Has Hair care become an Addiction/Hobby???

What stage are you at?

  • I just force myself to do it for longer hair...

    Votes: 22 6.4%
  • Its a hobby...

    Votes: 125 36.4%
  • Its an addiction...

    Votes: 196 57.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm addicted to learning about techniques, products, hair health, and hair science. I'll spend hours reading articles about hair health but cringe at the thought of a writing paper (no worries, it still gets done, a degree is worth more than my hair:yep:)

I HATE doing my hair. Shampoo, conditioning, roller setting... I hate it all! But I want long healthy hair and I've never found a stylist that is more concerned about the health of my hair than how it looks at the moment.

And, I'm extremely tender headed and I'm FED UP with stylists causing me pain:nono:

Hi, I'm AgainstAllOdds, and I'm addicted to everything involving hair, except actually doing it myself.

*sucks teeth and goes off to moisturize and seal ends*
I have always had a thing for doing hair, since 9 I was a bathroom Beautician, 10 a kitchen beautician and at 17 a licensed beautician. I totally don't consider this a addiction more like a beloved hobby. I look and read continuously, because like the law products change and we need to be abreast. Not everything is Black and white, the little tricks in color like MTG and MT and MN are things school won't teach you. So I get the undercover stuff from here. I tell selected people (no customers) Family. Some laugh but buy it and try it. I love these websites and will continue my memberships. They are worth every penny! Plus I get to meet so many fabulous women who are hair (here) for the same thing, Healthy Hair, not all necessarily long, but healthy.
I AM ADDICTED! its crazy because I was just thinking about this the other day....

I find my self spending time on my hair even when there are other things to do like home work and studying. I'll even make excuses to deep condition. Right now im sitting here with DC in my hair when i just washed it two days ago. Its very relaxing and it makes me feel like im taking that extra time to do something good for myself
I'm addicted to learning about techniques, products, hair health, and hair science. I'll spend hours reading articles about hair health but cringe at the thought of a writing paper (no worries, it still gets done, a degree is worth more than my hair:yep:)

I HATE doing my hair. Shampoo, conditioning, roller setting... I hate it all! But I want long healthy hair and I've never found a stylist that is more concerned about the health of my hair than how it looks at the moment.

And, I'm extremely tender headed and I'm FED UP with stylists causing me pain:nono:

Hi, I'm AgainstAllOdds, and I'm addicted to everything involving hair, except actually doing it myself.

*sucks teeth and goes off to moisturize and seal ends*[/quote]

:lachen::lachen::lachen:. Don't worry girl, I feel like this one or two days out of the year myself.
I am addicted to seeing progress. There is something so gratifying about planning out a course of action, following through and actually seeing results. I love looking back at each month's pics and noticing a difference in my hair for the better.
Yes, and my addiction is anything hair on the web. I haven't been in ulta in years or Bean, but if I go now I bet it would a real problem. I can stand for a long time at Walgreens in the hair isle, and Shoprite, and any other store with hair products.

But when I am on the web, lets just say I can look for hours and hours on the web about hair products. Then I start calling my friends and family telling them what I founds... it is really ridiculous.

I started out just lurking trying to find some solutions to some issues I was having plus I was just starting to grow out a cut I had for years and needed some guidance. Then one day I subscribed to LHCF and it was a rap.
:spinning:Hair is on my brain all day. I find myself at my desk doing moisture tests (drop a strand of hair in cold water to see if it is moisturized enough) in the middle of the work day just because. Then when I lose a strand of hair I find myself like CSI checking to see that it was shed hair and not broken hair. When the white bulb is missing from the root my co-worker feels like maybe I'll have to be on suicide watch. It's that serious for me. I find myself having to practice some life or death self-restraint as to not touch other people's beautiful hair. Many of which are complete strangers. It started out as a quest for healthier hair, skipped right pass the hobby stage and ended up a full fledge obsession.:rolleyes:
I have always seen hair care as a wonderful hobby something that was a necessity and enjoyable. My Mom introduced me at an early age; she being a beautician; the only person ever to do my hair other than myself.

After her passing, I had to re-think my approach to hair care, I no longer had her in-put, that always swayed my thinking, and why not, right or wrong she’s my Mom and a hair care professional, so I listened to her. I have learned so much and tried many, many things that were very beneficial to my hair that my Mom never knew and I would not have tried if it were not for God leading me to LHCF and you wonderful knowledgeable ladies, so I can definitely say I am way beyond addicted. THANKS LOADS
I won't say I'm addicted... if I am that would mean I am addicted to exercise too... and food... and so many other things... or maybe I am? LOL!
(Whispers) I can't wait to get home and cowash :sekret:

"Anybody spare some change, I NEED some Honeysuckle Rose, aw, c'mon man, I'm good for it!" :look:
Setting the scene.

Mscocoface in the kitchen pouring ayuvedic powders into a coffee filter getting ready to staple it on top and place it in the water simmering below. She turns into the camera and says.............

I don't know I guess it was a hobbie and call for help with my hair then it quickly went into an addiction (mscocoface thinking 22 hours until next cowash)...but now, I see it as a ahhh well, let me see I see it as ahhhhhh Lifestyle! Yeah that's the ticket!

