Has your hair improved your love life?


New Member
It has for me.:grin: And my hair is not even BSL. My girlfriend who has beautiful natural BSL, gets her flatironed weekly at the salon. I actually met a guy friend of hers while waiting to get her hair done. He was wondering why I wasn't getting it done at the same time. I had my hair up in a clip and shrugged saying that I prefer to do it myself. The next day, I rollerset it for a party he invited me to the next day. And today he was telling me that he was like wowsa...did not know your hair could look that nice on your own.

Thanks LHCF...anyone with their own story?
Yeah I think it plays a role in my love life....my husband plays with my hair more and he really seems to love the length. When we first met my hair was very short...and I did not get the attention I get now...:yep:
My hair's never been this long in my life, and it definitely makes me feel sexy to have a head full of healthy hair. Dh loves it too, and he's always complimenting me and bragging to others about my hair. I've never thought about it before, but I guess I could say that my love life HAS gotten better :grin:
It does make a difference . men say it really doesnt matter but .......men are visual creatures by nature. even I can tell a difference with my DH by his reactions to certain things when it comes to my hair.... ( he still would love even if i were bald headed :yep: ) ..... like when I weave my hair he's ALL UP IN MY HAIR WITH IT HANDS !!!!!! :lick: :lachen:
My boyfriends said he loves long hair, but it doesn't matter to him if my hair is long or short. Well over the holiday my hair which is normally in braids was flat iron and down to bsl. He didn't say a word but one night I felt him running his fingers through my hair. And I felt pretty good about my hair growth and I think it has done wonders for my love life.:drunk:
Probably not, but when I cut it short above my ear all hell broke loose. After that, I knew as long as I was with him it wasn't a good idea to cut it that short again. His response is always when I met you it was long could you please let it stay that way.
so ya'll are saying if I do something with my hair, i will get a man? *motivation* IN THERE!!!! it's been a while!:lachen:
so ya'll are saying if I do something with my hair, i will get a man? *motivation* IN THERE!!!! it's been a while!:lachen:

I guess it adds more self confidence and it keeps us busy. Guys always seem to pop up from nowhere when you're the busiest. Most guys I know loves long hair on black women and if it's real, EVEN BETTER! They'll want to hold on to you even more because they know that it's rare. Black women who have long hair that's all theres is different and they find that fascinating and sexy. So yes, it sure does improve your love life. And girl, that's motivation for me too.
my boyfriend cannot keep his hands out of my hair now that's it soft and healthy... & love to let him massage my head to promote growth lol! he also says he likes that I spend time taking care of myself
My SO commented on how thick my hair is, and said he was sooo glad I didn't have a weave. A year ago he wouldnt have been able to make that comment :lachen:
my friend plays in it now, but its extremely short, about neck length now, but they have the tendency to wanna pull it. . . whoa there brother, let go of my curl!
Probably not, but when I cut it short above my ear all hell broke loose. After that, I knew as long as I was with him it wasn't a good idea to cut it that short again. His response is always when I met you it was long could you please let it stay that way.

You just gave me a flash back of that movie "Breakin' all the Rules".

Morris Chestnut, "Everybody knows that when a woman cuts her hair, it's an act of agression against a man. She agressed me." :lachen::lachen:
Honestly, I think it has less to do with hair and more to do with confidence. Many woman feel a lot more confident and sexy when they come out of the salon and their hair feels fresh, long, clean, and shiny. Suddenly you feel better about yourself or more confident than when you walked in - like a good hair day on crack. So when you see your SO or anyone knowing you've dolled yourself up, your hair is slamming, and you're feeling sexy you are projecting confidence. Men love that! There are men that absolutely love long hair, but I think men enjoy a confident woman more. She's willing to take more risks and see herself in a different way. Relationships with other people are a reflection of yourself. Confidence long hair or short = sexy :look:
Hmmm...so what you are aying is that longer healthier hair could tame me from :bricks:...to this?! :dinner: Ahhh!! What am I waiting for!! *grabs all of hair products and tries to find the perfect hair regimen AGAIN* :sekret:
Honestly, I think it has less to do with hair and more to do with confidence. Many woman feel a lot more confident and sexy when they come out of the salon and their hair feels fresh, long, clean, and shiny. Suddenly you feel better about yourself or more confident than when you walked in - like a good hair day on crack. So when you see your SO or anyone knowing you've dolled yourself up, your hair is slamming, and you're feeling sexy you are projecting confidence. Men love that! There are men that absolutely love long hair, but I think men enjoy a confident woman more. She's willing to take more risks and see herself in a different way. Relationships with other people are a reflection of yourself. Confidence long hair or short = sexy :look:
My sentiments exactly!yet I do have to say my bf lurves my tailbone length braids!!!
Lol funny you mention it...Guys always always mention my hair and compliment me on it...waaaaay more than when it was relaxed...Then they ask if they can touch it and I say ummm you can look :lachen:Funny and flattering I guess
I've been changing my hair style over and over for the last 5 months, and SO likes it. He says that with every hairstyle I act different :rolleyes: and its like he's dating different women.....whatever! But ya know honestly, since going natural a few days ago I do feel different :lachen: When you're rocking a bold cut like a TWA you gotta represent. So I guess I'm a little more "bold" these days and SO loves it ;)
well for me my SO always loved my hair, but he admitted to me that he appreciates that it's all mine (at this length) and if we were to part he would only accept a girl with nice long healthy REAL hair! even now when commenting on women he says 'she alright' but she ain't got no hair!

I'll also add that he likes me to have my hair down when doing the 'DO' so he can have more access to pull at it
my boyfriend cannot keep his hands out of my hair now that's it soft and healthy... & love to let him massage my head to promote growth lol! he also says he likes that I spend time taking care of myself

I think this is key. If you love and care for yourself others will too.

Now we can't break up cuz he wants to see how fierce Ima look by the summer. Don't want anyone else benefitting while he had to see me walking around with full baggies, overnight conditioners, smelling hair growth potions and tons of kitchen appliances and bowls smelling like Rosemary e.o. He's like 'I put in time damn it!'
my boyfriend cannot keep his hands out of my hair now that's it soft and healthy... & love to let him massage my head to promote growth lol! he also says he likes that I spend time taking care of myself

HAHA. Thanks choconillaprincess, my bf is on his way in a few and I will be sure to advise him to massage my head to promote growth. lol!!

ps. choconilla I try so hard not to be jealous of your gorgeous hair, your texture is so defined and beautiful! :yep: