Have You Ever Felt You Can't Live Life To It's Potential Without..long Hair


Well-Known Member
I feel this way ALWAYS.
I'm restricted to the styles that I wanted to do because I had a major setback in 2013.

A set back where I was relaxing own my own and ended up damaging some of the hair in the center of my head. (super breakage/index finger length in the middle)

I'm glad the back didn't break off because that would have mean't either a big chop or regular weaving/wigging.

I know I shouldn't feel this way but it's dramatically taking an effect on my everyday life style.

I feel like it's a a part of me! Hair is everything. Healthy, long hair.
No because hair doesn't define me, I define it, be it short or long hair. There are many gorgeous short hair styles available that I've rocked before and will again if need be. Long hair is convenient for certain styles but it's not everything despite what we may act like sometime. There are many other things to worry about than hair. You should try wearing wigs to give yourself a break.
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I think you should cut yourself some slack, you made a mistake. The great thing about hair is that it will always grow no matter what. Unfortunately retention is a different thing. And I say this as a person who had a setback in 2012, which included my hair dreading itself.

In the mean time since its really bothering you, maybe you should try clip-ins or biotin?
No and I am very much into taking care of my hair and avoiding any breakage. Sometimes I try to avoid 100% breakage! But I learn to work with what I have even though every time I relax I'm thinking about how long it has gotten. I just fantasize about future styles but I don't stress about it because I am making constant progress
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Nope. My hair was fly EL and My hair was fly at MBL.

The key is to find styles to accommodate your current length. If your hair is short, get a fly cut and retain from there. Figure out the mistakes you were making before and then actively avoid doing those things. The will help your retention immensely.

Hair is beautiful, its your glory....I get that BUT stressing about vanity is NOT the way. You're going to be awesome either way:).
Not at all. In fact, after wearing a close barbered cut for years, I'm not eager for the nape area to grow past shoulder length.
I've never gotten more compliments in my life than when I shaved my head. I was told I had the "head" for it. It's really just about finding a style that fits you. Length without health is pointless. And short hair looks especially bad if it isn't styled well. So it's probably not the fact that your hair is short. It's just not in its peak form nor is it styled to really suit you.

And not everyone even looks good with long hair. But if length is really an issue for you, why not just invest in some great extensions with a great stylist?

These are all short hairstyles but they look great because they look healthy and fit the person.




Apparently girl number two's hair is a weave.
Can't live life without long hair?? No ma'am, I've never felt that way.

But I have had to take a break from my hair journey when I've felt it was becoming too all consuming. You sound like you're at that point as well. Get some braids, get a sew in and take a step back from hair care for a while.
Heh I can relate somewhat not too long ago I would have cried if you told me to cut my hair but now its like meh whatever. Sometimes we tend to forget at the end of the day its just hair and its gonna grow regardless as long as you treat it right aint gonna go from neck length to knee cap length overnight but you can get there. You should try getting a couple of wigs. It can be fun cause you can pretty much wear any style and color you want without the hassle and get into something else you enjoy to stop focusing on hair so much.
No because hair doesn't define me, I define it, be it short or long hair. There are many gorgeous short hair styles available that I've rocked before and will again if need be. Long hair is convenient for certain styles but it's not everything despite what we may act like sometime. There are many other things to worry about than hair. You should try wearing wigs to give yourself a break.
I just cut my hair again in this journey, and I totally agree! I am not my hair! Long hair is great, there is more to life. I got so consumed with trying to keep some hair on my head, spending money on products, and it got tiresome. I feel better about my fresh start!
No, but I feel like a ham unless I am wearing a wig or my hair is blown out. My 4b natural hair shrinks to nl so there isn't much I can do with it until I get more length. I'm almost bsl, but my shrinkage is real.
@LivingInPeace I am not quite sure what exactly happened. I've come up with some possible scenarios. That either 1) I did not effectively remove the Aphogee Protein Treatment out my hair before getting single braids installed. Or 2) I cut my own hair while removing my single braid. All I know is when I took down my single braids that i only had in for 3 weeks. My hair was shorter, and looked damaged.
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The more I ponder this question / situation the more I realize I was not always so chill about hair. I started out chill but when my hair thinned from stress, things got real quick: I became obsessed, length mattered a lot and I even inspected every piece of hair that fell from my head....and then I woke up...I realized that behavior was crazy business and I haven't looked back since. I still care for my hair and would never want to suffer setbacks but I'm at a point where I can cut my hair without any emotion because it will grow back.
@BlackRinse I had horrible matting and tangling after braids take-down and had to cut a lot of length from the damage. That was sooooo frustrating. I'm can't even lie. I want braids again so badly but flashbacks of that horror keeps me from doing it every time.
Nope. I learned as a teenager that my hair was not my life. I shaved my head for the first time when I was about 13. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to. Up until my mid twenties, I grew out and shaved my head several more times. I got more compliments with a bald head than I ever did with WL hair. Now I grow my hair for the same reason that I shaved it - because I want to. I also learned not to fear baldness. I and my life are fine either way.

ETA: When I shaved my hair, I always rocked it bald. I've never worn a wig in my life and if I lost all my hair today, I still wouldn't wear one. Baldies Rock!
A little, I will admit. I don't think I will look that hot with short hair. I envy other women that can pull it off. I'm in the middle of a potential setback as we speak.

With that said, give yourself a break. There are more important things in life.
I don't feel as sexy with short hair. However, I don't mind it if I had to have it. I will say that there is no in between for me. Having shoulder length or BSL hair is not good enough. It has to be very long or very short. I am now approaching waist length and even that won't work. Until it gets there, I will NOT be happy. I train hard on my body (at least 5-6 days a week). I get compliments all day and night but until it looks the way I want it to, I will not be satisfied.
I agree with those who recommend just rocking the heck out of whatever length you find yourself. :sekret: Let me share something. I cut all my hair off at two important junctures in my life. Once during hs, once in college. I cut it all off (and went natural) because it was damaged, not out of any particular sense of racial pride. These were not popular times to be natural (late 90's, early 00's). But I rocked the hell out of it. Why? Because I have awesome self esteem.

I have awesome self esteem and it's totally unrelated to how I may look at the time. I simply love myself. Therefore, anything on me gotta be fly! :kiss3: I was unsure of my hair texture this go round. We didn't have this hair typing system back in the day, so I didn't know where I fell. As I transitioned, I wondered would I love my hair? Would I be happy and proud to wear it? And I decided, yes. Because everything on me is fly. Duh. :lol:

I say all this to say, I'm not one for the woo-woo, 'We're all winners' crap going around now, but I aim for a personal best, all else be damned. If my hair isn't long enough, it'll grow out. If I'm not skinny enough, I'll buy the shapewear. And I'll move along confidently and fabulously. Once you're at peace with yourself, all else will follow... but not in the way you think. Your hair won't grow overnight once you're at peace with yourself, but you'll be delighted to find that you no longer care.
@divachyk - I'm having a lot of shedding now - just these past couple of weeks. I'm going to go in for a blood draw tomorrow morning. It could be my slow thyroid which I'm currently treating, could be low ferritin (again), low vitamin D, elevated DHEA (again)...anything.
Wishing you all the best tomorrow! Alter Ego Garlic is great for shedding if you want to try that to control shedding. May not help though if it's an internal issue but worth a try. @greenandchic
Wishing you all the best tomorrow! Alter Ego Garlic is great for shedding if you want to try that to control shedding. May not help though if it's an internal issue but worth a try. @greenandchic

I will look into that! I'm open to any option I can get. Its more than likely internal but treating topically (as well as internally) wont hurt!