Has Hair care become an Addiction/Hobby???

What stage are you at?

  • I just force myself to do it for longer hair...

    Votes: 22 6.4%
  • Its a hobby...

    Votes: 125 36.4%
  • Its an addiction...

    Votes: 196 57.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Positive Vibrations
I had been lurking on this site for a while before joining but I noticed something, at first when I first found the forums, my hair was damaged and in need of a trim badly, I got the trim and began to take care of my hair, not because I wanted to but just because I wanted to grow healthy, long hair (And prove the haters wrong :lol:) but about 3 months into it, I began to realize that hair care was becoming a hobby, like I'd rather DC my hair instead of watching TV...and I would just take care of my hair over other things. although I'm past the hobby stage now and its an addiction, I feel a high when I'm washing or DC'ing, even moisturizing, its soooo satisfying, sort of like smoking but its beneficial to me...and I can't break myself off...going to the store I'll spend hours staring at hair products and everyone around me is starting to notice...:lachen:

So my question is are you addicted to caring for your hair or is it just something you force yourself to do? I'm 80% sure half the women on here MUST be addicted to the amount of time we spend on here...

I'm 123ACTION, I'm addicted to hair and I acknowledge it...I'd rather this than drugs any day.
Began as something that I needed to do. I needed to take better care of my hair. Now, it's a full-on addiction. I'd rather be in ULTA than at the gym.

Nonetheless, I have to temper my PJ'ism, hair products aren't nearly as important as saving money. :ohwell:

*posted while under the dryer*
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BOTH! :ohwell:

*posted while under the dryer*

Don't worry girl...you're not alone...I'm DC'ing with a mix of aussie 2 min, lustrasilk shea butter and silicon mix as we speak...and I should be working but instead I'm on LHCF...:wallbash:
Don't worry girl...you're not alone...I'm DC'ing with a mix of aussie 2 min, lustrasilk shea butter and silicon mix as we speak...and I should be working but instead I'm on LHCF...:wallbash:

Love me some Aussie Moist and Silicon Mix. I'm DC'ing now with K-PAK and olive oil. So yum. :lick:
I'm more addicted to hair care knowledge than I am to hair care. I spend as little time and money on my hair as possible but I'm always on here reading or researching stuff from other sources.
I had been lurking on this site for a while before joining but I noticed something, at first when I first found the forums, my hair was damaged and in need of a trim badly, I got the trim and began to take care of my hair, not because I wanted to but just because I wanted to grow healthy, long hair (And prove the haters wrong :lol:) but about 3 months into it, I began to realize that hair care was becoming a hobby, like I'd rather DC my hair instead of watching TV...and I would just take care of my hair over other things. although I'm past the hobby stage now and its an addiction, I feel a high when I'm washing or DC'ing, even moisturizing, its soooo satisfying, sort of like smoking but its beneficial to me...and I can't break myself off...going to the store I'll spend hours staring at hair products and everyone around me is starting to notice...:lachen:

So my question is are you addicted to caring for your hair or is it just something you force yourself to do? I'm 80% sure half the women on here MUST be addicted to the amount of time we spend on here...

I'm 123ACTION, I'm addicted to hair and I acknowledge it...I'd rather this than drugs any day.

OMG, It's got you too!:lachen:
I thought I was straight trippin' when I'd spend hours at a time going through beauty/health sections reading ingredients labels. :spinning: But it's good to see that I'm not alone.

However, for me it started in reverse. I began with this major addiction/obsession with long, healthy hair, but now that I've learned my hair and how to respond to it's needs, it's become more of a relaxing hobby. Case in point: :brainy:I should be working on my TWO 5-7 page term papers due on Monday:wallbash:, but instead I'm here and it's really taking the edge off!:smirk: Ahhhhhhhh!
I think everyone goes through a short (or long) hair "addiction" phase when they find LHCF. Usually though, the people (like me) who've been on here years and years continue to be here mostly because of the other forums offered here, and not so much the haircare forum anymore.

If this was strictly a site only about haircare I don't think you'd find as many people being as active as they are years later.
...but now that I've learned my hair and how to respond to it's needs, it's become more of a relaxing hobby. Case in point: :brainy:I should be working on my TWO 5-7 page term papers due on Monday:wallbash:, but instead I'm here and it's really taking the edge off!:smirk: Ahhhhhhhh!

I agree. It's relaxing for me to twist my hair. I think it's the pulling...I dunno.
Don't worry girl...you're not alone...I'm DC'ing with a mix of aussie 2 min, lustrasilk shea butter and silicon mix as we speak...and I should be working but instead I'm on LHCF...:wallbash:

:lachen:LMBO, one of my coworkers threatened to report me if I continued to do it so often, fortunately she's also one of my besties that I pray never takes our relationship there:boxing:
it was when i first started. now...not so much

but i miss the days when i was so HAIR ADDICTED. it made all my stress go away
My friends know better than to mention anything related to hair. I can't shut-up. I have to force myself to not talk about hair or people's eyes start rolling.
:lachen:LMBO, one of my coworkers threatened to report me if I continued to do it so often, fortunately she's also one of my besties that I pray never takes our relationship there:boxing:

