been points or times in my life as many, where even though I know how to pray, I may not know exactly what to say. These are the points in time that every human being is faced with BUT in my case, The Holy Spirit prays for me in the perfect will of God. When you pray in the perfect will of God, then your prayers have more power and you know for sure God is listening. EVERYONE should seek baptism of The Holy Spirit and the gift to speak in heavenly tongues.

This is actually very interesting because you're giving a reason to seek this out. In my stream of worship, people strive to live holy lives (I certainly fall short of that) and seek to give as a means to rising to a higher level of spirituality. You're saying that this is also a way to attain this higher level and be edified and helped through this walk on earth. I'd like folks to elaborate on their feelings/knowledge about this. Thanks for this post...this is the second wind of it.
This is actually very interesting because you're giving a reason to seek this out. In my stream of worship, people strive to live holy lives (I certainly fall short of that) and seek to give as a means to rising to a higher level of spirituality. You're saying that this is also a way to attain this higher level and be edified and helped through this walk on earth. I'd like folks to elaborate on their feelings/knowledge about this. Thanks for this post...this is the second wind of it.

This is where I tend to believe that our experience of God is subjective, meaning that He strengthens us and makes Himself present to us all in different ways, according to the gifts that He's given us. I think that everyone truly exercising the spiritual gifts God has put in them experiences the power of the Holy Spirit and closeness to God, whatever that gift may be.

But, Paul did say, "earnestly desire the best gifts, but especially that you may prophesy" (1 Cor. 12) So I do agree that if there is a gift that we don't currently have that would benefit us spiritually that we can and should ask for it, though I don't believe that any gift can outdo the power of a holy life. Or love, which Paul says is "the more excellent way."
This is actually very interesting because you're giving a reason to seek this out. In my stream of worship, people strive to live holy lives (I certainly fall short of that) and seek to give as a means to rising to a higher level of spirituality. You're saying that this is also a way to attain this higher level and be edified and helped through this walk on earth. I'd like folks to elaborate on their feelings/knowledge about this. Thanks for this post...this is the second wind of it.

Yes, there is a reason to seek out having the ability to speak in tongues!:grin:

You've got it buddy! If you are human, you can strive to live holy lives only through submitting yourself to the spirit of God. You know the scripture, "not by strength, nor by power but my spirit."

In your human strength, there are going to be times when you don't even know what to pray for or who to pray for BUT when you pray in the perfect will of God, you are praying for exactly what needs to be prayed for. Actually, it's The Holy Spirit saying what needs to be said in the most perfect way that will never fall short.:yep:
This is where I tend to believe that our experience of God is subjective, meaning that He strengthens us and makes Himself present to us all in different ways, according to the gifts that He's given us. I think that everyone truly exercising the spiritual gifts God has put in them experiences the power of the Holy Spirit and closeness to God, whatever that gift may be.

But, Paul did say, "earnestly desire the best gifts, but especially that you may prophesy" (1 Cor. 12) So I do agree that if there is a gift that we don't currently have that would benefit us spiritually that we can and should ask for it, though I don't believe that any gift can outdo the power of a holy life. Or love, which Paul says is "the more excellent way."

I understand what you are saying but I would also like to add that what if like many Christians, they aren't to the point where there spiritual gifts are fully manifest. How would they even know what to pray for after they've prayed for 3 hours and would like to pray more but can think of nothing else? This is when The Holy Spirit comes in and prays for those things you as a human would not even know to pray of.

And as you quote Paul, he says earnestly desire the best gifts especially that you may prophesy. Besides the gift of prophecy, one of the best gifts is to be able to have The Holy Spirit speak to through you in Heavenly tongues.

Have any of you members suspected that something was going on with one of your loved ones but didn't know what to ask God for? Or how about there being some huge event about to take place that would devestate hundreds of lives-God can use The Holy Spirit to speak through you in pray in His perfect will. Or how about you just have exhausted yourself speaking in English and coming up with things to pray for but inside you know more could be said, you just can't think of it? That's where The Holy Spirit comes in.

At one point, I didn't understand the importance but now after going through so much, I'm so glad I have this gift. If you seek it, you will be glad cause' trust me, life will throw you for a loop sometimes, but never The Holy Spirit.
Take this quiz and then you will know if you need to pray to God for baptism of The Holy Spirit and the gift to speak in heavenly tongues?

* Are you a human being and have you ever sinned?
* Have you ever faced a trial or tribulation?
*If you have faced a trial or tribulation, then this means that there was some type of conflict that could not be easily solved?
*If the situation could not be easily solved, then that means you lacked the power or strength to make it "go away?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then you are a candidate for baptism of The Holy spirit and should seek the gift of tongues.

