Have You Ever Spoken In Tongues?

Have You Ever Spoken In Tongues

  • Yes, I've spoken in tongues, I am saved.

    Votes: 21 39.6%
  • No, I've not ever spoken in tongues, I am not saved.

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • I don't believe speaking in tongues is required for salvation.

    Votes: 29 54.7%
  • I do believe speaking in tongues is required for salvation

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • I have only spoken in tongues once or twice, not regularly.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I speak in tongues on a regular basis.

    Votes: 13 24.5%

  • Total voters
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New Member
This issue has come up several times in this forum. There are those who believe that speaking in tongues is evidence of "saved" status ....evidence of being a christian. There are those who believe it's essential to the christian walk and even those who believe that it's evidence that the person has entered into a relationship with Jesus. What are your thoughts on this? Have you ever spoken in tongues and do you believe that those who have never spoken in tongues are hell-bound?

Disclaimer and Posting Etiquette:
These threads have generally become very heated...ahem, I was guilty of such before. I do not wish for flaming in this one. Just honest opinion and OPEN discussion. Bare your thoughts on this and please provide scripture for those of us scripturally impaired.
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I began to speak with other tongues when I was baptized with the Holy Spirit. I believe that it's essential to the believer. I do not believe that it gets you into heaven or hell. I pray in tongues daily.
I'm deleting my post. This forum isn't really welcoming to this type of subject...IMO. Usually turns out all bad. I rather not be a part of it...it can flourish w/o my input.
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I think that speaking in tongues is a special gift that God alone chooses to give. I also believe that not every Christian necessarily is going to be given that gift. I haven't spoken in tongues, but I've been baptised. I believe that that is one of the requirements because it says that we are to be reborn of water and spirit, but I don't think that the baptism is solely water rebirth. I believe that baptism is both spiritual and water rebirth!
I began to speak with other tongues when I was baptized with the Holy Spirit. I believe that it's essential to the believer. I do not believe that it gets you into heaven or hell. I pray in tongues daily.

As edification of the believer or to make the person validly a believer?
Love is the evidence of salvation.

Not tongue or anything else. Tongues is a manifestation of the holy spirit but it is only one of many.... prophesy, teaching, giving, service, etc....

No where in the bible does it say tongues is essential to being a believer.

Walking out now.
Yikes, can't wait to see what people say about this...
In the bible God's servants and prophets spoke in tongues... like different languages...
Tongues didn't mean saying gibberish in the bible, it meant they could understand different languages...
They also said it was a gift, just like those leaders of the UN are gifted because they can speak 10 languages
I personally know I'm going to heaven regardless of if I stand up in church and start shouting things that don't make sense...
I am scared when people speak in tongues... I think it should be done in the house where nobody can see you... I understand wanting to open your mouth and "cry out" to Jesus and not knowing what to say, but all that really causes a spectacle
And I dare someone to tell me I'm not saved because I don't garble and let my eyes roll back in my head... LOL.
Being saved is not something for us to decide, its only for Christ to determine, which makes me really happy cuz we would all be doomed if some people I know picked who got into heaven LOL
But its not my business to tell you what to do in your own home... I just think all that acting out is showing off sometimes, kinda like when you yell at your spouse at a company dinner... but thats just me, do you...
just don't be mad when I run in the other direction LOL
OOo lawd! :blush:

Your post was good...I just wish you hadn't backed out. Surprisingly, only 4 have taken the poll. That's why I put in the disclaimer. I think that with rules established, nothing bad will happen. I just want people to talk about it...to each other rather than 'at' each other. It's important to know and discuss....but, oh well. But know, your post was nicely put.

Oh, and btw y'all, it's anonymous. Opinions are king...so let everyone wear their crown.
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This issue has come up several times in this forum. There are those who believe that speaking in tongues is evidence of "saved" status ....evidence of being a christian. There are those who believe it's essential to the christian walk and even those who believe that it's evidence that the person has entered into a relationship with Jesus. What are your thoughts on this?

My church believes that:
1. Speaking in tongues is evidence of the Holy Spirit and is part of being saved. You must be baptized in the name and you must also speak in tongues and you must also live according to the Bible.

2. Everyone who has the Holy Spirit is able to speak in tongues and has their own personal "Spirit" (for lack of a better term) language.

3. There is a difference between regular speaking in tongues and speaking/interpreting tongues that is one of the "Gifts of the Spirit".

Have you ever spoken in tongues and do you believe that those who have never spoken in tongues are hell-bound?

I have spoken in tongues. But, I have read way too much about the ability of the human mind to convince themselves of things and how that manifests in our actions. So, until I'm absolutely 1000% sure that speaking in tongues is coming from the Holy Spirit and not my mind I choose not to do it.

My church does believe that without baptism and being filled with the holy spirit a person is not "saved" and is therefore not meeting the minimum requirements for entrance into heaven so to speak. My personal view on that is it's between the individual and God whether they are saved or not and therefore I don't believe that if everything else is in order and the person hasn't spoken in tongues then they'll go to hell.
I started speaking in tongues about a year ago. No, I don't believe it's required for salvation. Speaking in tongues builds up your spirit in a unique way and declares the will of God when we don't know what to say.

I'm deleting my post. This forum isn't really welcoming to this type of subject...IMO. Usually turns out all bad. I rather not be a part of it...it can flourish w/o my input.

I agree.. I would love to be able to talk about the stronger moves of the spirit but people can get very sensitive.

I understand somewhat because I grew up in a Pentecostal church that didnt' always use the gifts according to the biblical model. As a teenager I often felt intimidated and sad because I felt like something was wrong with me for not acting out like others in my church did. I also got turned off from people touching me and expecting some kind of emotional performance...

However, over the past couple years I've been under very sound biblical teaching and strong balanced Christians who have helped me change my mind and embrace, not fear moves of the spirit. I don't care anymore how some church folk have twisted things, I want everything God has for me.
Yikes, can't wait to see what people say about this...
In the bible God's servants and prophets spoke in tongues... like different languages...
Tongues didn't mean saying gibberish in the bible, it meant they could understand different languages...
They also said it was a gift, just like those leaders of the UN are gifted because they can speak 10 languages
I personally know I'm going to heaven regardless of if I stand up in church and start shouting things that don't make sense...
I am scared when people speak in tongues... I think it should be done in the house where nobody can see you... I understand wanting to open your mouth and "cry out" to Jesus and not knowing what to say, but all that really causes a spectacle
And I dare someone to tell me I'm not saved because I don't garble and let my eyes roll back in my head... LOL.
Being saved is not something for us to decide, its only for Christ to determine, which makes me really happy cuz we would all be doomed if some people I know picked who got into heaven LOL
But its not my business to tell you what to do in your own home... I just think all that acting out is showing off sometimes, kinda like when you yell at your spouse at a company dinner... but thats just me, do you...
just don't be mad when I run in the other direction LOL

The red really jumped out at me.

I think your characterization of speaking in tongues comes from a place of fear and a lack of understanding. And, when people are fearful of something they usually regard it and speak about it negatively, just as you have here.

I really think that you should take some time and research it or ask members of your congregation and your pastor about speaking in tongues if it is done there. You shouldn't be fearful of anything that your church supports.

Also, when posting in the Christianity Forum it is really important to think about your tone. I know I'm like the last person to say this but in order for us to have a dialogue where everyone can learn and grow it takes love and a sincere effort if avoid offensive statements/speech/attitudes. Please be careful of how you say things and what you say because I can see how many people would take offense to your statements and it would really sidetrack the discussion.
I have spoken in tongues. But, I have read way too much about the ability of the human mind to convince themselves of things and how that manifests in our actions. So, until I'm absolutely 1000% sure that speaking in tongues is coming from the Holy Spirit and not my mind I choose not to do it.

I understand what you're saying but I would still encourage you to speak what you hear in your spirit by faith... We must remember that without faith it is impossible to please God. You cannot rely on your mind to convince you of spiritual things - they are only known through your inner man (spirit). Your mind wants to hold on to what it can see and understand through human logic - speaking in tongues is not logical.

God speaks to many people in obvious ways who end up doubting goodness or his very presence. The children of Isreal had God smacking them in the face with miracles but they still doubted His goodness and provision. There have been times God has spoken to me and given me visions and I have later doubted his love or agency in my life. The He stopped speaking to me (in obvious ways) altogether and I realized that I was always expecting Him to prove himself but His word states that the just will live by faith. He expects us to draw near first before he will draw near to us.

Just know that God will reward your faith and manifest himself more to you - but you have to take that leap.
I have never spoken in tongues. As a child, I did belong to a church that believed speaking in tongues was necessary.

I believe it is a gift that I just don't possess:ohwell:, but I know that I have salvation.
I'm with PrettyfaceANB. Speaking in tongues is a gift and gifts are given according to the will of the Giver. Not everyone will receive the gift of speaking in tongues but that doesn't make their salvation any less than the other.

We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. 2For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, 3how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. 4God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.
Hebrews 2:3-4

4There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.

7Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues 11All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.
1 Corinthians 12:7-11
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The red really jumped out at me.