A LIFESTYLE! Now go away! I need to get this tea boiling and then work on my homemade oil product! Note to self check out all the you tubes of KCCC applications and see if maybe it was just the way I applied the product that caused the negative results. :lachen::yep::grin::spinning:
I paid money to join a website, I visit this site daily, Deep conditioning and washing my hair relaxes me, I jump at the chance to go to the BSS, I have run out of storage space in my bathroom for my hair products.... I'd like to say I qualify as an addict. In fact I'm buying a camera now so I can document my progress. I'm starting to shake as I type this. lol
I paid money to join a website, I visit this site daily, Deep conditioning and washing my hair relaxes me, I jump at the chance to go to the BSS, I have run out of storage space in my bathroom for my hair products.... I'd like to say I qualify as an addict. In fact I'm buying a camera now so I can document my progress. I'm starting to shake as I type this. lol

You and me both...except I have a camera. And I bought it just for that purpose. Sallys :love: loves to me me comin'!
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Its was an addiction before I ever found this site. I think that this site pushes me toward that positive spectrum of my hair obsessions. Before it would tears and epic prose about my disgust with my hair.

I think its like having an eating disorder and being a health nut. Before LHCF my relationship with my hair was sick. After LHCF I might be a little obsessive, but in the end its still healthy for me.
I've always had a hair obsession, and I go through periods of being a PJ, but since LHCF I've started studying haircare like it's another finals paper! My finals being in six weeks time, that's not a good thing, as I'll be genuinely confused as to why there are no questions about protein treatments or pre-pooing...
Last night, I had a dream that LHCF helped me so much that my hair grew to be like Bree's (America's Next Top Model====> the black chick who snapped because someone stole her granola).

Hair has become an addiction!
O MY GOD, It is definately an addiction...Everything I do I am thinking how it would affect my hair.. :rolleyes:I am on vacation right now and I had to bring my laptop so I can keep up with the board. I didn't think I could be away from LHCF for 4 days:nono:So here I am up while everyone is still sleeping:blush: reading the board:blush: Plus everytime I walk into any store, (target, walmart, walgreen, etc) I go directly to the hair products:perplexed.:lick:

So yeah I am addicted:spinning:
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Being up to date on the most current hair care techniques and products is my addiction. Growing my hair is a hobby. I can actually say that I an a better person in general since I joinced this site. I've lost 20+, improved my skin, grown at least 5 -6 inches of hair, got some make up knowledge, gone Raw, improved my credit score, decided to go to grad school..etc. Not to mention I actually save money not paying people to do things that I can do myself or get done cheaper. Case in point - BKT. My sister who used to be a stylist assistant is going to do it on my sometime next week. She's going to assist her old stylist with a one and observe her doing a couple more. I'm saving hundreds of $$$! Thanks LHCF!
It became an addiction for sure. After every wash and DC I can't wait until it's time to flat-iron it out just to see if there's any growth. Of course if I could just be patient enough and not flatten it out I'd see even more growth over time. But, that's the addiction part of it :spinning:

I could talk about hair for hours!! Hmmm, I wonder if there's a fashion/shopaholics forum somewhere also :lick:
Any time your caught in the bathroom AT WORK, with all your products, tryna SHINGLE your hair while your boss is out at lunch ....................... its getting bad :look::lachen:

ETA: Even though Ive learned sooooo much, It still soothes me to sometimes just read it over and over again on the boards ( how many protein/moisture balance threads does one need to read??). CRAZY???............................
but then again, I think Ive turned into a slight hair snob. Not that Im mean about anything to anybody, but for example when one of my friends gets a new stylist and says I should try her out I just look at them like:goodone: what makes you think Im gonna let RANDOM ppl try to do my hair!!????!
They know now not even to ASK ME!! :rolleyes:
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Well I said hobby but I spend a lot of time thinking and planing what I want to do to my hair. Right now I am washing once a week but I plan to start cowashing 1-2 times a week now that it is getting warm. Once I planned to wash my hair on a Sunday but I had to spend all day at with my aunt in the hospital and its about an hour away from home. When I left the hospital I sat in the car and put coconut oil in my hair and put on a plastic cap to prepoo on the way home. I even brought wipes to clean my hands. Is that an addiction. :perplexed Maybe it need help. :giggle:
You know it's an addition when you scrap up spare change around the house to buy hair care products. Family Dollar Store is so close to my house that I could basically walk. It takes two minutes to drive there. Anyway, over the break I scrapped up $5 (cuz I was on my budget challenge and couldn't spend anymore more money) I HAD to get my hair fix so I bought some Pantene Conditioner and some Herbal Essence poo...just to try it out.

Then the next day...I broke Mr. Piggy to buy Dove Soap, a Jibere Comb, EVEN MORE rollers, and some deep conditioner that I'd never heard of

Yeah, I'm addicted. I'm REALLY addicted now that I see growth!
O MY GOD, It is definately an addiction...Everything I do I am thinking how it would affect my hair.. :rolleyes:I am on vacation right now and I had to bring my laptop so I can keep up with the board. I didn't think I could be away from LHCF for 4 days:nono:So here I am up while everyone is still sleeping:blush: reading the board:blush: Plus everytime I walk into any store, (target, walmart, walgreen, etc) I go directly to the hair products:perplexed.:lick:

So yeah I am addicted:spinning:

LOL -this is so me! When on vacation I still find my way to a pc and back on the boards. But just about 1month+ ago I was in Jamaica and didn't have access to a PC... wow, I was hurting ...so I guess I'd have to vote, addiction for me.
I thought it was only me- my sister even asked me that question last night!! its sad - but I just cant seem to get enough information or stop buying stuff!!!

Even though my hair has improved 100% since being on this site!! I should be having some breakfast and going shopping - instead I'm back on this site!! help!!!