The Funniest thing your DH, SO or male friend has done

Last week my SO was complaing that his chin hairs were dry and not soft like they usually are. Yesterday I went over to see him and I couldnt find him in the house.
I checked the back bathroom and there he was mixing Suave Milk and honey, honey and EVOO to put on his goatee!!!!!!

He said he had seen me do it tooo many times and I had explained to him too many times what it does and he wanted to see if i was right!

Now I'm mad because he found Sauve Milk and Honey and I havent been able to find it ANYWHERE and to get back at me for laughing, he wont tell me where he found it!
p31woman said:
Last week my SO was complaing that his chin hairs were dry and not soft like they usually are. Yesterday I went over to see him and I couldnt find him in the house.
I checked the back bathroom and there he was mixing Suave Milk and honey, honey and EVOO to put on his goatee!!!!!!

He said he had seen me do it tooo many times and I had explained to him too many times what it does and he wanted to see if i was right!

Now I'm mad because he found Sauve Milk and Honey and I havent been able to find it ANYWHERE and to get back at me for laughing, he wont tell me where he found it!

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
My so kils me, now he's like

"baby can you get me some of that conditioner thing and morecoconut oil, my hair is now soft and theres no flakes...look look, do u see it?!!!"
The other day my DH noticed a young lady's hair and was impressed. I must admit that I was also. She had very pretty BSL, thick hair. He goes "I wonder what she does to her hair. It's pretty but she could use some oils and and a day or two of capping (wearing a plastic cap) Maybe you should tell her about your hair group!" I look up and he has this big smile. I said "Aww sweetie... That's nice but women don't get into each others hair business uninvited."

I had to laugh because he seemed so sincere in wanting to help her and I had no idea that he paid that much attention to me and "hair goings-ons" as he puts it!
My SO deep conditions his hair every week with a baggy ( and sometimes under the dryer :lol: ) when i set up my fotki account, he's like "take a picture of my waves and see what they say, cuz they have been poppin since i started puttin that conditioner and the bag on" i just laughed at him and told him, "them ladies don't wanna see your ol' waves!" i wasn't going to post them, but check him out in my fotki. let me know what you think so i can tell him. He'll be so thrilled!:lol:
OMG!!! I have done gone and peed my pants!! What is DH (Dear Husband ??) just a guess.

I mostly hear from everyone did you sleep or did you spend all night on the hair board. Not terribly funny but true :perplexed !

1. Fallback: Your tumbleweed photo and story... :lachen: :grin: :lachen: :lachen:

2. p31woman: Finding your man conditioning his Goatie wit your recepie :lol: :D :lachen:
3 . Ms.Gafeny: Your guy requesting you to put his waves in YOUR fotki:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Even funnier: There is a big section at hairbotique called 360 waves for men to talk about their waves and how to make them POP. The forum is just like ours Drama, wave tips, battles, cries for help, success stories, hair goals and all. They even have photos!!!! :lachen: . Here's the link to it:

It will keep him out your hair :grin: :lachen: . I could help but say that.
luzminerva said:
Even funnier: There is a big section at hairbotique called 360 waves for men to talk about their waves and how to make them POP. The forum is just like ours Drama, wave tips, battles, cries for help, success stories, hair goals and all. They even have photos!!!! :lachen: . Here's the link to it:

It will keep him out your hair :grin: :lachen: . I could help but say that.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:I just went there to check the menz-n-em out! OMG! They are JUST as bad as we are! They have siggy's n errr thang!:lol::lol::lol:

ms.gafeney said:
My SO deep conditions his hair every week with a baggy ( and sometimes under the dryer :lol: ) when i set up my fotki account, he's like "take a picture of my waves and see what they say, cuz they have been poppin since i started puttin that conditioner and the bag on" i just laughed at him and told him, "them ladies don't wanna see your ol' waves!" i wasn't going to post them, but check him out in my fotki. let me know what you think so i can tell him. He'll be so thrilled!:lol:

Hey let your SO know that my ex would be JEALOUS!!! As he grew older he lost the waves. Whatever your SO is doing, he's doing well! His hair really looks good!
I am cracking up over here!!!!
My DH very rarely says much about my hair...things like "thats nice" "I like that" "don't cut it again"...yeah that is what I get

But a few weeks back i brought some peppermint oil and mixed that in my rainwater/tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner that I got from gnc. I used it and he loved the smell but he was not going to use it because I told him that you could feel the peppermint tingling on my scalp and I loved it. His exact words "nah Im not going to use that, not too sure what all that tingling is, and I am sure that having tingling sensations on my head is not gangsta":lachen: ...(being gangsta is our inside joke) so I tell him that its just penetrating and soothing your scalp nothing wrong with that.

Well later that night, the basement smells amazing...and I am like what is that smell..he doesn't answer. I am like "well that stuff is strong and sure does last a long time"...we are cuddled and I smell his hair...HE USED THE SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER...I just shake my head and he says "but i love the tingling sensation" :lachen:

Since then I have stopped using the shampoo and conditioner because its not moisturizing come every time I see my baby he is talking about, did you bring the shampoo :p

**side note: I am not married yet but I call him hubby, we only have 6 weeks left about**:grin:
RMAOL!!! This thread is so cute and funny!!!!

Last fall, I had a bad shampoo mishap and my hair was matted beyond repair. In the mist of my hair breakdown, my SO called me:

ME: I don't know what to do! I can't comb it, it's a mess:cry:
HIM: Calm down babe, it's gonna be ok, just....just....don't touch the scissors.
ME: I'm not! But what if I have to cut it!
HIM: NOOOOOO! Don't do that. Can't you call somebody? I know, get on that hair board! They know everything! I'm sure somebody on there can help you!
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ghanaian dime said:
Last fall, I had a bad shampoo mishap and my hair was matted beyond repair. In the mist of my hair breakdown, my SO called me:

ME: I don't know what to do! I can't comb it, it's a mess:cry:
HIM: Calm down babe, it's gonna be ok, just....just....don't touch the scissors.
ME: I'm not! But what if I have to cut it!
HIM: NOOOOOO! Don't do that. Can't you call somebody? I know, get on that hair board! They know everything! I'm sure somebody on there can help you!

aww thats sweet!
ghanaian dime said:
RMAOL!!! This thread is so cute and funny!!!!

Last fall, I had a bad shampoo mishap and my hair was matted beyond repair. In the mist of my hair breakdown, my SO called me:

ME: I don't know what to do! I can't comb it, it's a mess:cry:
HIM: Calm down babe, it's gonna be ok, just....just....don't touch the scissors.
ME: I'm not! But what if I have to cut it!
HIM: NOOOOOO! Don't do that. Can't you call somebody? I know, get on that hair board! They know everything! I'm sure somebody on there can help you!

How cute is that?!?!? I swear that sounds like my DH:D
I'm at the point where my braids look like a H.A.M. I keep walking around saying I'm going to take them out i can't Wait for June. My SO said to me yesterday if you take them out now and your not at APL by June don't come crying to me.:eek: Then he say go get the T-shirt I help you make with the lines lets see where it's at now.
My brother calls us hair sluts:lol:

Brother: You guys are crazy! All you guys do is talk about hair all day long.

Me: No we don't! We have real discussions about everything; politics, sex, food, religion, etc.

Brother: No, you don't! All you talk about is hair. You guys are obsessed with hair! You guys are hair sluts!

Me::lol: :lol: :lol:

I should go and make a shirt that says I'm a Hair Slut and I Love It!

One day I was at my friends house and using his computer. I was looking through Sistaslicks Fotki album and my friend walks over and said "you're lookin at hair again, huh?" and said "yea, and whats the problem?". So then he says "You're in love with hair too much. I bet you would rather sleep with your hair than a man." And I was like "well seeing as though I've been sleeping with my hair since the day I was born I guess you're. I guess that makes me a hair slut!" :lol:
Divine Inspiration said:
A while back a member here (I can't remember who it was) had a SO who was complaining about her keeping her hair in protective styles and she wouldn't let him play in it. He said her hair was like the furniture in your grandma's house with the plastic over it that no one is allowed to sit on. What's the point in having it (long hair, furniture) if you're not going to enjoy it? :lol: I found this hilarious, but there is some truth to it. She said she was trying to loosen up a bit after he made that comment.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah that was me. My former BF made that statement one day because he had grown so frustrated my whole hair regimen, from the buns to me moisturizing daily, sleeping with a plastic cap, and in general not wanting to let him run his fingers thru my hair, etc. Thats when he made that statement, in exasperation one day, about my hair being the furniture in grandma's house, encased in plastic, that no one is allowed to sit on or touch. :lachen: He wasnt even being funny, but i was cracking up.
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p31woman said:
Last week my SO was complaing that his chin hairs were dry and not soft like they usually are. Yesterday I went over to see him and I couldnt find him in the house.
I checked the back bathroom and there he was mixing Suave Milk and honey, honey and EVOO to put on his goatee!!!!!!

He said he had seen me do it tooo many times and I had explained to him too many times what it does and he wanted to see if i was right!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OMG!!!! I think this is the funniest story i've read on here!!!!:lachen:
MommaMayhann said:
The other day my DH noticed a young lady's hair and was impressed. I must admit that I was also. She had very pretty BSL, thick hair. He goes "I wonder what she does to her hair. It's pretty but she could use some oils and and a day or two of capping (wearing a plastic cap) Maybe you should tell her about your hair group!" I look up and he has this big smile. I said "Aww sweetie... That's nice but women don't get into each others hair business uninvited."

I had to laugh because he seemed so sincere in wanting to help her and I had no idea that he paid that much attention to me and "hair goings-ons" as he puts it!

:lol: :lol: :lol: That is hysterical. I love that he knew the regimen and exactly what she should do!
shynessqueen said:
I'm at the point where my braids look like a H.A.M. I keep walking around saying I'm going to take them out i can't Wait for June. My SO said to me yesterday if you take them out now and your not at APL by June don't come crying to me.:eek: Then he say go get the T-shirt I help you make with the lines lets see where it's at now.

aww thats so sweet, it shows he really cares about your hair. If i had in braids that looked a H.A.M mess and was saying I'm gona take them out my bf would be like yeah, let me help you... man I need a new bf :p
KiniKakes said:
Sig O and I had guests over the other day to watch the March Madness game. We were just chilling, eating burgers and stuff. During half time i went to the kitchen to straighten up (i can see/hear everything because the door is wide and looks out into the living room). But Im really not paying them any mind. So anyway they all got to talking, and his brother's girl made some random comment about hair, i forgot what.... she may have mentioned that she just got a cut or whatever.

So all of a sudden my BF blurts out all loud and excited, "Oh my god, you've got to talk to Yakini. She knows EVERYTHING about hair! She's like, the hair messiah! She's got a website and everything, and they take progress pictures, and have updates and share products. Yakini, come over here and tell them about your site!!!"

I just froze in shock that he had called me out like that. :eek: Mind you, he said this so happily, and boastfully even.... I guess its become "normal" to him. But meanwhile, the room had gotten quiet and everyone else was looking at me very oddly..... Mind you, my BF is oblivious to this and to my obvious discomfort, he's just beaming away and going on about LHCF.

Finally, his brother and GF were like "Oh you do? That's... interesting. Yeah, we'd like to see your site, whats the name of it?" And everyone was all waiting for me to respond. *smh* I tried to minimize it, because i was so embarassed. LHCF is private to me, and i dont go telling folks about it all willy nilly. :perplexed But I realize my BF didnt know that, and was just proud of me and how my hair is coming along. *smh*

Men can be so clueless sometimes. :cool:

That is absolutely the sweetest thing that I have ever heard!!!!!! Its so cute that he is so proud of your hair knowledge Hair Messiah!!! LOL
KiniKakes said:
Sig O and I had guests over the other day to watch the March Madness game. We were just chilling, eating burgers and stuff. During half time i went to the kitchen to straighten up (i can see/hear everything because the door is wide and looks out into the living room). But Im really not paying them any mind. So anyway they all got to talking, and his brother's girl made some random comment about hair, i forgot what.... she may have mentioned that she just got a cut or whatever.

So all of a sudden my BF blurts out all loud and excited, "Oh my god, you've got to talk to Yakini. She knows EVERYTHING about hair! She's like, the hair messiah! She's got a website and everything, and they take progress pictures, and have updates and share products. Yakini, come over here and tell them about your site!!!"

I just froze in shock that he had called me out like that. :eek: Mind you, he said this so happily, and boastfully even.... I guess its become "normal" to him. But meanwhile, the room had gotten quiet and everyone else was looking at me very oddly..... Mind you, my BF is oblivious to this and to my obvious discomfort, he's just beaming away and going on about LHCF.

Finally, his brother and GF were like "Oh you do? That's... interesting. Yeah, we'd like to see your site, whats the name of it?" And everyone was all waiting for me to respond. *smh* I tried to minimize it, because i was so embarassed. LHCF is private to me, and i dont go telling folks about it all willy nilly. :perplexed But I realize my BF didnt know that, and was just proud of me and how my hair is coming along. *smh*

Men can be so clueless sometimes. :cool:

This is hilarious! They can be really clueless sometimes!
Blackoutzangel05 said:
That is absolutely the sweetest thing that I have ever heard!!!!!! Its so cute that he is so proud of your hair knowledge Hair Messiah!!! LOL

:lol: :lol: :lol: Girl whatever! I was so embarassed, talking about Im the "Hair Messiah." I know those folks were like, umm, what the hayle..... :confused: At the same time though, i did feel flattered and surprised that this came out of his mouth. I didnt realize he was so privvy to LHCF and what goes on here. Whenever i talk to him about hair stuff, he gets this glazed over look in his eyes, and i never really thought he was paying attention.
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KiniKakes said:
Sig O and I had guests over the other day to watch the March Madness game. We were just chilling, eating burgers and stuff. During half time i went to the kitchen to straighten up (i can see/hear everything because the door is wide and looks out into the living room). But Im really not paying them any mind. So anyway they all got to talking, and his brother's girl made some random comment about hair, i forgot what.... she may have mentioned that she just got a cut or whatever.

So all of a sudden my BF blurts out all loud and excited, "Oh my god, you've got to talk to Yakini. She knows EVERYTHING about hair! She's like, the hair messiah! She's got a website and everything, and they take progress pictures, and have updates and share products. Yakini, come over here and tell them about your site!!!"

I just froze in shock that he had called me out like that. :eek: Mind you, he said this so happily, and boastfully even.... I guess its become "normal" to him. But meanwhile, the room had gotten quiet and everyone else was looking at me very oddly..... Mind you, my BF is oblivious to this and to my obvious discomfort, he's just beaming away and going on about LHCF.

Finally, his brother and GF were like "Oh you do? That's... interesting. Yeah, we'd like to see your site, whats the name of it?" And everyone was all waiting for me to respond. *smh* I tried to minimize it, because i was so embarassed. LHCF is private to me, and i dont go telling folks about it all willy nilly. :perplexed But I realize my BF didnt know that, and was just proud of me and how my hair is coming along. *smh*

Men can be so clueless sometimes. :cool:

OMG, I had to delurk for this one. He sounds just like DH. He used to spill his guts about aaallll my business. Now, before company comes over, I remind him of our secret signal that he's telling something private. (I rub the top of my nose.) That sign has saved his behind from sleeping on the sofa many a time. :lol:
KiniKakes said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Girl whatever! I was so embarassed, talking about Im the "Hair Messiah." I know those folks were like, umm, what the hayle..... :confused: At the same time though, i did feel flattered and surprised that this came out of his mouth. I didnt realize he was so privvy to LHCF and what goes on here. Whenever i talk to him about hair stuff, he gets this glazed over look in his eyes, and i never really thought he was paying attention.

Oh, they pay attention. They just act like they don't hear you sometimes. But whenever my BF needs hair, face, beauty product advice of any kind I get:

HIM: scalp has been really dry lateley
ME: Oh really? What do you think-----------(b-4 I can even say anything)
HIM: Well I bought that stuff I saw you use for extra moisture, but I'm wondering if I should leave it in for longer? How does it work for you? And then this itchy scalp shampoo I saw in your cabinet isn't doing anything, you think that's what's causing my dry scalp? Maybe I need some more hair oil, I don't know, what you think babe?

....then I proceed to help him chose a new product or change up his routine. But then later I get:

HIM: You're on the hairboard AGAIN?
ME: Yes I am. And if it wasn't for the hair board mine AND your hair would be dry and unmoisturized!
ghanaian dime ....then I proceed to help him chose a new product or change up his routine. But then later I get: HIM: You're on the hairboard AGAIN? ME: Yes I am. And if it wasn't for the hair board mine AND your hair would be dry and unmoisturized![/quote said:
that is DH....that is so him!!!!
OMG!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I have no stories to tell, but I'm enjoying this thread. :up:

MommaMayhann said:
The other day my DH noticed a young lady's hair and was impressed. I must admit that I was also. She had very pretty BSL, thick hair. He goes "I wonder what she does to her hair. It's pretty but she could use some oils and and a day or two of capping (wearing a plastic cap) Maybe you should tell her about your hair group!" I look up and he has this big smile. I said "Aww sweetie... That's nice but women don't get into each others hair business uninvited."

I had to laugh because he seemed so sincere in wanting to help her and I had no idea that he paid that much attention to me and "hair goings-ons" as he puts it!
Forgive me for being late on this, but what does DH and SO stand for?

I'm guessing SO is 'Significant Other'

But what about DH?