I think your characterization of speaking in tongues comes from a place of fear and a lack of understanding. And, when people are fearful of something they usually regard it and speak about it negatively, just as you have here.

I really think that you should take some time and research it or ask members of your congregation and your pastor about speaking in tongues if it is done there. You shouldn't be fearful of anything that your church supports.

Also, when posting in the Christianity Forum it is really important to think about your tone. I know I'm like the last person to say this but in order for us to have a dialogue where everyone can learn and grow it takes love and a sincere effort if avoid offensive statements/speech/attitudes. Please be careful of how you say things and what you say because I can see how many people would take offense to your statements and it would really sidetrack the discussion.

I personally am very frightened in the company of people speaking in tongues and dancing around... in the spirit . Emotional experiences where they weep and cry out, dancing. I dunno, it kinda freaks me out. They seem edified and at peace though, which is kewl and important...no one being harmed. I just don't prefer to have anything to do with it because I do not comprehend it. I have to think that they are probably just as freaked out about my religious/spiritual experiences of another genre.

It could have something to do with the stare-factor. I remember one pentecostal one where people were shouting and glossalia was occuring. I looked at some of the people (probably with this face cuz it was getting hot :blush: lol) ...looked around and saw some folks spying me like, "poor girl, she ain't saved yet." LOL. Well, they were entitled to their opinions and I certainly was a guest at their church. Maybe that's what she's talking about, the looking around at those who aren't joined in? Eh, but that was my own personal experience.
I personally am very frightened in the company of people speaking in tongues and dancing around... in the spirit . Emotional experiences where they weep and cry out, dancing. I dunno, it kinda freaks me out. They seem edified and at peace though, which is kewl and important...no one being harmed. I just don't prefer to have anything to do with it because I do not comprehend it. I have to think that they are probably just as freaked out about my religious/spiritual experiences of another genre.

It could have something to do with the stare-factor. I remember one pentecostal one where people were shouting and glossalia was occuring. I looked at some of the people (probably with this face cuz it was getting hot :blush: lol) ...looked around and saw some folks spying me like, "poor girl, she ain't saved yet." LOL. Well, they were entitled to their opinions and I certainly was a guest at their church. Maybe that's what she's talking about, the looking around at those who aren't joined in? Eh, but that was my own personal experience.

Paul taught in the Bible that the gifts being used in a congregation setting should be done decently and in order. He stated that folks shouldn't speak loudly in tongues in a group setting if an interpretation is not given because people don't understand what you're saying and the interpretation is a sign to unbelievers. I do think of his teachings sometimes because it's true that some churches seem to let anything go down during a service - I believe that early church services probably operated a lot differently in the gifts than what goes on today.

1 Corinthians 14:26-28
26What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church. 27If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. 28If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God.

Everything done in church should be for the edifying of the body as a whole.. so I can see where some folks see extreme emotionalism as self-serving, because it doesn't minister to anyone but that person. I try not to judge tho because it also serves no purpose for me to focus on how someone else worships.
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I personally am very frightened in the company of people speaking in tongues and dancing around... in the spirit . Emotional experiences where they weep and cry out, dancing. I dunno, it kinda freaks me out. They seem edified and at peace though, which is kewl and important...no one being harmed. I just don't prefer to have anything to do with it because I do not comprehend it. I have to think that they are probably just as freaked out about my religious/spiritual experiences of another genre.

It could have something to do with the stare-factor. I remember one pentecostal one where people were shouting and glossalia was occuring. I looked at some of the people (probably with this face cuz it was getting hot :blush: lol) ...looked around and saw some folks spying me like, "poor girl, she ain't saved yet." LOL. Well, they were entitled to their opinions and I certainly was a guest at their church. Maybe that's what she's talking about, the looking around at those who aren't joined in? Eh, but that was my own personal experience.

I can totally understand being freaked out or scared by it. Especially if it's your first time seeing it.

I began attending my church when I was 13 and before then had never attended a church that was spirit filled. Believe me, I was definitely uncomfortable to say the least. And nobody at my church "shows out"...very rarely do you have someone falling out or running around or being extra loud.

I also understand that all the utterances I may hear are not necessarily from the Holy Spirit. Just like with everything else, there are a lot of church folk frontin' about being spirit filled. At my church I don't think it happens as often because my Pastor is very very serious about that he'd rather you be silent or just sing/pray in English than pretend to be speaking in tongues. But I've definitely seen it elsewhere.

Anyway, if you don't understand and are fearful because of that, then get understanding. IMO, it's nothing to be fearful of. The study of glossolalia is really interesting to me personally. I found this quote at this website.

