No checking LHCF for 1 Week Challenge!

Sorry...but I need my LHCF. Count me out!!!

____________________ Pics coming in July!
Next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005
Current hair length: 1 inch past bra strap (when blown out straight)
Ultimate hair goal: 5-6 in. past bra strap length by Dec.
sister has hair mid-back so why can't I??
Summer challenge: Moisturize and leave hair alone
as much as possible for max growth.
I confess. I checked daily, but only for a hot minute. I even had the nerve to post in the Salon Review.
I lasted three whole days then I just couldn't take it anymore. While I was gone I did press my hair for the first time since going natural and saw that I am indeed making progress.:yay: I'm going out of town this weekend, won't be back for two weeks and won't have much access to computers, so I guess I'll be doing my own 2-week challenge soon.
I only made it about 2-3 days. I got my hair cut and put pics in my album and updating my album just leads me to checking the boards.