Have You Ever Just Stopped Wanting Long Hair?

shunta said:
You know, its crazy that you started this thread because just the other day I was thinking that Im happy with my APL length right now. I originally wanted to be BSL but right now Im fine with the APL, and its already a pain to rollerset, so just imagine how hard it would be for me to do it at BSL. My hair is alot healthier right now, so Im just gonna focus on that, and not so much the length anymore.:ohwell:

That's the object shunta when you focus on keeping your hair healthy the lenght is gonna come...That's how I look at it anyway:) I just do what I do to keep it healthy and strong and then the growth just comes...so no matter if you are just focusing on the health of your hair right now...guess what?.....it's still gonna be bsl....in a few months:p and there's nothing you can do about it...and you betta not cut it:mad: :) :p
tsmith said:
That's the object shunta when you focus on keeping your hair healthy the lenght is gonna come...That's how I look at it anyway:) I just do what I do to keep it healthy and strong and then the growth just comes...so no matter if you are just focusing on the health of your hair right now...guess what?.....it's still gonna be bsl....in a few months:p and there's nothing you can do about it...and you betta not cut it:mad: :) :p
tsmith, you're so funny girl!:lachen: Okay. I wont cut it.:look:
LocksOfLuV said:
Have anyone here ever just stopped wanting long hair? I don't know if it is because I am tired of growing it out (It's been a only a year:look: ) or if I just don't want long hair anymore. I was thinking to myself the other day that if I go back to a blunt APL then I would be cool with that.

Of course, I am not going to do anything drastic without thinking it through. But i was wondering if anyone felt this way? Was this a phase for you?

NEVER i tell you, NEVER...i want my hair to grow as long as possible. It is my personal vice...i want it, i lust after it, and will try anything to grow my hair.
tsmith said:
Yep she did make amazing progress. It's pictures like these that motivates me..has everyone seen anky's starting pictures and now look at her hair...that's when I knew that I could do it:)

awwww thank you tsmith, looking at most of you ladies is what got me hooked:D
shunta said:
You know, its crazy that you started this thread because just the other day I was thinking that Im happy with my APL length right now. I originally wanted to be BSL but right now Im fine with the APL, and its already a pain to rollerset, so just imagine how hard it would be for me to do it at BSL. My hair is alot healthier right now, so Im just gonna focus on that, and not so much the length anymore.:ohwell:

*only tiptoes into thread to touch Shunta's APL hair....then leaves awkwardly...*
LocksOfLuV said:
Have anyone here ever just stopped wanting long hair? I don't know if it is because I am tired of growing it out (It's been a only a year:look: ) or if I just don't want long hair anymore. I was thinking to myself the other day that if I go back to a blunt APL then I would be cool with that.

Of course, I am not going to do anything drastic without thinking it through. But i was wondering if anyone felt this way? Was this a phase for you?

I have NEVER been through that phase. I have been lax about my regimen at times though. But the desire for full waist length hair is like a burning fire, never goes out.....
Sometimes when a hrct grows out ugly. I think thats y I will enjoy being natural,because I can make it shrink up.;)
HoneyLemonDrop said:
I have NEVER been through that phase. I have been lax about my regimen at times though. But the desire for full waist length hair is like a burning fire, never goes out.....

Awwwwwwwwww Shucky Ducky now! I heard that!

I have felt this way before as well. I think maybe the problem is because you try so hard to grow your hair over the years but instead results to up in hair breakage and damaged ends. This probably hasn't happened to you, but these are some reasons why I get frustrated in not wanting to grow my hair longer, plus you try to ask other such as hair stylists and other black women with longer hair, and the hair stylist try to cut your hair much shorter, and the black women with very long hair act like they don't want to tell anyone how to achieve hair growth just as they did.

I was definetely about to give up on growing my hair,especially when a hair stylist I use to go to said that my wouldn't grow to my shoulders/ I knew then that I had to make changes on my own so I stop going to her and decided to do research on black women's hair growth. I found this forum in which I am very grateful that I did. The women encourage each other and encourage that you can have waist length hair just like them and aren't afraid to share their hair regimen. I hope I haven't talked to much, by my advice is not to give up; it may seem hard to start at first but once you get the hang of it, it will be hard to stop. :) :) :)
Several years ago I got bored with my APL hair and started admiring the shorter styles. One day I decided to request my Aunt (pro stylist) to cut it. I ended up with my hair 2" all over and I loved it. Until ...I realized that it was more difficult for me to up keep than longer hair. I had to hotcurl it everyday to keep the style looking good! It was then I decided to let it grow out again.

I dont think so. This is a dream I never had before. In the past, I have cut my hair off just to have a cute style. I always felt that the in between length was too hard to manage and I never ever even thought about getting longer than sl. After being here I know I can get there so I'll just enjoy the ride.

I have also learned that the older I get, the slower my hair grows, so I wont be so fast to cut it. Also, after being on the boards almost every night, i think my husband would have a baby knowing that I worked so hard growing it back just to cut it off.:lol:
After having really long hair numerous times throughout my life, I realized it's no big deal or great feat for me. It's like growing toenails...they always grow back!

Healthy hair, and most recently - having UNIFORMLY TEXTURED hair - is my main concern. :)
I have stopped wanting/craving long hair too. If it ends up growing very long I would be happy, if it doesn't I would still be fine.
I've definitely felt this way, just gets frustrating because I'm an "I want it now" girl. Then I can't help but ask myself "Once I get longer hair, then what?" Knowing me, I'll get bored. I told my husband that if I'm not where I want to be by April (which is at least an inch below bra strap) I'm going up to my ears!! :eek:
I basically like my hair around my face and neck. I would say yes because I usually cut mine off right at APL and because I like different hairstyles. :)
I don't know if I really want long hair anymore or if I just want to know my hair will grow BSL again..i've never liked anything being too easy (in all aspects of life) so i think i like the challenge more than the end result of long hair
I've never felt like I didn't want long hair anymore. I've always loved long hair and I will probably never cut mine.
I love the look of long hair but I much prefer healthy hair so If that means haveing a thick head of shoulder lenght hair versus un even thin bsl hair why not? I just made it to a few inches below BSL and I went and cut it to about APL last friday. It's hair. it grows back no biggie~
I haven't stopped wanting long hair, but the urgency to get it is gone. It'll come or it won't. I'm so thrilled with having healthy hair I rarely think about length anymore.
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well with me, i am beginning to not care how long my hair can grow. my thing going forward will be well-trimmed hair.....smile....
No, not for me. I have always wanted long hair and I am thrilled to finally know how got grow it. Have I been impatient? Yes, but all things take time. I would never do anything hasty like cutting it becuase in "time" it will grow". I have enjoyed my journey and cant wait until I hit BSL. At that point I will trim to get a blunt BSL then continue to grow from there. 2007 Goal, Blunt BSL.
I've gone through this phase, but after about a month, it passed, and I was SO glad I didn't do any major cutting or trimming.

I'm fascinated with healthy hair in general so I'll occasionally do styles that make my hair appear shorter, and I'll like it so much that I'll want shorter hair. Later, I'll straighten it or want a full bun and I'll remember why I love my hair at a longer length.
At the begining I was focused on reaching APL but now I am focusing on the thickness and health of my hair. My crown always gave me problems and it broke off. I am showing the crown and sides extra attention so that they can catch up to the back and look full even and thicker. Once that is accomplished which I am giving myself until late April to focus on length once all parts are even or close to even atleast. I always wanted APL or a little pass it bc I love how it looks people I know so one I get there I think I will maintain that length.
Yea. Just a little. The days when I have tangles to work on or I bun day after day after day. The care is a lot of work. The PJ-ism drives me crazy when I get bored with a certain product then spend more money to try something different. I always think I have the products then want more as my sink area, shelves, linen closet overflow. I sometimes become :perplexed afraid as my hair reaches bra strap..."Will I be able to continue care for all this length, will I be able to keep the length and health?" I do hope this phase passes for I really want to see if I can grow my hair longer than it has ever been.
I have been lusting for the long hair I had as a child since my mother took sissors to it :mad: I am totally looking forward to my long hair again! :yep:
LocksOfLuV said:
Have anyone here ever just stopped wanting long hair? I don't know if it is because I am tired of growing it out (It's been a only a year:look: ) or if I just don't want long hair anymore. I was thinking to myself the other day that if I go back to a blunt APL then I would be cool with that.

Psssssst!!! Hey Locks of Love, come over here girl, and let me holler at you for a sec! :sekret:

:whip::fishslap::whip: :poke::whip: :hammer::whip:

Now you hush all that talk about getting tired of growing out your hair, little missy!!!!! :naughty: Even if you arent really gonna do it.... its almost blasphemous to say such a thing! :lol::lol: You know you've worked WAAAAY too hard... you and me both! We're practically hair twins.... I sweat your progress and stalk your Fokti for updates, and you are just the bomb to me. So dont even scare me by taking like that homie!!!! :kiss:

*sigh* Making my blood pressure rise and things!l!!! *smh* :lachen:
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