Oh, I control myself at work but when I'm at home writing papers and such...Lord Knows it takes all my will power.
I dont know if its a ADDICTION/HOBBY for me i know i get scared thinking about how my hair was. And i dont want to go back to that:lachen:let me leave this post now thanks OP NOW I AM SICK:lachen::ill::hide:but what ever it is i hope it last until the last BSS IN WORLD CLOSE:yep::lachen:BY THAT TIME I SHOULD KNOW HOW TO KEEP HAIR ON MY HEAD. any way MY people run when they see me they dont want to talk hAIR. i have to stay on L.H.C.F THIS THE ONLY PLACE THAT UNDER STAND ME LOL EVERY BODY HERE TALKS HAIR AND I LOVE IT LOL.
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I was addicted for about 3 months. Now I like to buy hair care products, but I don't really like doing my hair. I only do it because I want Waist length hair.
i chose addiction b/c DH 'suggested' that it is..but honestly, its because this is all still new and I'm the type of person that loves to get as much information possible.(love reading, love school) I don't do things less than 100%. so I guess once I get a better understanding of how my hair works, the 'obsession' will calm down but I know this will probably always be a hobby for me. I've always been a 'hair' person just was uneducated...
More of a hobby to me. It's fun and I want good-looking hair, but I know I can slide right back into neglecting it pretty easily.
what an interesting topic. last week, i had a conversation with a woman about hair. she said that she doesnt have time for a "hobby". THat was strange because i dont view my hair care as a hobby. rather, the new technicques that i have learned throughout the years has educated me, and now that i am no longer ignorant, i will pass my knowledge to my children for the health and care of their hair.

no, this is certainly not a hobby...i am now educated on the proper way to care for my hair.
hey my girls it s the weekend i m little free so i take advantage before heading out

i voted it s a hobby but it seems more like an addiction to me cause a friend once said to me U TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR HAIR THAN YOUR OWN SKIN cause i would never take half of what i used to take just for the body i kept saying the body will take care of itself it has simple needs water more water vitamins proteins duhhhhhhh bwhahahhahahahhahahhhaa
Awww I remember when I first come to Long Hair Care Forum.
I got addicted to hair care:look:.
Went into rehab (Recovered successfully.)
Became a Product Junkie :sekret:.
Four years later?
Still in Product Junkie rehab:rolleyes:.
It's so ironic that you started this thread. A few minutes ago, my husband came into the bathroom, saw me twisting my hair & asked what I was doing. I told him that I was cutting split ends. Then he started talking about how obsessed I am with my hair & that I spend so many hours reading about my hair or doing my hair.

I tried to refute what he was saying, but I couldn't. I'm a straight-up hair addict. I lurked on LHCF for almost two years before I joined & I'm as much of a hair addict now as I was then.
i voted it's an addiction. but really, more so of a "way of life" since addiction indicates something else.

i want my hair to be healthy, not just long. so i don't mind taking the time and making changes to my life style in order to do it.
It's somewhere between something I force myself to do and a hobby. I just wish my hair was at least APL or BSl, so I could turn styling my hair a hobby. When my hair reaches that length, I want to focus on achieving different hair styles without using heat.
I think everyone goes through a short (or long) hair "addiction" phase when they find LHCF. Usually though, the people (like me) who've been on here years and years continue to be here mostly because of the other forums offered here, and not so much the haircare forum anymore.

If this was strictly a site only about haircare I don't think you'd find as many people being as active as they are years later.

Good point. I stopped going to other forums because I believe this one meets all my needs (hair, weightloss, and entertainment). Once I meet my hair length goal I will continue to visit because this board has so many options.

I haven't voted yet but I would say hobby.
I voted hobby :look: (I'm not addicted! I'M NOT :wallbash::grin:) I really don't know though. I may be a LITTLE addicted, but I mean I see the benefits EVERYDAY. I straightened my hair today and it looks so LOVELY I can't wait to be full APL (hopefully by this summer.. no more heat!)... I guess its a hobby AND an addiction
It started as an "addiction," cause I was excited that so much info was available. After wasting countless hours & experiencing hairboard drama, it has been downgraded to "I just force myself to do it for longer hair."

I cut most time wasters, like MySpace, FB, reading countless news articles online, and spending hours per day on LHCF out of my life & I have been so much more productive IRL.
I'm more addicted to hair care knowledge than I am to hair care. I spend as little time and money on my hair as possible but I'm always on here reading or researching stuff from other sources.


i chose addiction b/c DH 'suggested' that it is..but honestly, its because this is all still new and I'm the type of person that loves to get as much information possible.(love reading, love school) I don't do things less than 100%. so I guess once I get a better understanding of how my hair works, the 'obsession' will calm down but I know this will probably always be a hobby for me. I've always been a 'hair' person just was uneducated...


I love learning. I spend a lot of time here and at other sites trying to learn more, mostly about the science behind health and beauty. I also love learning about natural products and techniques. I realized just how much I was learning when I was reading the ingredient list of a raw cookie at the grocery store and I knew about most of the ingredients because I know how they can benefit my hair. So my hair care obsession has led to a natural/green living obsession.