Has Hair care become an Addiction/Hobby???

What stage are you at?

  • I just force myself to do it for longer hair...

    Votes: 22 6.4%
  • Its a hobby...

    Votes: 125 36.4%
  • Its an addiction...

    Votes: 196 57.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It is an addiction which is crazy because I hate washing my hair, conditioning my hair, combing my hair, styling my hair - basically, I HATE doing my hair! But I want to see how long I can get it and I am constantly on the look out for the latest and the greatest in hair care products and utensils so...

Right now I'm dealing with every shampoo I use turning my hair into a matted tangled mess. So now I am moving on to shampoo bars. There is always so much to learn, so many new things!
Hi my name is Tanya and I'm an addict. Ive recently realized that I'm addicted to my hair. Thank you for letting me share
It is none of these things for me. I just want to look my best and do the best for myself.

I take care of my hair just like I do my skin, teeth, body, etc.

It is not an addiction, really. Just something that is a part of my life.
Still in the honeymoon 'addiction' period. I spend way too much time here - I guess in a few months I may settle into doing it because I want more length but right now, I can't help myself! When my Mum looks at me like I'm crazy after yet another DC session I reply "some people spot trains, some collect stamps, my hobby is my hair!"
Yeah tell me why I'd rather save up pennies for a new bottle of MN and Conditioning Balm rather than save for a future apartment or house. Lol Hair care is my addiction. I'm jus thappy i'm addicted to SOMETHING beneficial! I never got addicted to the gym or skin care or organization. At least I'm afddcted to SOMETHING!
I didn't vote because self haircare has become both an addiction and a hobby. Il love it and I am a little obssessed with doing my hair myself. I don't get too much joy when others do it anymore:nono:. But dannnnngggg, when I do it myself, it's very fulfilling for me.
I say both and its kinda sad:ohwell:. With old hair practices, I didn't care so much, now I do. I hope to recover very soon:yep:.
I think it is both for me...but more of an addiction. I am hoping that exercise/working out can become my next hobby/addiction (because right now I am the opposite of addicted to exercise...LOL).:grin:
More of a hobby, mainly because I cannot afford for it to become an addiction, and I have more self control for anything to develop into an addiction.
I picked a hobby, but that's probably because I'm still in denial. I was in New York for the weekend and the two places I visited were Ricky's and the Apollo Beauty Supply on 125th Street. I am such a junkie!!!:lachen:
I've developed a regimen of sorts and as long as my hair is on track there's no need for me to be obsessed over it. Right now for instance it is damaged so I've been indulging my product junky problem.
I would have to say a hobby. I'm in braids now so I don't have much access to it. But past times such as watching tv have been replaced with reading posts on LHCF, checking out members fotki hair albums, and searching for potential hair products online.:grin: okay I maybe borderline addict...
Addict....Hobby...Addict....Hobby.....Addict. :spinning: Now I'm a haircare pusher I have two recruits who are headed to addiction. :grin:
At this point, I'd have to say it's a way of life for me. I've been obsessed with all things hair since I was 14 years old.
I wish there was an other option, lol. I voted addicted, but that's only because taking care of my hair has become a permanent part of my life. It's like washing myself or brushing my teeth...not exactly a hobby or an addiction. It's automatic and just feels right. I noticed benefits from it and I enjoy caring for my hair, just as one enjoys a nice bath or eating a good meal. It's like a way of life now :grin:.
It's a hobby for me. I'm actually worried that when I'll reach my goal, I'll have nothing else to do, which is why I'm starting to understand women who reach their goal and then decide to cut it all of to restart all over again. It's a great hobby though, it might benefit my children in the future (if I ever have any and they happen to be girls).
Definitely addicted...The mere fact that I am staring at 30 boxes of henna at my house and can't stop thinking about going back tomorrow to buy some more, speaks VOLUMES...LOL
It's more like a relaxing hobby now. It used to be an addiction when I would spend hours researching info on LHCF and hours stalking fotkis, reading regimens. Now it's different. Whenever I take a break from work, I am on LHCF but I rarely look at Fotkis or do research unless I am having a specific hair challenge. I schedule what treatments I have to do when, all in response to how my hair is acting and I find the whole process of planning what to do next, pre-pooing, DCing, moisturising, styling my hair etc very calming.
Sometimes it is sometimes it's a chore :cry2:especially with three boys and a job and house work plus cooking.:perplexed I sometimes have to force myself to partake in my haircare which at times I'm too worn out to do.:nono: But I know if I don't I would loose so much of what I gained which would be very heartbreaking for me. :wallbash:But coming here do gives me the inspiration I need do get up off my butt and just do.:wave: And other times it's a hobby:thumbsup: especially if I just got back from hair shopping from Sallys' and I'm physced about trying a brand new product for the first time:bouncegre or different technique on how to use it ex. like steaming in conditioner:lick:
Yes and mine you I already have addictive hobby sydrome. I'm a scrapbooker and I buy everything under the sun. Now I'm in the beginners stage of being a PJ. I thought it wouldn't happen happen to me but my stash is growing fast. Hair Oils, Essential Oils, Butters at first. Now it's the Indian Powders and now I'm on Aubrey Organics.

Not to mention poo and cond sets. They just look nice. I was in Sephora and looking at Ojon...Now why I don't even like shampoo but just wanted to try it...I already have BioSilk, Victoria's Secret, CD, Doo Gro and Suave. AND DON'T FORGET THE PRICEL HAIR SUPPLEMENTS.
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me too!!! my house is a mess and the kids are throwing goldfish and golden grahams all over the place, and I am here lookin stuff up!! (but I will clean it up before my husband gets home, I don't want him to know how bad this lhcf thing really is!!) but we could be addicted to worse things!:grin:
For me it is a hobby bordering on addiction............Now if only I could be as addicted about exercise and what I put in my mouth
I'll definitely say that when I first found the hair boards, hair became my new hobby. I have kind of an obsessive personality, so when I get into something, I really get into it. Then I burn myself out. I became a temporary PJ and most of all, styling my hair became a hobby. I'm tapering off a bit, but out of those poll options, I'd say it's a hobby.
I love learning. I spend a lot of time here and at other sites trying to learn more, mostly about the science behind health and beauty. I also love learning about natural products and techniques. I realized just how much I was learning when I was reading the ingredient list of a raw cookie at the grocery store and I knew about most of the ingredients because I know how they can benefit my hair. So my hair care obsession has led to a natural/green living obsession.

This is me exactly. I never thought that haircare would start a whole life change for me. I love learning about the science of it all. Healthy all-natural haircare has extended into skin care, eating, and an overall healthy life style. At least, that's what I'm working toward.

And that happens to me in the store all the time. I'll be in whole paycheck and have an hour conversation with a salesperson over the health advantages of buying natural products versus the environmental cost of having all those products not being locally available.
Most of the time it's a hobby but at times, it is pure addiction :spinning:. Between my blog, the hair boards, Youtube, I get all the hair info I need and some more. I have to remind myself that there are other skills out there I can learn and have fun with. The best part I guess is knowing I am not alone. I've been posting for a couple months now on LHCF and I still have a hard time keeping up. Look at this thread for instance, it was started yesterday and it is on its sixth page already :wallbash:. I really try to keep up lol
Most of the time it's a hobby but at times, it is pure addiction :spinning:. Between my blog, the hair boards, Youtube, I get all the hair info I need and some more. I have to remind myself that there are other skills out there I can learn and have fun with. The best part I guess is knowing I am not alone. I've been posting for a couple months now on LHCF and I still have a hard time keeping up. Look at this thread for instance, it was started yesterday and it is on its sixth page already :wallbash:. I really try to keep up lol

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