Has anyone ever made these type of comments to you before?

These ladies have no life because they are putting so much energy into bothering you. OP you must have it going on because they are going hard on you. Get it girl.

Just keep smiling, doing your job and being the fabulous woman you are and pay those chicks no mind. Once you show them they don't get to you, they will move on to someone else. It may take longer than usual, but trust me they will move one.
^^^Thank you. You would think my life is all happiness and bliss by the way this particular worker goes in on me but it truly isn't. I think the fact that she didn't have the opportunity or motivation to pursue her studies really bothers her. She constantly talks about how she wants better for her daughter and looks down on people who don't have a college degree:nono:.
I'm one of the few ladies at work in my department without children or a DH/SO and the ladies in my department are usually pregnant - I'm not joking - last year six of them were pregnant and this year was no different. So we've named our department the babyboom department and we were joking about it today, trying to guess who's gonna get pregnant next. Here's how the convo went:

T: I wonder who is gonna be pregnant next?
A: Me too!
Me: Yeah me too, probably one of y'all lol.
T: Nah won't be me, I already got two at home: my DH and my lil girl. It'll probably be you, you'll show up here with a baby bump and no man around.
Me: No that won't happen.

I found those comments to be mean and hurtful, how you just goin' to assume someone will end up being a babymama? Whatever! Has anyone ever made these types of comments to you before? How did you react?

I try not to get into one of these conversations at work because hurt feelings always insue. Let's rewind to the first mistake. See bolded. It seems that the comment you made was the first offensive remark. Then they felt compelled to come at you. I noticed that women who've had children don't want you to assume they are about to pop another one out. :lol:
^^^I didn't just make that comment out of the blue, A is planning to have another baby in the future (she told me so) and T's DH is pressuring her for a second baby.
Nope. But I already have a child. I do get comments about when I'm having more (even from my church going grandma who cried when I was pregnant at 18/19). I have to tell them that no babies will be coming out of this body, unless I'm married. If it never happens then it never happens and I'm largely ok with that because I really don't want anymore kids anyway. People assume that since I've graduated from college and do ok for myself that it's my next dream but its not. I have bigger dreams than getting married and popping out babies (which is a direct quote bc I'm not one to sugar coat things).
^^^I didn't just make that comment out of the blue, A is planning to have another baby in the future (she told me so) and T's DH is pressuring her for a second baby.

This sounds like a case of co-workers knowing to much about each other's business when they can't be civil. These are the type of people you need to walk out of a room when they enter.