Has your soul ever cried?


Well-Known Member
No, I'm serious. This is the second time in like a week this has happened. I couldn't sleep at all really last night and caught myself waking up talking in my sleep (like on the brink of consciousness).

Anyways, I was asleep and I know I was dreaming about my ex but I don't remember specifics. I don't even think it was a dream. I think I was just unconsciously thinking about him (on the brink of a dream?). All the sudden I feel heavy, like all the blood had been drained out of me. I felt myself weeping. Like you know how your body heaves in and out when you cry? That's what I felt in my subconscious. Just hurt and pain.

Im not talking about you actually dreaming, seeing yourself in a scenario, like your boyfriend cheating on you and the reaction is to cry. Im talking about in your subconscious, your spirit. .crying. So I wake up, thinking I was crying and go to wipe tears away, except none are there.

It's fugged up how I done cried so much over this fool physically in real life to where it's now beating me up in my spirit. He's going to be a hard one to forget :(
Aw, I'm sorry, OP. The closest I've ever come to that is dreaming abt a loved one passing away and I wake up in tears.

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I think I may have had similar experiences after my divorce a few years ago. I would go to sleep after a pleasant day and my sobs and tears would wake me up. I never knew what I may have dreamed, but I knew the failure of our relationship was the cause. It was terrible and confusing.

It gets better. what you are going through will fade away.
I do when I have dreams about my mama or grandma dying. It's a cold, weightless, sweaty feeling for me though but I wake up not sweating.
I think I may have had similar experiences after my divorce a few years ago. I would go to sleep after a pleasant day and my sobs and tears would wake me up. I never knew what I may have dreamed, but I knew the failure of our relationship was the cause. It was terrible and confusing.

It gets better. what you are going through will fade away.
Ding Ding, that was me. My soul had to cry, because I couldn't physically cry anymore.
i've cried because of what i went through in a relationship and came out broken. more angry and mad at myself. i was awake and it felt like i was dying. but i had to forgive myself and move on.
Unfortunately I know exactly what you are describing. I've been there and that feeling sucks because it feels like you gave the specific person more power than any human on earth deserves ...and they dont even know it. But you do.

Beauty and truth is....this too SHALL PASS. Please know that.
I feel like a wimp now :(


Big hug.

I didn't mean it that way. The heart can't choose what makes it hurt and I know I felt exactly what you feel at least once in my life. But nothing compares to what I feel now. I now realize that men come and go. Don't give them too much power over your life.

Big hug and hope you feel better soon.
I've thought that my soul was crying before. I had poems, journal entries, doc & shrink appts bc I was convinced that I was dying or sick, call-out of work & school days, forced ppl to listen to my woes against their will, the whole nine. But then I realized I was being dramatic because I don't even remember these people anymore :look:
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I've never experienced anything like that, very intriquing. God is closes to the broken hearted. Tears are a language and I wonder if tears of the soul/spirit are like tears speaking in a heavenly language. I believe Greatness will come out of this.
I've never experienced anything like that, very intriquing. God is closes to the broken hearted. Tears are a language and I wonder if tears of the soul/spirit are like tears speaking in a heavenly language. I believe Greatness will come out of this.

People used to, and still do, say this to me. I'm still not sure what I think/feel about it......

One of my friends used to say that I "feel EVERYTHING." The only way someone would know this is if they were to see me everyday, which by virtue of being an introvert, only a few select people (literally can count on one hand) have seen.

I can relate to a lot of what was said in the original post. I hope this is the case for OP, bc I admire people that grow from devastation. IDK, I respect people that go from literally the bottom (emotionally or physically) to the top :yep:
yep, I look back at painful periods in my life and while it was excuriating at the time I see where I came out WISER, Stronger and it built so much character in my and yes sooo much more happier. My pastor says that we are like arrows and the more tension or the futher we are pulled back the futher we are shot out or up and it is true. your pain can catapult you to a place you would never have been able to obtain otherwise, some places in your life you can get to but only your character can keep you there. I'm not sure if I explaine that well...

I have talk to many people about my painful places and have shared wisdom as well as encouragement with them.

PinkyPromise angles are tending to you like never before. God is closes to the broken hearted. He is concerned about you. He has said let not your heart be troubled for He came to bind up the broken hearted. I pray that God will mend your broken heart and heal you as well as your memories. God keeps our tears in his bottle Psalms 56:8 he is omniscent which means he already knows the things we cannot utter, those things that we feel yet words fall us. BE of good courage pinkypromise God is a God of purpose, you may not be able to see it now but as my grandma would say you will see it in the by and by.
OP, I completly understand. Give yourself time, it will pass. There is nothing wrong with loving someone. Just be glad you are capable of feeling.
No, I'm serious. This is the second time in like a week this has happened. I couldn't sleep at all really last night and caught myself waking up talking in my sleep (like on the brink of consciousness).

Anyways, I was asleep and I know I was dreaming about my ex but I don't remember specifics. I don't even think it was a dream. I think I was just unconsciously thinking about him (on the brink of a dream?). All the sudden I feel heavy, like all the blood had been drained out of me. I felt myself weeping. Like you know how your body heaves in and out when you cry? That's what I felt in my subconscious. Just hurt and pain.

Im not talking about you actually dreaming, seeing yourself in a scenario, like your boyfriend cheating on you and the reaction is to cry. Im talking about in your subconscious, your spirit. .crying. So I wake up, thinking I was crying and go to wipe tears away, except none are there.

It's fugged up how I done cried so much over this fool physically in real life to where it's now beating me up in my spirit. He's going to be a hard one to forget :(
I know you're serious. And you are absolutely right. That's the best way to describe it. My soul has cried too. It's just going to take time for you to heal.

Wishing you the best.

Yes, after I began therapy especially. As a child I suffered from abuse. I remembered much of what happened but buried most of the pain. From reading I finally understood that childhood abuse is what some refer to as soul murder. So it makes sense that my soul would cry. I had to revisit the pain in order to heal, had to remember exactly how I felt back then so that I could finally mourn my lost, sad, lonely childhood. So don't be ashamed of the tears, don't feel weak either, you are human and trying to heal.:hug2:
I just found out today that my childhood friend of 13 years has gotten shot 5 times. Twice in the face, lung, and back. I'm trying to go to the hospital now :(
I prayed for you this morning and hope that all is well with you. God is going to get some glory out of everything you are going thru.
I am so, so sorry PinkyPromise!!! and to answer your question yes. We call it weepy soul or like you said weeping soul. But for me it usually happens when I am awake. I get this feeling of fatigue, I feel like I been crying for hour upon hour but in reality I have not. That feeling can come out of nowhere. When I get that feel I KNOW something bad is about to happen.
I am so, so sorry PinkyPromise!!! and to answer your question yes. We call it weepy soul or like you said weeping soul. But for me it usually happens when I am awake. I get this feeling of fatigue, I feel like I been crying for hour upon hour but in reality I have not. That feeling can come out of nowhere. When I get that feel I KNOW something bad is about to happen.

Maybe it was a warning. .
I think I may have had similar experiences after my divorce a few years ago. I would go to sleep after a pleasant day and my sobs and tears would wake me up. I never knew what I may have dreamed, but I knew the failure of our relationship was the cause. It was terrible and confusing.

It gets better. what you are going through will fade away.

Yes im recently divorced n I was doing the same things; waking up sweating n crying bc I felt like a failure:'(. Im jus praying for peace.
:bighug: OP! Yes, my soul has cried. :yep: And, I know it does not feel like it right now, but there is going to come a day when you will wonder, "what did I ever see in him?"

My soul cried over an ex of mine. Not my exDH. He was after my exDH. I :love: LOVED-ED-ED-ED this man's dirty draws, do you hear me? And, it pissed me off even more to recall that when we first met, not only was I not attracted to him, but I wasn't even impressed with his personality. :nono: However, he fought the good fight and hung in there til I was in love and then he bounced. :lol: Anyway, my soul cried. Very sad tears and very angry tears and tears of regret. I had no idea how I would ever get over him. I lost weight. Was nauseous all the time and not sleeping well. It felt like I'd been stabbed in the gut!

But, gradually, over time....being sure not to maintain contact with him....I healed. And, became happy again and I got over him. So much so....that maybe 2 years later, when I had a chance to see him in person again out somewhere....I felt NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. And, he wanted to try again but I was over it. I was back to the place where I didn't even find him impressive nor attractive. I happily was able to take a pass. And it was the best feeling in the world.

You will get there too!
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It's a new day, a new year and a new season. Jump in and enjoy your life, I'm praying for your healing pinkypromise.
Yes...more times then I care to remember.

I can think of at least two times where I had the same experience as you; crying so hard in my dreams I was heaving and screaming...only to wake up and be totally dry eyed and drained.

One of my favorite sayings is that "Anything can be cured with Saltwater - Tears, Sweat, or the Sea."

Tears are a a form of healing so welcome them, even if they are only happening in your dream state.
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