Newberg gave the Pentecostals an intravenous injection of a radioactive tracer that allowed him to measure blood flow and "see" which brain areas were most active during the behaviors. Newberg and his associates published their findings in the November 2006 issue of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. During glossolalia, the part of the brain than normally makes a person feel in control was essentially shut down. The findings make sense, says Newberg, because speaking in tongues involves giving up control and feeling a "very intense experience of how the self relates to God."*

The bold really resonates with me and what you said about people seeming to be at peace. When the Holy Spirit moves around me and in me, it is a very serene feeling. Other people speak in tongues as, but that's not my reaction to it. I'm more of a crier and a singer. To me it is just a part of how I relate to God.
GV-NA-GI-TLV-GE-I, your experience is precisely what Paul was talking about. That speaking in tongues doesn't help anyone except the one that is speaking in tongues and it useful to others only if others can interpret and share what is being said. ("5I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy. He who prophesies is greater than one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may be edified.

6Now, brothers, if I come to you and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction? 7Even in the case of lifeless things that make sounds, such as the flute or harp, how will anyone know what tune is being played unless there is a distinction in the notes? 8Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle? 9So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air. 10Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning. 11If then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner to the speaker, and he is a foreigner to me. 12So it is with you. Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church."
1 Cor 14:4-12)

It's sad you felt judged and looked down upon coz you were not speaking in tongues. I think that's why Paul interjected the chapter about love in the middle of this talk about gifts coz love protects and isn't proud and it's greater than all. We are told that salvation is a gift so no one should boast, and so by the same token, so is speaking in tongue. Not that anyone here is boasting but those who would look down on one who doesn't speak in tongues as if they are more worthy because they do obviously does not understand the concept of gifts.

Incidentally, do you know Satan can speak in tongues? Not to scare anyone but I attended a rally where a former satanist shared the story of her life as a member of the coven and one of the things they did was go to charismatic churches and start cursing God in tongues beside someone praying in tongues. Because the one praying didn't know what they were saying, they'd confuse them and have them chanting the same thing. Not sure how true that is or how possible it is to do that, but if some churches actually push you to do it, by telling you to start mumbling things (as someone shared) what would stop Satan from taking over and giving you the things to say--after all, you do not know what you're saying.

Anyway, there is a lot of stuff about speaking in tongues on the Internet. I just found one which I will read later prayerfully. I think people should do the same. If it were God's will for all to speak in tongues, I don't think there'd be any question about it or any confusion about it. As far as I am concerned it is as clear as can be that not everyone is supposed to.
I am new here, so havent been privy to other threads on this subject.

First of all, I encourage us all to always pray the pauline prayers in Ehpesians 1:17-20 3:14-19. There is another one in Colossians.
When I dont understand something, I always pray this prayers for myself and I as I read the bible, study and research other materials, my spirit becomes enlightened to receive more rhema from his word on the given subject.

Always remember we know in part, God has so much for us, that our spirit has not grasped yet, scriptures says the carnal mind cannot understand the things of the spirit as they are foolishness to him.
We can never understand tongues or the gift of tongues with our minds, only with our spirit.

The spirit of a man knows what are his thoughts, so the spirit of God knows the fullness of God for us.
Salvation: Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and God raised him from the dead. For further clarification Read Romans chapter 10. espcially verses 9-11.

When we are saved we have a measure of the holy spirit. How ever the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues is an overflowing in abundance.

Tongues is an added bonus to salvation, just like healing or prosperity, or other gifts of the spirits is an added bonus.

There are many advantages to speaking in tongues - First is prayer; we do not always know how we ought to pray or what we ought to pray for, but the spirit helps us in our infirmities with groanings wihich cannot be uttered (dont remember where that is).

Paul said I will pray with my understanding and I will pray in the spirit. When we pray in tongues, you are always praying the will of God for your life, stuff your mind has not yet fanthomed or cannot yet bear.

The gift of tongues is another level and is a gift of the spirit like prophecy.

I hope I have helped someone with this.
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As far as I am concerned it is as clear as can be that not everyone is supposed to.

Based on this premise, then not everyone is supposed to be saved. However, God said he desires that all come to repentance and be saved.

On the issue of not knowing what you are saying, If you have the gift of interpretation you will know. However, Abraham did not consider his body but believed God and it was accounted to him as righteousness.

Without Faith is impossible to please God cause, we are moved by the word, not what we hear or see.

This is the same with salvation, I dont feel saved all the time, but I know in my knower that I am saved no matter what I feel. That's the only way to relate with God.
Jesus could note do anything in that village(cant rememebr the village, its somewhere in the gospels) because of their unbelief.

