If you don't speak in tongues - you don't have the Holy Spirit.

But is it Biblical to use the two words interchangeably?

I guess that's what brings out the confusion when the topics of tongues comes up

Well, I would think that praying in the Spirit could also be known as an unknown tongue; thereby, making it interchangeable especially if you correlate this to the same kind of prayer that Paul was speaking of. And now that I think about it further, maybe they aren't different. I guess it would depend on rather or not your prayer (the groanings) could be interpreted. Another interesting point.
Well, I would think that praying in the Spirit could also be known as an unknown tongue; thereby, making it interchangeable especially if you correlate this to the same kind of prayer that Paul was speaking of. And now that I think about it further, maybe they aren't different. I guess it would depend on rather or not your prayer (the groanings) could be interpreted. Another interesting point.

What's so amazing and perfect about the Lord Jesus Christ is that He lets NOTHING go without meaning. I have seen the gift and interpretation of tongues done in action and I've experienced the "groanings" out of my mouth be interpreted. In other words, it wasn't "just" a moan. There was an expression in that groan that had a meaning that I didn't have the fullness of but the Lord fully understood... and the interpreter (a real person used by the Holy Spirit) said what my tongues were saying. I tell you, it was an amazing thing in the Holy Spirit. The person wasn't simply "guessing" when she was interpreting my tongues. There were some intimate things and sentiments of my heart being expressed and exposed. It wasn't embarrassing. It was edifying, exhorting, and comforting....

I thought there was a scripture where a person could ask for an interpretation of their tongue....
What's so amazing and perfect about the Lord Jesus Christ is that He lets NOTHING go without meaning. I have seen the gift and interpretation of tongues done in action and I've experienced the "groanings" out of my mouth be interpreted. In other words, it wasn't "just" a moan. There was an expression in that groan that had a meaning that I didn't have the fullness of but the Lord fully understood... and the interpreter (a real person used by the Holy Spirit) said what my tongues were saying. I tell you, it was an amazing thing in the Holy Spirit. The person wasn't simply "guessing" when she was interpreting my tongues. There were some intimate things and sentiments of my heart being expressed and exposed. It wasn't embarrassing. It was edifying, exhorting, and comforting....

I thought there was a scripture where a person could ask for an interpretation of their tongue....

Wow! Well there you have it! This is what I meant by being able to draw from your own experiences. Somethings you just can't answer unless you've lived it. And even then certain people won't believe it. The Bible can not be intellectualized and it clearly states that we will not understand everything. On another note: He/she was all in your business, huh? :lachen:
Wow! Well there you have it! This is what I meant by being able to draw from your own experiences. Somethings you just can't answer unless you've lived it. And even then certain people won't believe it. The Bible can not be intellectualized and it clearly states that we will not understand everything. On another note: He/she was all in your business, huh? :lachen:

Wow! Well there you have it! This is what I meant by being able to draw from your own experiences. Somethings you just can't answer unless you've lived it. And even then certain people won't believe it. The Bible can not be intellectualized and it clearly states that we will not understand everything. On another note: He/she was all in your business, huh? :lachen:

See, that's the thing.... prophecy gets into the "business"
.... interpretation of tongues gets into your spirit FOR REAL.... To this day I STILL say the words that were interpreted.... that experience was over 15 years ago....

We were praying in the Holy Spirit in a group (me, my cousin, my cousin's college roommate) in my cousin's room at my grandmother's house. Then it was quiet and I was the only one praying... then I stopped... then my cousin's roommate (who has this gift) offered a word for every single sound that came out of my mouth: "I am weak, I am willing, please show me the way". and I tell you that was the deeper than the deepest sentiment of my heart...that's how I did feel then and still feel now about my salvation and purpose that the Lord has for me to do here.
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Thank you for your question; it is really interesting. In the past, I have heard people say the same thing; "not speaking in tongues indicates that you do not have the Holy Spirit". I will agree that speaking in tongues is a gift and is avialable to all. My husband and I have been Christians since the summer of 2000. Accepting Christ into our hearts and making Him the center of our marriage is what has not only kept together but has allow us to have a continuous honeymoon even 8 years later. My husband does have the gift of tongues; however, while I do have other gifts I don't have the gift of tongues. However, without the guidance of the Holy Spirit we would not be able to live the way we do. And I will also agree with one of the other comments that the Holy Spirit is necessary for manifesting the fruit of the spirit and is also essential for us to be able to live the quality of life that God intends for us to live. God's Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit is my life line and I could not live without Him.
Forgive me but, I do not have my Bible in front of me so I cannot give exact references...

