The Funniest thing your DH, SO or male friend has done

lana said:
Another one came to mind:

We're having a silly argument about whatever (a movie, dinner, I can't remember) and he says, "So how is your hair?" within 10 seconds I'm talking all about my hair, what I did to it last, how it's reacting to this new conditioner, how much I enjoy my texlax, when I will get my ends clipped again and the list goes on...finally I'm like: Why are you laughing?

He says: Works every time.

I guess he figured out the quickest way to calm me down when we argue is to get me talking about my hair. He's right, it does work!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I loved this!!!!
just_DSP said:
OMG, I had to delurk for this one. He sounds just like DH. He used to spill his guts about aaallll my business. Now, before company comes over, I remind him of our secret signal that he's telling something private. (I rub the top of my nose.) That sign has saved his behind from sleeping on the sofa many a time. :lol:

:lol: I know they dont mean no harm, sometimes men just dont think. :lol: The idea of a signal is a great one though!!!
KiniKakes said:
:lol: I know they dont mean no harm, sometimes men just dont think. :lol: The idea of a signal is a great one though!!!

I think I have to steal that one.
Kini I got goosebumps after reading your *funny* story that would have been a complete nightmare for me*and the second we would have been alone for DH*:cool:
ella said:
I think I have to steal that one.
Kini I got goosebumps after reading your *funny* story that would have been a complete nightmare for me*and the second we would have been alone for DH*:cool:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I am loving this thread, I am sitting here cracking up and my son is looking at me like I'm crazy. I have so many funny things my DH has said I dont know where to begin. But he has become like my official hair trainer, every night he's like did you moisturize your hair, I'm like yes baby, he's like did you put the Vatika oil,(he loves how soft it makes my hair), I'm like yes baby, then he's like can you come to bed before you put that chefs hat on your head( my satin bonnet), I'm like no, as soon as my head touches the pillow the chef hat goes

Also one day I was on LHCF and looking at some fotki's, so he's sitting with me and I'm talking to him about hair, how cool the board is etc..etc..and he asked me, how come some of the women are taking pics in their I had to explain apl,bsl to him..he seemed so
He is just too funny and cute when it comes to my hair.:)
KiniKakes said:
:lol: I know they dont mean no harm, sometimes men just dont think. :lol: The idea of a signal is a great one though!!!
Just be careful. I had to threaten him not to tell people that we have a daggone signal.:whip:
shynessqueen said:
I'm at the point where my braids look like a H.A.M. I keep walking around saying I'm going to take them out i can't Wait for June. My SO said to me yesterday if you take them out now and your not at APL by June don't come crying to me.:eek: Then he say go get the T-shirt I help you make with the lines lets see where it's at now.

:lachen: He said APL?!!! That is too funny!
and BTW your hair is GORGEOUS!:eek:
EbonyHairedPrincess said:
I was tired and I asked my husband to blow dry my hair. After convincing him I was serious, he takes the brush and begins to "blow dry". Ya'll I lost so much hair! Plus the man actually burned me with the hot air. I was trying to be a trooper and let him finish but the tips of my hair were bone thirsty dry and my scalp was still wet. I didn't dare complain. After an eternity of him dragging that brush across my scalp and yanking out hair I had, had enough. So I reach up and feel my brittle tips and I tell him. "oh honey I think my hair is dry. Thank you so much." He looked at me and slowly released the blowdryer and paddle brush. He took the hint gently and returned to watching television. I had so much hair on the floor and the room was smokey. I had to rewash and deep condition my hair it was so jacked. I gave him a kiss and thank him for trying.

:lachen: :lachen: Ohhhh I'm in tears!!! That was sooo funny!
The post about her husband getting waves and wanting to be put on the fotki to see what our response will be...well here's mine:

"Tell him his hair is the bomb!!!!!"

I'm sure he will love that, huh?

This is a good thread

My husband and I have had many hair mishaps. I will have my hair grow and healthy then go and mess it up with color or perms and have to do the big chop and start all over. Well when I joined this board I let him see some of the ladies hair and I would tell all about what's going on everyday.

