Anyone have an Asian boyfriend/spouse?

RAStafari, Thank you so much for sharing! I'm so glad it was a positive experience for you. I'm not surprised by what the men said, I've seen it online and talked to Asian men about in college. Most of the Asian women I know are with white men. What I find interesting about this pairing is that Asian men and black women are the most negatively stereotyped groups and we're both in similar dating situations yet part of the reason you don't see this pairing so often is because we believe the stereotypes about each other.
I'm not in a relationship with an Asian man, but two of my friends (black women) have Asian boyfriends (one is Chinese, the other Filipino). Another one of my friends is Haitian (her mom) and Chinese (her Dad); her parents are married. Plus, I've been hit on by enough Asian men to know that some are definitely interested in black women. :lol:
I'm not in a relationship with an Asian man, but two of my friends (black women) have Asian boyfriends (one is Chinese, the other Filipino). Another one of my friends is Haitian (her mom) and Chinese (her Dad); her parents are married. Plus, I've been hit on by enough Asian men to know that some are definitely interested in black women. :lol:

melisandre where are you meeting these Asian men?
Moral of the story: Don't overlook/sleep on the Asian dudes. :lick: :yep:

Yep :yep:. My SO is half vietnames/Half chinese and though we haven't been dating for very long (~5 months, but I've known him for 3 years) this is by far the best relationship that I have ever been in!
I'm working on it. :look::lol: He's Chinese.

I've dated Sri Lankan before but for several reasons he doesn't count. :lol:
When I did my study abroad in Australia I dated a Chinese guy. We became very close over the 6 months I was there. We were inseparable during my entire study abroad trip and he admitted to me that he was infatuated with me. It was a surprise but he was a really sweet person and took care of me. I didn't have a car nor feel safe driving in a foreign country so he drove me everywhere. He also threw me a surprise birthday party while I was over there.

My DH is also half black and Filipino also. My cousin's husband is also full Filipino.
I realize i have an attraction towards Asian men. Lord knows i do hope i get luck someday, perhaps being 30 in a few months wont do me no good since i'm late in the game.

Asian men are workoholics,(well most of them) i have come to know this through study and observation. I certainly won't mind someone taking care of all my needs:grin: who doesn't want that anyway.

@RAStafari,Thanks for the update, i enjoyed reading your post. I certainly hope you hit the jackpot with one of these guys and that it will be a beautiful and life changing experience for you if and when you do.
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Asian men are workoholics,(well most of them) i have come to know this through study and observation. I certainly won't mind someone taking care of all my needs:grin: who doesn't want that anyway.

My boyfriend works everyday! Sometimes he'll have 1 day off during the week. He's very intelligent and he enjoys blue collar work. He grew up on a farm, so that probably has something to do with it. What I love about him is that he is a go-getter and has goals; he doesn't sit around and wait for something to happen. I find that very inspiring!
I have a strong attraction to Asian men but South Asian, not East Asian. Too bad when most people (in the US) hear Asian they don't even think of the geography.:nono: