Has anyone lived with a boyfriend?

I did the shacking up thing in college and I believe it ruined our relationship. Playing house was not for me, but I think it had more to do with the wrong guy and immaturity.

My ex and I never had any intentions to marry but I always tell younger women who WANT to be married that if they live with their boyfriend there is a pretty good chance that they won't end up married to them.

I'm talking about that "let's live together with no end in sight" type of thing.
I took a Family Studies course (Family Studies 361) in college called Couple Relationships. It was the best class I ever took! I learned so much! One of the topics of discussion was co-habitation. I found it interesting that statistics show that the majority of relationships where the couples co-habitate do NOT end in marriage. Of course there are exceptions to every rule and most people think they will end up being the exception. Anywho, I don't think people should assume that living together will get you closer to the ring if that's what you want. IMO, if a man really and truly wanted to marry you, he'd make you his wife...not just his live-in girlfriend.
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This is an interesting thread. My SO wants to live together after college, but I'm on the fence about it.
I did the shacking up thing in college and I believe it ruined our relationship. Playing house was not for me, but I think it had more to do with the wrong guy and immaturity.

I took a Family Studies course (Family Studies 361) in college called Couple Relationships. It was the best class I ever took! I learned so much! One of the topics of discussion was co-habitation. I found it interesting that statistics show that the majority of relationships where the couples co-habitate do NOT end in marriage. Of course there are exceptions to every rule and most people think they will end up being the exception. Anywho, I don't think people should assume that living together will get you closer to the ring if that's what you want. IMO, if a man really and truly wanted to marry you, he'd make you his wife...not just his live-in girlfriend.

I agree. I don't want to live with my man if we are not married. That's just how I feel.
It works for some people, but for others it doesn't. Don't do it to:

1. Try and push him to marry you. It doesn't work.
2. See how life will be when you are married. It isn't the same.
3. See if you want to marry him. I honestly believe if you keep your eyes open and spend lots of time with someone there's very little that will surprise you. Before I lived with DH I had already observed his habits. Spending time at his place and making unannounced visits told me all I needed to know. Also, marriage requires a lot of patience and if you are ready to ditch someone because they squeeze toothpaste from the middle of the tube....wait till the REAL trouble hits your marriage.
4. Save money. The last thing you need is being stuck in a terrible relationship because you are financially dependent on him.

If you choose to move in:
Make sure you have your goals clear in your mind. Don't steer away from them. Don't lie to yourself about what moving in will do to fix a broken relationship.
Yes. We were inseparable since day one of our relationship. We didn't plan that he would move in with me. He was always over at my apt., so it was a very natural progression (first the toothbrush moved in, then came making space in the closet, etc.). That resulted in getting married, and we have been going strong now for 17 years.
I lived with my boyfriend for a little over a year. I would never live with a man again with out him beng my husband. I say this only because living together makes men lazy for marriage, and I would not recommend it at all. We didn't have any problems, and got along fine, still do, but if your final goal is to gt married, don't live with him before hand.