Well one day I ordered the MTG and I was in the bathroom putting it in my hair, and he walks in the bathroom and asks,

HIm: What are you doing, I gotta watch you
Me: I using MTG
Him: Where did you get that from
Me: I read about it on the LHCF
Him: OH, OK

And he walks out of the bathroom, so I guess the board is gospel for him.

I"m gonna tell him I want a Mercedes CLS 500 and when he ask me where I got that from, I'm gonna say LHCF and I hope he say OH, OK.:lol:
lauren450 said:
This thread is so funny! I'm still laughing at the MTG foot and the SO with the waves.:lachen:

So, Dh and I were out one day, and I complimented this lady on her hair. She complimented me back, and we got to talking.

Her: So, I actually do hair. Do you go to a salon?
Me: No, I do it myself.
Her: Really?
DH: Yes! She does everything herself. She hasn't been to a salon in like, 2 years.
Her: Oh, ok. Well, I hope this doesn't offend you, but I'm wondering what products you use because your hair looks a little dry to me.
DH: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Me: No, I'm not offended. It is dry because it's wash time.
Her: Girl, I know how that is! I was just thinking, hair that long should be swinging and shining! (We laugh)
DH: It usually does. Her hair ALWAYS looks good. She just had a baby and she's tired.

He is more sensitive about my hair than I am!:lol:

This past Saturday, after we got home from being out.

DH: Do you ever notice people looking at your hair?
ME: Not really. I used to, but I don't think about it anymore.
DH: Do you think they think it's weave?
Me: Maybe
DH: Ok, from now on when I see somebody staring, I'm going to run my fingers through it. That way, they'll know it's real.
Me: Um...ok!:lol:
DH: :lol: I'm serious!

Oh, and I made a mistake and told him about the Nikko's cousin thing. Saturday, every long head we saw, he's asking me, "Do you think that's Nikko's cousin?":lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: MY SIDE HURTS!!!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
dreamer26 said:
This is a good thread

My husband and I have had many hair mishaps. I will have my hair grow and healthy then go and mess it up with color or perms and have to do the big chop and start all over. Well when I joined this board I let him see some of the ladies hair and I would tell all about what's going on everyday.

Well one day I ordered the MTG and I was in the bathroom putting it in my hair, and he walks in the bathroom and asks,

HIm: What are you doing, I gotta watch you
Me: I using MTG
Him: Where did you get that from
Me: I read about it on the LHCF
Him: OH, OK

And he walks out of the bathroom, so I guess the board is gospel for him.

I"m gonna tell him I want a Mercedes CLS 500 and when he ask me where I got that from, I'm gonna say LHCF and I hope he say OH, OK.:lol:

Tell him the Euro engineer actually produces better air quality in the cabin and les shock waves for the nerves..or something that sound like an engineer said it and you are all
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

lauren450 said:
This thread is so funny! I'm still laughing at the MTG foot and the SO with the waves.:lachen:

So, Dh and I were out one day, and I complimented this lady on her hair. She complimented me back, and we got to talking.

Her: So, I actually do hair. Do you go to a salon?
Me: No, I do it myself.
Her: Really?
DH: Yes! She does everything herself. She hasn't been to a salon in like, 2 years.
Her: Oh, ok. Well, I hope this doesn't offend you, but I'm wondering what products you use because your hair looks a little dry to me.
DH: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Me: No, I'm not offended. It is dry because it's wash time.
Her: Girl, I know how that is! I was just thinking, hair that long should be swinging and shining! (We laugh)
DH: It usually does. Her hair ALWAYS looks good. She just had a baby and she's tired.

He is more sensitive about my hair than I am!:lol:

This past Saturday, after we got home from being out.

DH: Do you ever notice people looking at your hair?
ME: Not really. I used to, but I don't think about it anymore.
DH: Do you think they think it's weave?
Me: Maybe
DH: Ok, from now on when I see somebody staring, I'm going to run my fingers through it. That way, they'll know it's real.
Me: Um...ok!:lol:
DH: :lol: I'm serious!

Oh, and I made a mistake and told him about the Nikko's cousin thing. Saturday, every long head we saw, he's asking me, "Do you think that's Nikko's cousin?":lachen: