Has Hair care become an Addiction/Hobby???

What stage are you at?

  • I just force myself to do it for longer hair...

    Votes: 22 6.4%
  • Its a hobby...

    Votes: 125 36.4%
  • Its an addiction...

    Votes: 196 57.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dude! I'm addicted and i've only been a member since March. I have to tell my boyfriend to pull me away from the computer and take me outside.... but then I just go online w/ my phone when he's not looking. :( Sad huh?
Right now my hair is sooooo damaged, it is a obsessive complusive product junkie addiction...even though I voted "hobby" :) Once, I really learn my hair, see some real measurable results, and master the technique of self-relaxing it will become more like a fine tuned hobby. I have even turned down dates (dinner & movie) to stay at home alone and be "at one" with my broken off jacked up hair :(
Its been 6 months into my journey, and its still an addiction to me! I spend way too much time planning my next washing session, and i get chills when I go to a store that has a haircare aisle. I'm broker than broke right now, but every spare dollar goes to buying new conditioners. HELP ME PLEASE!
Yes yes ya"ll I am a hair junkie, I have always known I could grow out long hair I just didn't know how to. Now I am all addicted to fokti's (and don't you get mad when the girl with the pretty hair has hers private??) and hairblogs. I am becoming a staple at the BSS and everything else. Woo, I wanna go wash my hair now! LMBO

Update: Spent $50 at the BSS 'cause somebody said something about porosity and I had to have some! Bought some other stuff, too while informing a lady with jacked up hair about the forum!!
More important, I went to my daughter's P/Teacher conference with a scarf on b/c I was baggying underneath. Yeah, crack!
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Dude! I'm addicted and i've only been a member since March. I have to tell my boyfriend to pull me away from the computer and take me outside.... but then I just go online w/ my phone when he's not looking. :( Sad huh?
I could have written this word for word. Gotta love the iPhone ...:look:
Not only has this become an addiction for me at all times day and night, as well a big PJ, but my husband has joined me in caring for his own hair as well.

He is hooked! He loves MT, Brahmi powder, Amla powder for his face, ORS Carrot Oil, and Carols' Daughters' shampoo and conditioners. He even wanted to try the MN for his bald spot!:lachen:
I would say that it is something that I am neither addicted to nor force myself to do. I enjoy trying out different products and style but not to the point where it takes over my life or anything.

To me, hair care is just like the rest of my hygiene. It's just something that you are supposed to do.
Hi. I'm Christelyn, and I'm a LHCF addict. There. I said it. Normally, that would be the first step toward recovery, but funny thing is, I'm happy right where I am!
its an addiction and hobby for me. i like buying new hair stuff regardless of if i need it. i like watching my hair thrive and grow and seeing what it likes and dislike.

heck im on this site everyday and i order new products every week almost.
although I'm past the hobby stage now and its an addiction, I feel a high when I'm washing or DC'ing, even moisturizing, its soooo satisfying, sort of like smoking but its beneficial to me...and I can't break myself off...going to the store I'll spend hours staring at hair products and everyone around me is starting to notice...:lachen:

So my question is are you addicted to caring for your hair or is it just something you force yourself to do? I'm 80% sure half the women on here MUST be addicted to the amount of time we spend on here...

I'm 123ACTION, I'm addicted to hair and I acknowledge it...I'd rather this than drugs any day.

I'm Creole Sugar, and I'm a *RECOVERING* hairaholic. I refuse to buy any more products until I've used all of mine up. I could open a mini store lol

Hair is a hobby for me. I love to try different styles, recipes, products. I border on obsession sometimes, especially when I want to change up my style. :look:

BUT, I AM ADDICTED TO LHCF!!! You ladies are fabulous and whether it's hair, skin care, or health and fitness I am happy to talk about anything and everything with you all. Sure, it feeds into my hair obsession, but how often do you get to have friendly fellowships with SO MANY other black women?

When I first joined LHCF it quickly became an obsession, but about a year later I went back to normal and since then its been a hobby. I take part in the extra stuff only when I have the time and/or energy. I don't force myself to do all this stuff to my hair/for my hair at the risk of sacrificing sleep, food, and/or time with family...like I used to. :look: lol
For me it becomes an addiction. All I think about is hair. Washing, moisturizing, PS. I have to them evry day. Once it enters my mind it's like a drug I'm addicted to. I have to do them NOW. Or else I'm gonna go crazy.

I spend 6 hrs on LHCF at work on the computer. The other 2 I actually do work. And when I get home I come online straight to LHCF for another 3-4 hrs. I'm obssessed and addicted
Great thread...I was wondering was I the only one that had it this bad lol. It's definitely an addition especially since it's all still so new to me, and I'm still learning so much, but I also enjoy doing my hair as a hobby. I can spend hours throughout the day popping on and off the site, reasearching different threads, etc. I love going to the bss, and have to go down the hair aisle almost everytime I to go to grocery stores. I love and enjoy "wash day", dc, co-washes..and feel like I'm accomplishing a daily task each morning and night when I moisturize and seal. I have to talk about hair to someone atleast once a day (usually DH..he probably gets annoyed but he expects me to say something each day about it...he's learned to grin and bare it lol.) Glad I'm not alone! :yep:
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This is a hobby for me because I now have more time to do my hair. So I vowed that I would get my hair together again and lose weight while I have the time. Hopefully by the time I finish my degree I'll have my regimen down and will only buy staple products.

So many products to try, so little time!
No.I know my staples/how to maintain my hair and I've cut down alot on time spent on LHCF.I planned on cutting back anyway but the feel of the board has changed so that helped alot.
It is definitely at least hobby and it is something therapeutic I do when I am stressed or otherwise just need an escape.
I have never been a "hair girl" which is why I quit cosmetology school. I just do it because I want to see how long my hair can get. I love learning about hair though. I don't love doing the work. :grin:
Its an addiction, or shall i say OBSESSION - lol. At least i have an obsession with conditioners and hair pieces/half wigs - that is for sure. I, too, have always been a hair girl - since i was little.

Out of all the hair sites i've googled, this is the only one i come to on a daily basis. maybe once i reach my goal of SDL (super duper long - lol) hair, i will be 'cured'.
When I first joined LHCF it was an addiction, but now that I been doing it so long and know basically everything I need to know it's more of a chore with benefits to long hair