The gifts of the Holy Spirit talked about in 1 Cor., discussed the gift of tongues as "Divers Kinds of Tongues", meaning more than one. The gift is to have many kinds of tongues.

Also, Paul mentioned that he spoke with the tongues of Angels and the tongues of men. Do you know how tongues of Angels sounds? Me neither, so I'm sure it would sound like Babble since we've never heard it before. The tongues of men would be earthly languages...

Anywho, gotta run my battery is dying...
No, the Bibe refers to it as groanings. Some people refer to it as tongues.

This is exactly what I interpret this scripture to mean:

26Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Groanings to me are indiscernable and the groanings are obviously taking place during prayer.

I will agree that these times are not always used to edify yourself but they most certainly can be. I need to strenghten myself through Christ Jesus to strengthen others.

Agreed. The entire message of the chapter speaks to exacty what I said in my original post. We are to be led by the Spirit at all times. And being led by the Spirit in prayer is perfected prayer (Nope, that's not in the Bible either) much moreso than prayer done in the flesh.

Thanks for the dialogue.

OK, I'm going to number my responses because I believe there are a number of issues here...

1. If the Bible refers to it as groanings then isn't that what it is? If it had to do with tongues, would the Bible not state it as it uses the term tongues on many instances? So again, is the verse really discussing "speaking in tongues"?

2. Regarding the verse, it is the SPIRIT who makes the groanings, not us. So how is it that people interpret the verses to say that we are groaning? Notice that Spirit in that verse is capitalized, so that we are talking about the Holy Spirit's actions. His groanings to the Father on our behalf of us, for our salvation are indiscernible to us. The verse it not discussing speaking of tongues at all.

3. The entire message of the chapter is speaking about us following the lead of the Spirit and role of the Holy Spirit. In verse 26, the Holy Spirit is interceding on our behalf. The chapter is not talking about speaking in tongues. Further, as you have noted, "perfected prayer" is not in the Bible so where is it coming from? The Lord already taught us how to pray in Luke 11. Who are we to determine what is perfected? Who are we to adopt a form of praying that "we" believe is appropriate when the Bible has given us instruction.
Well, I would think that praying in the Spirit could also be known as an unknown tongue; thereby, making it interchangeable especially if you correlate this to the same kind of prayer that Paul was speaking of. And now that I think about it further, maybe they aren't different. I guess it would depend on rather or not your prayer (the groanings) could be interpreted. Another interesting point.

But the verse is not speaking about our prayer, the verse is speaking about the Holy Spirit.

26Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

We cannot intercede on our own behalf, but the Spirit can! The Bible is talking about the fact that the Spirit is active in our salvation. That's why the verse first states the the Spirit helps our infirmities - its talking about our sinful nature. It's not that we do not know how to pray but as sinful beings there are many other things that tempt us and where we are often let to fall.

So when it says the the Spirit makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered, it means that the Spirit is prays, appeals to God on our behalf for issues that we may not recognize that we need to pray for.

So the verse is not about speaking in tongues...nor is the chapter.
I remember my pastor at a pentecostal church I went to as a little girl would "speak in tongues". He would just ramble on with incoherent syllables. Now that I look back on it....it kinda makes me feel scared for him because what I now understand through scripture as speaking in tongues is as some of you have said, when someone can get the message across regardless of language barriers to a group of various dialects. A chinese person and a russian can understand at the same time. Its a tool used to spread the gospel. Not something personal that you do in your bedroom. The reason I am concerned for my pastor is since that was not the Holy Spirt driving him to speak in tongues (because I surely did not understand the message he was conveying) who's was it? He really was acting like someone who was being toyed with by a demonic spirit. Even in Borat when he went to that church and people were running up and down the church and screaming and throwing themselves all over the place.... we should be reverant when we are in His presence... not acting like chickens with their heads cut off. I really can't imagine the heavenly angels carrying themselves like that... its so disorderly.. it doesn't reflect His character at all. Impulsive and wild like... people need to be careful of who's spirit they are allowing to move their heart.
Speaking strictly from personal experience:

I never heard about praying and or speaking in tongues until a year ago. I heard everybody around me praying in distinct languages (some with great vocabularies and others just a few words). It frightened me b/c the Holy Spirit was sooo thick in there it felt like I was going to faint! Later on someone with the gift of diverse tongues spoke a word and I understood it. It sounded like plain English to me! I thought I was nuts!

In October of last year, I was baptized with the Holy Spirit and right away I began to pray in tongues. My best friend did not get her "language" until later in the week but she believed that God would give her the gift of tongues and she received. :yep:

4 months later I can interpret tongues and I get word from the Lord through tongues (which are interpreted) in order to edify my church. I pray in tongues everyday after I've prayed everything that I can think of naturally. Praying in tongues is not an excuse to not pray naturally. At first I would repeat the same sounds and words but now it has become a constant flow and I can pray for hours but it took lots of time to build up my vocabulary just like a child learning to talk.

I won't say that a person doesn't have the Holy Spirit if they can't speak in tongues but it is a gift that is available to all believers and I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want it :grin:
I remember my pastor at a pentecostal church I went to as a little girl would "speak in tongues". He would just ramble on with incoherent syllables. Now that I look back on it....it kinda makes me feel scared for him because what I now understand through scripture as speaking in tongues is as some of you have said, when someone can get the message across regardless of language barriers to a group of various dialects. A chinese person and a russian can understand at the same time. Its a tool used to spread the gospel. Not something personal that you do in your bedroom. The reason I am concerned for my pastor is since that was not the Holy Spirt driving him to speak in tongues (because I surely did not understand the message he was conveying) who's was it? He really was acting like someone who was being toyed with by a demonic spirit. Even in Borat when he went to that church and people were running up and down the church and screaming and throwing themselves all over the place.... we should be reverant when we are in His presence... not acting like chickens with their heads cut off. I really can't imagine the heavenly angels carrying themselves like that... its so disorderly.. it doesn't reflect His character at all. Impulsive and wild like... people need to be careful of who's spirit they are allowing to move their heart.

This is a disturbing post to me. I pray and speak in tongues and it is not demonic. It is of the Holy Spirit. When I pray and I not act "wild like". Maybe in the case of your pastor it is a question of self-control. There is also a place to be celebratory and excited and jumping up and down in praise as one is praying with understanding or in the Holy Spirit.

I will say that because the devil is a master deceiver, he tries to mimic tongues. I've seen that, too. That's why we have the gift of discernment to know the truth of a matter.

I'll leave it at that.
OK, I'm going to number my responses because I believe there are a number of issues here...

1. If the Bible refers to it as groanings then isn't that what it is? If it had to do with tongues, would the Bible not state it as it uses the term tongues on many instances? So again, is the verse really discussing "speaking in tongues"?

2. Regarding the verse, it is the SPIRIT who makes the groanings, not us. So how is it that people interpret the verses to say that we are groaning? Notice that Spirit in that verse is capitalized, so that we are talking about the Holy Spirit's actions. His groanings to the Father on our behalf of us, for our salvation are indiscernible to us. The verse it not discussing speaking of tongues at all.

3. The entire message of the chapter is speaking about us following the lead of the Spirit and role of the Holy Spirit. In verse 26, the Holy Spirit is interceding on our behalf. The chapter is not talking about speaking in tongues. Further, as you have noted, "perfected prayer" is not in the Bible so where is it coming from? The Lord already taught us how to pray in Luke 11. Who are we to determine what is perfected? Who are we to adopt a form of praying that "we" believe is appropriate when the Bible has given us instruction.

When I think "Praying in the Spirit" which in my opinion is what Romans 8:26 is speaking of I automatically think "tongues." And since the Holy Spirit gives the gift I have interchanged them. Now is that right? Maybe. Maybe not. I have some books that acknowledge Romans 8:26 as speaking in tongues while others do not. At the end of the day, I can only go by the leadings of the Spirit (which we agree is the way that Chapter 8 instructs) and my experiences.

