Well-Known Member
When I read the bible I understood speaking in tongues is just speaking spanish or french or chinese or so on. Its not speaking some language that no one knows but you and the holy spirit. The gifts of tongues is being able to master different languages. This is not my gift. I cannot learn languages quickly but there are many on this board who can speak two or three or more languages thats speaking in tongues. Tongues is just another word for language. Also your not to speak in this language in front of the church or groups of people if no one is there to interpret its pointless and serves no one. You can pray in whatever language you want when your alone speaking to God. No offense to anyone on this board, no condemnation but we really need to examine what we read and make sure we completely understand it. When I read in Acts at Pentacost when the disciples recieved the holy spirit they began speaking in tongues but all the people from all over outside of the building---- each heard in their own language. it served a purpose but there is no other time it happen as such but the disciples had their own gifts some could actually speak another language as their gifts after receiving the holy spirit, some had healing and various other gifts.