Has a man ever tried to trap you into having a child?

Candy C

I strongly urge you to print out your posts (this whole thread) and save it for future reference. I think it would be wise for you to know exactly what you were doing/thinking at this time so you can learn in the future. Read it out loud, it if helps.

Children are blessings however, I strongly urge you to not bring another child into this world under these same circumstances.

Many Blessings....
thanks, if i am, i dont think i can go through an abortion, its against my beliefs

even if the fathers a prat

i can handle myself

first thing first, is to find out for real, then start driving school!

I'm sorry things did not work out as you'd hoped. Stay positive, perhaps this pregnancy will bring a lot of joy and blessings to you even though it was initially unplanned and wanted. I will pray for you and PM me if you need someone to talk to.
I don't even know what to say... its hard because all children are blessings but this is a messed up situation. I wish you all the best!!
maybe i shouldnt bring a child int othese circumstances but i dont believe in abortion it sounds too barbaric to me...

i'd regret having an abortion i know it

i pay for the consequence, i should've been on the pill...

its not about him, its about the child, and i'm soo nto finish my degree and starting driving next week.

i'm not saying its goin to be easy, but i'm not too young to cope..

also, what if i have an abortion ,then in a few years todl i cant have kids again, i couldnt bear it

-taken the emergency pill
-bumped into him at an event last night, turns out he did do it on purposeas i said to him:

Me: "i dont want no more 'accidents'"
Him: "i told you i wanted to get you pregnant anyway..by the end of this year, you'll be pregnant"

so he's making, forcing these accidents to happen

it think its way to risky dealing with him ,whether or not i go on the pill, as i could be exposed to stds etc. if condoms break again.

if i do decide to carry on the affiar, i will be using BC, and i'll mention to him, until i get a solid partner in my life, pref an engagment, i wont be getting pregnant.

thanks ALL! xx

What are the percentages of effectiveness for this? I think it is strange that it didnt work.
Maybe it doesn't work at all if she was already pregnant before the morning after (from prior intercourse)?

The morning-after pill — a form of emergency birth control — is used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant after she has had unprotected vaginal intercourse. Morning-after pills are generally considered safe, but many women are unaware that they exist. Here's how the morning-after pill works.

Human conception rarely occurs immediately after intercourse. Instead, it occurs as long as several days later, after ovulation. During the time between intercourse and conception, sperm continue to travel through the fallopian tube until the egg appears. So taking emergency birth control the "morning after" isn't too late to prevent pregnancy.

The active ingredients in morning-after pills are similar to those in birth control pills, except in higher doses. Some morning-after pills contain only one hormone, progestin (Plan B), and others contain two, progestin and estrogen. Progestin prevents the sperm from reaching the egg and keeps a fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus (implantation). Estrogen stops the ovaries from releasing eggs (ovulation) that can be fertilized by sperm.

The morning-after pill is designed to be taken within 72 hours of intercourse with a second dose taken 12 hours later. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue and headache. According to the Food and Drug Administration, the morning-after pill is 80 percent effective in preventing pregnancy after a single act of unprotected sex.
Morning-after pills aren't the same thing as the so-called abortion pill, or mifepristone (Mifeprex). Emergency contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy. The abortion pill terminates an established pregnancy — one that has attached to the uterine wall and has already begun to develop.
Plan B is available to women 18 years and older without a prescription at most pharmacies. Women must show proof of age to purchase Plan B. For women 17 years old and younger, Plan B is available with a doctor's prescription.

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/morning-after-pill/AN00592javascript: void setCookie('textSize','large');changeLabel('large');

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This is crazy. WOW. Are you seriously pregnant? This is no fair to you or your child. I had my son while I was in college. I made it through but it was hard. Do you plan on marrying this man?
This is crazy...OMG... *sigh*

Since you don't want kids at this point in your life...I hope you're not.

But if you are... *sigh*

People only do to them what you allow them to.

I hope everything works out for you and in the way you want it to.

ITA with the poster who said to print out these posts...and re-read them later. Not just re-read, but actually implement the wisdom you yourself already have as well as what was shared with you.

I hope that whatever the IDEAL situation for you is... that it happens and happens on your terms.
This is crazy. WOW. Are you seriously pregnant? This is no fair to you or your child. I had my son while I was in college. I made it through but it was hard. Do you plan on marrying this man?

i'm very pregnant!!

mmm it wasnt fair for me to get pregs, but gosh i shoulda stayed on the pill alie?

i thin kthe baby will be fine i have 100's of loving family and his family r big and strong too, the baby will be fine

its me who i have to worry about

and i'm doing great. starting driving lessons next week

and i'm going to find a lil apartment

soon to finish my degree too.

if i wasnt pregnant now, i would've like to have been in the nxt few years
^^^ Oh wow so you are???

Well as long as you're happy and you have a plan... good.

Things happen but definately plan your work...and work your plan.

Good luck to you.
i'm very pregnant!!

mmm it wasnt fair for me to get pregs, but gosh i shoulda stayed on the pill alie?

i thin kthe baby will be fine i have 100's of loving family and his family r big and strong too, the baby will be fine

its me who i have to worry about

and i'm doing great. starting driving lessons next week

and i'm going to find a lil apartment

soon to finish my degree too.

if i wasnt pregnant now, i would've like to have been in the nxt few years

I am not passing judgement on you, CC. I read your first post and then strode the last page. I was like WOW, that man did get her pregnant. It's not fair to you that he purposely got you pregnant.
I am not passing judgement on you, CC. I read your first post and then strode the last page. I was like WOW, that man did get her pregnant. It's not fair to you that he purposely got you pregnant.

Yes...I'm not judging either, but I'm just responding to CC off of what she herself said.

I can't even said "I told you so..." because she told herself so.

So? I dunno. I kinda think we are being PUNK'D by CC and she is gonna tell us "Guys I just wanted your response...I'm not preg." The morning after pill after she said she took a home test kinda make me expect Ashton to pop outta somewhere....But I kinda think she is serious, too.

I'm glad she has a plan though. Cuz many women don't have any idea of what to do at all.

I have no idea of how to approach it anymore. So I'll just observe.
What are the percentages of effectiveness for this? I think it is strange that it didnt work.

its very strange

cos i've taken it i nthe past

bwoy i cant believe it

either i was pregnant before, or become preg after

the lady who issues me the emergency pill said i called her exactly 4 weeks after i took the pill

and usually its 4 weeks plus to show on a test if i'm preg

so i may have fell pregnant a few weeks before that

aslong as it doesnt harm the babe
its very strange

cos i've taken it i nthe past

bwoy i cant believe it

either i was pregnant before, or become preg after

the lady who issues me the emergency pill said i called her exactly 4 weeks after i took the pill

and usually its 4 weeks plus to show on a test if i'm preg

so i may have fell pregnant a few weeks before that

aslong as it doesnt harm the babe

Wow... It sound like you love this man but you need to be careful with him going forward. He shouldn't have done that without your consent. To me that says something about him. Do whatever you can to finish your degree, even if you have to take only one class a semester. Good luck.
It is not so strange that it didn't work. Timing is key. It depends on how long OP took to get the pill, and what stage of her cycle she was at. If you take it before you ovulate, it will suppress ovulation and you'll be okay. If you take it after, it won't do much for you.

They claim it prevents implantation, but if you do your hwk, clinic trials showed that after ovulation the pregnancy rate with the MAP is so close to pregnancy without it that they can't say for sure it helps.

Did you know, even at your most fertile point you only have 26% chance of pregnancy? So take that as a sign that this baby is meant to be and good things will come.
wow... glad your ok but how do u feel emotionally? how do you think your fam' will take the (good) newz?

Sigh, i think my long term, on/off partner is in the begginnings of trapping me.

i'm 20, and at the end of this month i will be in my final year of uni

i feel as though big things are destined for me. and he can see how i'm progressing

stupid me a few weeks ago, told him i dont believe in abortion
and at some point in the last few months, i've made it clear i'm not on the BC anymore, and we have to be extra careful.

Well last night the mentioned how he wants me to get pregnant, i thought he was joking around, and i said noooooooooooooooo nooo i dont think so!

Morning came, we slept together, and to be honest, he was being a little more strong than usual, but i thought nothing of it. Anyway, afterwards, i felt way to wet down there than i would normally, and i told him, and he laughed it off...this is when i thought something isnt right.

After he went, i checked the bin to see if i could find the condom just to see if it had broke. i found it, but it was all crumpled, so i ran the tap through it

do you know

the WHOLE top of the condom was gone, the water ran right through it, i was so shocked!!! i couldnt believe he didnt tell me!!

so i called him, and said "why didnt you tell me the condom had broke?" he said straightaway "it broke! really, no way, i didnt know, i just took it off without lookin" errm yeah right, so he just pulled it off and neatly rolled it into a tissue.

he was smiling when he was talking, as u kno when your on the phone, you can HEAR when someone is smiling in their voice.

my question is, how could he have not known it broke? it was broke right through the top! so doesnt that mean, when he withdrawed, the rest of the condom was pushed right back like crumpled?

I didnt even notice it was in the heat of the moment, but i cannot believe the idea he wasnt looking or wasnt realising when he disposed of the condom...

i later found the rest of the condom inside of me, and i know that now i'm going to have to take the emergency contraceptive.

i cant believe he did this and couldn't even tell me

what the hell is he trying to say to me/ do to me :sad:

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ooh a guy tried to trap me it was terrible! one of the worst moments of my life....i was 22 and he was 32 ....we always used protection and one day he put a hole in the condom without my knowledge and i got pregnant....ended up having an abortion after he realized i wasnt carrying his kid...he admitted to what he did :censored:

im so mad i even went out with this fool...he was a well edcuated and nice looking brother...if women saw him thatd def want to go out with him...little do they know hes a triflin sleaze

:mad: :angry2:

That's why I say just because a guy is educated doesn't mean that he's such a great guy. There are educated men who will string you along for the longest with no problem.

Sorry you had to go through that...

Oh and Ive never had a man try to trap me into having his child.
That situation is Terrible! Sorry to hear that you went through that.

1..What he was trying to trap was YOU. Whether it's out of fear, contempt, or jelousy; he probably sees your potential, and wants to prevent you from accomplishing your goals and dreams.
He'd rather see you as a "baby's mama" than as the whole woman you can become; and believe me that veiw point will not change; no matter what you do.

2..He could and would give a damn less about the child his foolish Ish creates, or the life(style) of the child.

Run like hell and do not look back.
Wow CC, I can't believe that guy actually said that. So how are you doing now that you're pregnant? And have you finished school?