The only reason why there is confusion about so many stuff, like tongues, revelation & power gifts, vision, healing is because the devil wants to rob people of their all rounded victory in Christ. A lot of times we have victory in an area of our lives and are still defeated in another.

There is a power at work in us, the same power that raised Christ from the dead.. oh my one day I am going to fully grasp the meaning of that. And I am going to run that old bugger off in every arena of my life.:grin:

I want all that God has for me, even when my head finds it difficult to believe, but I am working on it.
The red really jumped out at me.

I think your characterization of speaking in tongues comes from a place of fear and a lack of understanding. And, when people are fearful of something they usually regard it and speak about it negatively, just as you have here.

I really think that you should take some time and research it or ask members of your congregation and your pastor about speaking in tongues if it is done there. You shouldn't be fearful of anything that your church supports.

Also, when posting in the Christianity Forum it is really important to think about your tone. I know I'm like the last person to say this but in order for us to have a dialogue where everyone can learn and grow it takes love and a sincere effort if avoid offensive statements/speech/attitudes. Please be careful of how you say things and what you say because I can see how many people would take offense to your statements and it would really sidetrack the discussion.

I understand completely what it means, and I have seen it several times...
People make a spectacle of themselves trying to make others believe that they are more saved than the others...:ohwell:
And at my church, my pastor speaks the word. We walk in, sing, hear announcement, he preaches, he holds invitation for people to accept Christ in their life, and then he leaves. :yep:
I believe that he spoke once about tongues but I won't say what I think he says because I don't want to misquote him...
But I know for a fact, as do many of the other believers, from the bible, that God gave people the gift for a reason... Today... What for? God listens to prayers in english, spanish, german, patois, whatever you want lol. So why do the gibberish in public? And how could that be a higher level if His death and resurrection ripped the temple curtains and took away the veil? We can come to the throne on the same level as everyone else, nowhere in the bible does it say another believer can reach God on a higher level than another... and please correct me and show me the verse if I'm wrong, because I have been before...
I have studied this over and over again, many discussions, etc.
I have never come across someone that can say with confidence, that speaking in tongues in public makes sense... imagine how the visitors feel when they see it?:think:
And I work at my church I know what it takes to make sure that the word and service are presented in a manner that represents Christ in a way that will keep people open to the word, and keep them coming back.
I'm not saying its wrong but you can't tell me that if you saw it today for the first time as an adult and you would think that it was just regular... or a gift LOL. NOT A CHANCE... If anyone can say that you're not bein real LOL :pinocchio: At least I am honest and I say what it is LOL
Trust me, I've talked to some people that saw it for the first time, 2 of which were believers. And they all said it was scary. And the believers knew the reason too. I don't think its about fear and misunderstanding, I think its about it being scary LOL.:lachen:
And about my tone... we're in cyberspace... its ok to laugh if its sarcastic...
I hope nobody is offended because... we're in cyberspace
The only way that you can be offended is if you choose to be offended, you can only respond to your perception, which is why I keep letting some of these ladies say whatever they want to me without gettin smart.:arguing:
Theres no point in getting offended, just look at the words and take it with a grain of salt
you can't see facial expressions, hand motions, anything... so why not think the person just has a sense of humor, or maybe just talk about it... I mean we are in the Christian forum...
It could have something to do with the stare-factor. I remember one pentecostal one where people were shouting and glossalia was occuring. I looked at some of the people (probably with this face cuz it was getting hot :blush: lol) ...looked around and saw some folks spying me like, "poor girl, she ain't saved yet." LOL.

Thats what I like to see, a little transparency... its just scary! Imagine if she wasn't a Christian lol. She might never go back to church... I wouldn't! (not tryin to speak for you just sayin might never... maybe you would...)
Based on this premise, then not everyone is supposed to be saved. However, God said he desires that all come to repentance and be saved.

Actually, that's not at all related. My statement that not all must speak in tongues is taken from Paul's message to the Corinthians. He clearly explained that speaking in tongues is one of the gifts of the Spirit and because the Body of Christ is made of many parts, different parts are given different gifts...so that not one gift should be emphasized above the rest. That has nothing to do with salvation. Nowhere in the bible does it say that being saved and speaking in tongues are one and the same thing. So my saying not everyone is supposed to speak in tongues is in accordance to the scripture I have quoted which talks about gifts and doesn't at all mention salvation or have anything to do with it. Hebrews even talks of gifts being given as God chooses. So how can speaking in tongues be for all when it isn't the only gift?
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