I think we all know that Jesus instructed us how to pray. However, this was before his crucifiction and acension. Am I negating it? No. But it is still prayer in the flesh. And there is nothing perfect about the flesh. Only the Spirit of God knows the thoughts of God and He is the only one who can pray in perfection through us which results in tongues and/or groanings (if you prefer) which is available and accessible to all those who are born again.
When I think "Praying in the Spirit" which in my opinion is what Romans 8:26 is speaking of I automatically think "tongues." And since the Holy Spirit gives the gift I have interchanged them. Now is that right? Maybe. Maybe not. I have some books that acknowledge Romans 8:26 as speaking in tongues while others do not. At the end of the day, I can only go by the leadings of the Spirit (which we agree is the way that Chapter 8 instructs) and my experiences.

I think we all know that Jesus instructed us how to pray. However, this was before his crucifiction and acension. Am I negating it? No. But it is still prayer in the flesh. And there is nothing perfect about the flesh. Only the Spirit of God knows the thoughts of God and He is the only one who can pray in perfection through us which results in tongues and/or groanings (if you prefer) which is available and accessible to all those who are born again.

Well, I guess we will have to agree to disagree because I truly believe that the verse and chapter are speaking about the role of the Holy Spirit in general, not about speaking in tongues. Further, my understanding of speaking in tongues in the Bible is different languages for the purpose of evangelism.
I remember my pastor at a pentecostal church I went to as a little girl would "speak in tongues". He would just ramble on with incoherent syllables. Now that I look back on it....it kinda makes me feel scared for him because what I now understand through scripture as speaking in tongues is as some of you have said, when someone can get the message across regardless of language barriers to a group of various dialects. A chinese person and a russian can understand at the same time. Its a tool used to spread the gospel. Not something personal that you do in your bedroom. The reason I am concerned for my pastor is since that was not the Holy Spirt driving him to speak in tongues (because I surely did not understand the message he was conveying) who's was it? He really was acting like someone who was being toyed with by a demonic spirit. Even in Borat when he went to that church and people were running up and down the church and screaming and throwing themselves all over the place.... we should be reverant when we are in His presence... not acting like chickens with their heads cut off. I really can't imagine the heavenly angels carrying themselves like that... its so disorderly.. it doesn't reflect His character at all. Impulsive and wild like... people need to be careful of who's spirit they are allowing to move their heart.

I agree with you completely. Honestly, the situation that you are describing like what occurs when those who practice certain African Orisha religions supposedly become possessed with ancestral spirits. It is a remnant of the religion that some of our ancestors, and in some cases, that our current relatives practice. Take the church person who behaves like that outside of the church and put them in a room with a Shango practicer and you will not be able to tell the difference when they catch the spirit...the incomprehensible speech down to the uncontrollable movements. We must as Christians test the spirit...

P.S. I am speaking as someone who has relatives who practiced and still practice Orisha worship and seeing what goes on in many churches. Neither is it meant as any disrespect to my ancestors or family who practice Orisha worship, nor to fellow Christians. It is an issue of great concern.

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I agree with you completely. Honestly, the situation that you are describing like what occurs when those who practice certain African Orisha religions supposedly become possessed with ancestral spirits. It is a remnant of the religion that some of our ancestors, and in some cases, that our current relatives practice. Take the church person who behaves like that outside of the church and put them in a room with a Shango practicer and you will not be able to tell the difference when they catch the spirit...the incomprehensible speech down to the uncontrollable movements. We must as Christians test the spirit...

P.S. I am speaking as someone who has relatives who practiced and still practice Orisha worship and seeing what goes on in many churches. Neither is it meant as any disrespect to my ancestors or family who practice Orisha worship, nor to fellow Christians. It is an issue of great concern.