There have been points or times in my life as many, where even though I know how to pray, I may not know exactly what to say. These are the points in time that every human being is faced with BUT in my case, The Holy Spirit prays for me in the perfect will of God. When you pray in the perfect will of God, then your prayers have more power and you know for sure God is listening. EVERYONE should seek baptism of The Holy Spirit and the gift to speak in heavenly tongues.

you are not wrong for your opinion... I'm not saying that...
But in my opinion
this is completely lacking in truth (woah)

God listens to everyone's prayers... you should know before your prayer that he is listening... When did God every walk away? When did He ever not listen?
I am not trying to clown you or anything, but this adds so much complexity to the simplicity of the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. And when I hear people talk like this, I feel like it is slanderous to His name and His message... He doesn't want acts, He just wants your heart...
His yoke is easy, His burden is light...
stop trying to make it so heavy...
In your human strength, there are going to be times when you don't even know what to pray for or who to pray for BUT when you pray in the perfect will of God, you are praying for exactly what needs to be prayed for. Actually, it's The Holy Spirit saying what needs to be said in the most perfect way that will never fall short.:yep:

This makes sense... but the rest... I don't really think so...
I believe God has given me words to pray... in English... that were effective... and he knew those before I even opened my mouth... Why even bring in the rest? This whole thread is wrapped up in a human practice, a facade, a show... Why not just speak about Him being greater than us, because we fall short, even when we pray... Lets make it about Him, not about us and our acts.
I think sometimes since He is so big, we want to be big too, when really we are so little... precious to Him, but so little.

I pray others can also experience this power.

]Have any of you members suspected that something was going on with one of your loved ones but didn't know what to ask God for? Or how about there being some huge event about to take place that would devestate hundreds of lives-God can use The Holy Spirit to speak through you in pray in His perfect will. Or how about you just have exhausted yourself speaking in English and coming up with things to pray for but inside you know more could be said, you just can't think of it? That's where The Holy Spirit comes in.
The answers are in the bible!

My suggestion pray and ask God for understanding before you read,and don't limit yourself to just a verse read the context of the verse.

(Mar 16:17)
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

(Act 2:4) And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Act 10:46-48
For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,
(47) Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?
(48) And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.

(1Co 12:10) To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

1Co 14:39-40
Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
(40) Let all things be done decently and in order.
you are not wrong for your opinion... I'm not saying that...
But in my opinion
this is completely lacking in truth (woah)

God listens to everyone's prayers... you should know before your prayer that he is listening... When did God every walk away? When did He ever not listen?
I am not trying to clown you or anything, but this adds so much complexity to the simplicity of the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. And when I hear people talk like this, I feel like it is slanderous to His name and His message... He doesn't want acts, He just wants your heart...
His yoke is easy, His burden is light...
stop trying to make it so heavy...

I don't believe this is lacking in truth at all. I will find some scriptures to post for you.

But truthfully, the bible says that God does not listen to all prayers. I think this is hard for some to digest but it's true.

"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses" Matthew 6:14-15

"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6)

31Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth. John 9:31

Isaiah 59:1-2: Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

Proverbs 15:29: The Lord is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.”
We are to forgive as we have been forgiven.

Psalms 66: 17-19: For I cried to him for help, with praises ready on my tongue. He would not have listened if I had not confessed my sins. But he listened! He heard my prayer! He paid attention to it!

1 John 5:14 –15. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

Also, in Psalms King David says, "Let my prayer be set before you as incense and in the evening I will lift my hands as a sacrafice."

We actually had a good discussion on this but I will let you look at these scriptures before I go any further. Bnatural, you are so right. God loves us so much and so does Jesus Christ. It's clearly evident, this does not however mean that everyone's prayers are heard. Sin that is not willing to be dealt with can seperate a person's prayer's from being heard. Check out this scripture in Daniel.

Daniel 10:12(NLT) - Then he said, "Don't be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.

And yes, you are totally right BNatural He does want your heart but what is in your heart will come and show through your actions. He is with those who are lowly and contrite and I'm not sure how my post offended you or caught you off guard. The reason I am saying it is edifying for every believer to be able to pray in The Holy Spirit is because there will be times in every human being's life that you don't know what to say or what is actually going on: it's just part of being human. BUT when you are able to pray in The Holy Spirit, you are praying in the perfect will of God and know for sure your words are heard.