Thats for real Divya...like...can you imagine angels acting like this? How does this represent God's character? I mean, we should be happy and feel joyful in the Lord, but acting like that is not legit
Speaking strictly from personal experience:

I never heard about praying and or speaking in tongues until a year ago. I heard everybody around me praying in distinct languages (some with great vocabularies and others just a few words). It frightened me b/c the Holy Spirit was sooo thick in there it felt like I was going to faint! Later on someone with the gift of diverse tongues spoke a word and I understood it. It sounded like plain English to me! I thought I was nuts!

In October of last year, I was baptized with the Holy Spirit and right away I began to pray in tongues. My best friend did not get her "language" until later in the week but she believed that God would give her the gift of tongues and she received. :yep:

4 months later I can interpret tongues and I get word from the Lord through tongues (which are interpreted) in order to edify my church. I pray in tongues everyday after I've prayed everything that I can think of naturally. Praying in tongues is not an excuse to not pray naturally. At first I would repeat the same sounds and words but now it has become a constant flow and I can pray for hours but it took lots of time to build up my vocabulary just like a child learning to talk.

I won't say that a person doesn't have the Holy Spirit if they can't speak in tongues but it is a gift that is available to all believers and I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want it :grin:

I don't/didn't want it. I asked for other things and for the gifts I already had to be increased. Oh..be careful what you ask for..Because with the gift comes great responsibility. Now I wonder if I should have asked just to speak in tongues. That seems much easier to live with than what I am going through.
Thats for real Divya...like...can you imagine angels acting like this? How does this represent God's character? I mean, we should be happy and feel joyful in the Lord, but acting like that is not legit

Exactly. The end of this video is the best - when they list out the fruits of the Spirit and then in big letters - "SELF CONTROL"!

If you have no control of what it happening, it is NOT the Holy Spirit. The Bible is clear.
i have not read the whole post but it my understanding that speaking in tongues, may not actually be a language that any man can comprehend.

Scripture: 1 corinthians 14:2

For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries

So based on scripture it seems that one can speak to God where only God understands...
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I found this to be very interesting...its an exert from an Ellen G White book.

Chap. 146 - Fanaticism and Tongues Speaking

The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Cor. 14:32, 33.

A spirit of fanaticism has ruled a certain class of Sabbathkeepers. . . . They have sipped but lightly at the fountain of truth and are unacquainted with the spirit of the message of the third angel. Nothing can be done for this class until their fanatical views are corrected. . . . {Mar 154.1}

Some of these persons have exercises which they call gifts and say that the Lord has placed them in the church. They have an unmeaning gibberish which they call the unknown tongue, which is unknown not only by man but by the Lord and all heaven. Such gifts are manufactured by men and women, aided by the great deceiver. Fanaticism, false excitement, false talking in tongues, and noisy exercises have been considered gifts which God has placed in the Church. Some have been deceived here. The fruits of all this have not been good. . . . {Mar 154.2}

There are many restless spirits who will not submit to discipline, system, and order. They think that their liberties would be abridged were they to lay aside their own judgment and submit to the judgment of those of experience. The work of God will not progress unless there is a disposition to submit to order and expel the reckless, disorderly spirit of fanaticism from their meetings. Impressions and feelings are no sure evidence that a person is led by the Lord. Satan will, if he is unsuspected, give feelings and impressions. These are not safe guides. All should thoroughly acquaint themselves with the evidences of our faith, and the great study should be how they can adorn their profession and bear fruit to the glory of God. . . . A trifling, joking, reckless spirit should be rebuked. It is no evidence of the grace of God upon the heart for persons to talk and pray with talent in meeting, and then give up to a rough, careless manner of talking and acting when out of meeting. . . . {Mar 154.3}

The truth of God will never degrade, but will elevate the receiver, refine his taste, sanctify his judgment, and perfect him for the company of the pure and holy angels in the kingdom of God. {Mar 154.4}

I feel like we're all going to have to agree to disagree until the day comes when we'll find out. As christians, we should be always trying to analyze our acts versus the bible and make sure we're following things correctly. It's sad that we can be so stubborn and hold on to our ways regardless of what someone may present to you with bible truths. It's like we get offended and want to defend our earthly traditions when instead we should check with the Lord if it's right and then proceed to make a decision. Jesus is our example. When He was in the Tabernacle he would say the truths that he had to say and he would sit down. There was no confusion and screaming...and he was always worshiping and praising God with a joyful spirit. Thats the example I'm going to follow, not one from my imperfect brothers and sisters.
Speaking strictly from personal experience:

I never heard about praying and or speaking in tongues until a year ago. I heard everybody around me praying in distinct languages (some with great vocabularies and others just a few words). It frightened me b/c the Holy Spirit was sooo thick in there it felt like I was going to faint! Later on someone with the gift of diverse tongues spoke a word and I understood it. It sounded like plain English to me! I thought I was nuts!