"And in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." Romans 8:26

I hope you can better understand what I am saying based on scriptures.
This makes sense... but the rest... I don't really think so...
I believe God has given me words to pray... in English... that were effective... and he knew those before I even opened my mouth... Why even bring in the rest? This whole thread is wrapped up in a human practice, a facade, a show... Why not just speak about Him being greater than us, because we fall short, even when we pray... Lets make it about Him, not about us and our acts.
I think sometimes since He is so big, we want to be big too, when really we are so little... precious to Him, but so little.

BNatural, please take this to God in deep prayer.

You are already crying out to Him and asking Him to change you and for a deeper relationship. That's you seeking Him, His will, His face. Paul has said that we should also seek the good gifts God has to give; whether it be gifts of prophecy or tongues. When you speak in tongues you are building up yourself, which is good. At this moment, I have the gift of prophecy that is not developed but I pray in tongues and I know that as I do so, I am being built up/edified. As I am being edified, this gift that God has given me will help me to help others. So, yes I desire both the gift of tongues and the gift of prophecy in order to build up those in the church BUT God is using the tongues to build me up and bring out stir up those gifts. When I fast for a day or more days, when I travail in prayer all alone in my home, when I am obedient to the calling of The Holy Spirit and wake up at odd hours like 1 a.m. 4:15 a.m. or early in the morning to pray, this is not a facade. It's not so humans can clap or say, "Look at CC, praying in tongues." It's not about that and you so concisely pointed out why we need the gift of tongues: "because we fall short, even when we pray." So, even you yourself see that we fall short in our humanity, but God's spirit never fails.

Lets make it about Him, not about us and our acts. When you pray in tongues, you are making it about him because let's face it, in our own humanity we are apt to seek things that aren't in God's will and are really just about us. Praying in God's will and letting The Holy Spirit speak through you makes it more about Him than what is usual said when we speak in our own tongue. It's not an act for me; it's about trying to become closer and built up and I know when The Holy Spirit speaks He is speaking in God's will.

1Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. 2For anyone who speaks in a tongue[a] does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit.[b] 3But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. 4He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. 5I would like every one of you to speak in tongues,[c] but I would rather have you prophesy. He who prophesies is greater than one who speaks in tongues,[d] unless he interprets, so that the church may be edified.
The answers are in the bible!

My suggestion pray and ask God for understanding before you read,and don't limit yourself to just a verse read the context of the verse.

(Mar 16:17)
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

(Act 2:4) And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Act 10:46-48
For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,
(47) Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?
(48) And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.

(1Co 12:10) To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

1Co 14:39-40
Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
(40) Let all things be done decently and in order.

1Co 14:39-40
Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
I understand what you are saying but I would also like to add that what if like many Christians, they aren't to the point where there spiritual gifts are fully manifest. How would they even know what to pray for after they've prayed for 3 hours and would like to pray more but can think of nothing else? This is when The Holy Spirit comes in and prays for those things you as a human would not even know to pray of.

And as you quote Paul, he says earnestly desire the best gifts especially that you may prophesy. Besides the gift of prophecy, one of the best gifts is to be able to have The Holy Spirit speak to through you in Heavenly tongues.

Have any of you members suspected that something was going on with one of your loved ones but didn't know what to ask God for? Or how about there being some huge event about to take place that would devestate hundreds of lives-God can use The Holy Spirit to speak through you in pray in His perfect will. Or how about you just have exhausted yourself speaking in English and coming up with things to pray for but inside you know more could be said, you just can't think of it? That's where The Holy Spirit comes in.

At one point, I didn't understand the importance but now after going through so much, I'm so glad I have this gift. If you seek it, you will be glad cause' trust me, life will throw you for a loop sometimes, but never The Holy Spirit.

Oh, I don't disagree with anything you said. Sometimes it just seems like tongues is seen as the exclusive way to have more power in prayer, but I don't think that's true.

This is just from my experience, but for instance, I have never received the gift of tongues, but I do have the gift of intercession. This means that when I am praying for something, the Spirit gives me insight into what to pray for. I don't run out of things to pray because a part of that gift is the Spirit showing me what God would have done in that situation. This is also praying "in the Spirit."

So, where someone with the gift of tongues might be at the end of him or herself and then begin praying in tongues, when I get to that point, the Lord gives me further insight into what to pray. I know that it's not my own insight, but is part of that gift. And I see Him move in the situations I've prayed for.

Because of my experience with the gift of intercession as well as other spiritual gifts and the scripture passages talking about the variety of gifts, I tend to believe that there are many ways the Lord chooses to give greater power to different believers in prayer and learning and growth and edification of the Body. But I still believe, according to Paul's admonition, it's good to pray to receive other gifts as well, I just don't think believers should believe they are lacking something they need spiritually if they don't have a particular gift since Paul says mastering love is even better than prophesying or speaking in tongues.
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