In October of last year, I was baptized with the Holy Spirit and right away I began to pray in tongues. My best friend did not get her "language" until later in the week but she believed that God would give her the gift of tongues and she received. :yep:

4 months later I can interpret tongues and I get word from the Lord through tongues (which are interpreted) in order to edify my church. I pray in tongues everyday after I've prayed everything that I can think of naturally. Praying in tongues is not an excuse to not pray naturally. At first I would repeat the same sounds and words but now it has become a constant flow and I can pray for hours but it took lots of time to build up my vocabulary just like a child learning to talk.

I won't say that a person doesn't have the Holy Spirit if they can't speak in tongues but it is a gift that is available to all believers and I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want it :grin:

I agree with the bolded!!! I used to be scared of speaking in tongues, but the Lord softened my heart, humbled me and I prayed in tongues for the first time early this morning before I went to bed. :grin: It was wonderful to let the Holy Spirit take over. I still feel stirred up about it! I know if it happened for me, it can happen for anybody that wants to receive it!

Thanks for sharing your experience. I noticed I was saying a couple of the same phrases over and over again. At one point something- a phrase?- came out of my mouth super fast. (Faster than I could ever say naturally.) It was totally different than I had heard previously. I'm so glad to know the vocabulary will grow!

I was wondering about continuing to pray naturally daily. I will continue to do so and then pray in tongues. :yep:
I agree with the bolded!!! I used to be scared of speaking in tongues, but the Lord softened my heart, humbled me and I prayed in tongues for the first time early this morning before I went to bed. :grin: It was wonderful to let the Holy Spirit take over. I still feel stirred up about it! I know if it happened for me, it can happen for anybody that wants to receive it!

Thanks for sharing your experience. I noticed I was saying a couple of the same phrases over and over again. At one point something- a phrase?- came out of my mouth super fast. (Faster than I could ever say naturally.) It was totally different than I had heard previously. I'm so glad to know the vocabulary will grow!

I was wondering about continuing to pray naturally daily. I will continue to do so and then pray in tongues. :yep:

Amen! Hallelujah! Don't worry about order...just let the Holy Spirit flow... as your vocabulary expands, you will do both (pray in the spirit and pray with understanding)...sometimes seemingly simultaneously....

Please, if you would be so kind, share a bit more about feeling "stirred" up....
I agree with the bolded!!! I used to be scared of speaking in tongues, but the Lord softened my heart, humbled me and I prayed in tongues for the first time early this morning before I went to bed. :grin: It was wonderful to let the Holy Spirit take over. I still feel stirred up about it! I know if it happened for me, it can happen for anybody that wants to receive it!

Thanks for sharing your experience. I noticed I was saying a couple of the same phrases over and over again. At one point something- a phrase?- came out of my mouth super fast. (Faster than I could ever say naturally.) It was totally different than I had heard previously. I'm so glad to know the vocabulary will grow!

I was wondering about continuing to pray naturally daily. I will continue to do so and then pray in tongues. :yep:

I'm sooo happy and excited for you! :yep::happydance::woot:
Amen! Hallelujah! Don't worry about order...just let the Holy Spirit flow... as your vocabulary expands, you will do both (pray in the spirit and pray with understanding)...sometimes seemingly simultaneously....

Please, if you would be so kind, share a bit more about feeling "stirred" up....

I was praying in my mind while this was happening. Is this what you mean by pray with understanding? I couldn't believe it. Well I could believe it, but I was still amazed. Lol. I was praying and thanking the Lord and at the same time these phrases were flowing out of my mouth.

I just feel really happy on the inside. (This is in spite of being told some bad news earlier in the natural. All I can say is the devil is a liar.) I feel like I could just get up and jump at my desk or run around the room thanking the Lord! I better just sit here and contain myself. Lol. I'm looking forward to going to church tonight.
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Aww. Thanks! :grin:

Yes!!!!!!!!! After all of these posting ... glory to God! I remember when I received the gift of speaking in tongues. I was like oh no! Let me explain...I grew up starch baptist! Speaking in tongues was a no-no unless there was an interpreter due to all the scriptures previously posted about it not edifying the body. So one night at a youth lock in I just kept saying "I love you Lord." Nothing else. Finally this girl told me that the Spirit of the Lord was telling her to tell me to let it go. I was like thanks but... huh. Anyway I just kept saying "I love you Lord" over and over and a foreign language came out of my mouth. You should have seen the look on my face. I put my hand over my mouth to stop these words and like nooo this aint of God. But I knew it was... who am I to deny the Holy Spirit. I went up for prayer to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the rest is that....

The doctrine of various denominations will always be confusing. I am still learning and growing. My few words have now become a language. I just pour out my heart to God with groanings ... sometimes the pain you feel is so deep their are no words! Sometime your spirit is so hungry for God that words cannot express it. Remember Hannah! See wanted a child sooooo bad she opened her heart and groaned unto God so much that Eli thought she was drunk!:lachen:But God is soooo awesome that He hears our every request. If you dont speak in tongues it doesnt mean that you don't have the Holy Spirit. But there will come a point in your relationship with God where you just got to have more and more of Him! Take the limits off of God. Some of you are scholars of the bible and really study and I admire that! I got some old school praying from being on my knees before God, crying out in worship and praise! Being humble before the Creator. Do not be afraid for God has not given you the spirit of fear. If you desire to speak in tongues and don't know where to start just open you mouth and verbally speak worhsip unto Him. Cry out to Him and ask Him for the gifts that every believer can receive. Ask Him to allow you to move deeper in your worship with Him with the evidence of speaking in tongues so that you may honor Him! I love yall and hopefully I wasnt confusing!
edited quote
God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Cor. 14:32, 33.

They have an unmeaning gibberish which they call the unknown tongue, which is unknown not only by man but by the Lord and all heaven. Such gifts are manufactured by men and women, aided by the great deceiver. Fanaticism, false excitement, false talking in tongues, and noisy exercises have been considered gifts which God has placed in the Church. Some have been deceived here. The fruits of all this have not been good. . . . {Mar 154.2}

There are many restless spirits who will not submit to discipline, system, and order. They think that their liberties would be abridged were they to lay aside their own judgment and submit

The truth of God will never degrade, but will elevate the receiver, refine his taste, sanctify his judgment, and perfect him

I It's like we get offended and want to defend our earthly traditions when instead we should check with the Lord if it's right and then proceed to make a decision. Jesus is our example.

thanks 4 this post. i like and/or agree w. the bold. re the blue, i see that a lot in the CF. ppl get offended if your opinion or belief disagrees with theirs (or the majority clique) but in reality both ppl could be correct or incorrect. what really matters is what does god say what did jesus do (not what would he do).

oops forgot to add:
"Speaking in tongues" is for the purpose of the edification of others/for the ministry - that is the spiritual gift. That is why it is referred to when in the presence of others, both in Corinthians and in Acts.
ditto it is for the edification of the saints and a private conversation between the believer and god. it is an evidence not the evidence.
I agree with the bolded!!! I used to be scared of speaking in tongues, but the Lord softened my heart, humbled me and I prayed in tongues for the first time early this morning before I went to bed. :grin: It was wonderful to let the Holy Spirit take over. I still feel stirred up about it! I know if it happened for me, it can happen for anybody that wants to receive it!

Thanks for sharing your experience. I noticed I was saying a couple of the same phrases over and over again. At one point something- a phrase?- came out of my mouth super fast. (Faster than I could ever say naturally.) It was totally different than I had heard previously. I'm so glad to know the vocabulary will grow!

I was wondering about continuing to pray naturally daily. I will continue to do so and then pray in tongues. :yep:
