Happily Single????


New Member
Anyone else....

I just wanted to start this as a woman who is happy to be single.

I am not complaining about some man who isn't in to them, clinging to someone they arent attracted to just because they are afraid of being alone.
It is time to be free ladies, SINGLE!!!!!!!!!!!! free to go out with friends, to take up a hobby, to not have to hear a thing about it....

I am happy to be single... Anyone else...
I am happily single but I do want to find a companion. I won't hesitate to be alone until I meet the right one. My married friends ask me why do I want to get married. :nono: We single ladies need to just enjoy being single.
I am happily single but I do want to find a companion. I won't hesitate to be alone until I meet the right one. My married friends ask me why do I want to get married. :nono: We single ladies need to just enjoy being single.

Yes we do.. I am getting tired of all these beautiful ladies here posting thise threads about two time loser men...

Get rid of him and do what you want honey..

Contrary to popular belief there are plenty of good men out there just take some time to spend improving yourself/ doing things for you. Our sole purpose in life is not to get married, but to live the best possible one. You can't do that if you are grouchy all the time.

Embrace where you are and thank god/creator/mother earth for all that you do have and keep stepping...
Yes we do.. I am getting tired of all these beautiful ladies here posting thise threads about two time loser men...

Get rid of him and do what you want honey..

Contrary to popular belief there are plenty of good men out there just take some time to spend improving yourself/ doing things for you. Our sole purpose in life is not to get married, but to live the best possible one. You can't do that if you are grouchy all the time.

Embrace where you are and thank god/creator/mother earth for all that you do have and keep stepping...

I agree with this whole post. That's where I'm at right now. Just trying to ork on myself and focusing on my goals.
I'm cool about being single. One question..what do you guys do for fun, hobbies..how do you spend your time other than work, exercise?
Yes we do.. I am getting tired of all these beautiful ladies here posting thise threads about two time loser men...

Get rid of him and do what you want honey..

Contrary to popular belief there are plenty of good men out there just take some time to spend improving yourself/ doing things for you. Our sole purpose in life is not to get married, but to live the best possible one. You can't do that if you are grouchy all the time.
Embrace where you are and thank god/creator/mother earth for all that you do have and keep stepping...

Yes, ITA. I say that all the time. I would like a companion, but I don't think I would be a failure if I never got married. I just want to live a full and complete, happy life.
Anyone else....

I just wanted to start this as a woman who is happy to be single.

I am not complaining about some man who isn't in to them, clinging to someone they arent attracted to just because they are afraid of being alone.
It is time to be free ladies, SINGLE!!!!!!!!!!!! free to go out with friends, to take up a hobby, to not have to hear a thing about it....

I am happy to be single... Anyone else...

I'm getting there. I just need to find a man who likes to travel (and foot the bill - I'm kidding) and umm :blondboob yea. No relationship. Just trips and :blondboob.
ITA with all the posters!! As you can see I am a chronic lurker, but I just had to join in this particular post.

I have an awesome social life with great friends and a flourishing career. I had been a serial monogamist for 10 years, from the age of 18 to 28. I had no business being in half of those relationships. Part of it was just me living in the moment and not thinking of marriage or my relationship future (I was definitely a commitment-phobe). By the time I had that "ah ah" moment, I was in a dead-end relationship and got out of it as quickly as possible. I have no regrets though, because I became a better woman out of those relationships.

Now I have spent the past two years getting to know myself, the good and the bad, and preparing myself for what will ultimately be my life partner.

I love being single because I know I am not going to be single forever.
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I'm cool about being single. One question..what do you guys do for fun, hobbies..how do you spend your time other than work, exercise?

I go out with my friends and chill, they have men, but their men come too.
I love to dance so I go out a lot to different bars, museums, other plays and shows....
I was very happily single- and then he had to go and trap me, complicate my life and ruin all of my best laid plans... :rolleyes:

Ladies I really think that it's when you're happy and single that you most likely find someone. At least that's what happened to me so if you're dead set on staying that way start looking desperate! :grin:
I'm newly single (only a few months) but VERY happy. I'm getting to meet new people, take trips, go on holiday, and have all kinds of fun without having to worry about someone else's piddly little feelings.

I could skip naked in the rain.

Thank the gods for freedom.:grin:
I am slowly starting to feel better about it. I have a lot of stressors right now and relationship I don't think is in the cards for me or needed at this point. I just want to have fun. The past few days Ive been thinking about my ex-but I haven't contacted him (thank GOD!) & I feel good about it.

The best part about being single right now is that is that the possibilities are endless and I never know who I might meet day to day. I can work on my self-getting my stuff together too-case in point-as soon as my last relationship eneded this past winter, I joined a health club and now Ive made exercising and eating right more of a priority.

The result: I lost 5 pounds! So as long as I work hard/feel good/look good and have a little sass in my step this summer, Ima do just fine :yep: So in a nutshell...It's GREAT to be single!
Define irony...

For a while, I felt like I was ready to move towards a relationship. I felt like I had moved past the situation with my ex, and I genuinely wanted to get out and enjoy some male company.

Well, I saw a guy here and there, but nothing that stirred my imagination. Lo and behold, once I got reeeeally comfortable with single life, men come out of woodworks with talk of marriage & commitment. And now, I'm only halfway interested. :lol:

I'm not closed to the idea of a relationship, but I'm definitely enjoying the single season. :yep:
Define irony...

For a while, I felt like I was ready to move towards a relationship. I felt like I had moved past the situation with my ex, and I genuinely wanted to get out and enjoy some male company.

Well, I saw a guy here and there, but nothing that stirred my imagination. Lo and behold, once I got reeeeally comfortable with single life, men come out of woodworks with talk of marriage & commitment. And now, I'm only halfway interested. :lol:

I'm not closed to the idea of a relationship, but I'm definitely enjoying the single season. :yep:

Go head girl!
Wow, I can honestly say that I'm also enjoying being single. Now I have more time to work on the plans I have for my life- no excuses now.:yep:
I'm cool about being single. One question..what do you guys do for fun, hobbies..how do you spend your time other than work, exercise?

Hobbies are everywhere. When I need to find a new hobby I think about the things I used to enjoy as a child. When I first moved to MI, I didn't know a single person, plus I worked from home so there wasn't an office full of people to get to know. I needed to find ways to get out of the house so I took it back to elementary school and signed up for tap dancing classes and tae kwon do. 4 years later I'm still doing tae kwon do and am preparing to get my black belt later this year. I've done other things like join a writer's workshop, a running group, a church. Through these activities I've made a solid group of friends and we're always out and about having a great time. We go to the movies, go bowling, go out dancing, run races, have game nights, etc. And there's nothing like a good old-fashioned road trip.
I'm happily single.

Sometimes I do desire to be a relationship but then I think about how much drama I would be subjecting myself to and then the desire is gone. At least I'm happy. I know too many people who are in relationships and still miserable.... being boo'd up does not solve your problems. :nono:
Hobbies are everywhere. When I need to find a new hobby I think about the things I used to enjoy as a child. When I first moved to MI, I didn't know a single person, plus I worked from home so there wasn't an office full of people to get to know. I needed to find ways to get out of the house so I took it back to elementary school and signed up for tap dancing classes and tae kwon do. 4 years later I'm still doing tae kwon do and am preparing to get my black belt later this year. I've done other things like join a writer's workshop, a running group, a church. Through these activities I've made a solid group of friends and we're always out and about having a great time. We go to the movies, go bowling, go out dancing, run races, have game nights, etc. And there's nothing like a good old-fashioned road trip.

Thanks! That's a great idea..taking it back to elementary school. I loved dance classes. :yep:
Yes...I am happily single and at this stage (and age) in my life, I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world!!

I love, love, love my peace and space! :yep:
I'm thankful for this season and will be taking dance classes fairly soon.

Coupled with moving into my own space, my singleness is definitely something to be celebrated.
Yes we do.. I am getting tired of all these beautiful ladies here posting thise threads about two time loser men...

Get rid of him and do what you want honey..

Contrary to popular belief there are plenty of good men out there just take some time to spend improving yourself/ doing things for you. Our sole purpose in life is not to get married, but to live the best possible one. You can't do that if you are grouchy all the time.

Embrace where you are and thank god/creator/mother earth for all that you do have and keep stepping...

This came right on time!:yep: as I much needed to hear these words!!
Anyone else....

I just wanted to start this as a woman who is happy to be single.

I am not complaining about some man who isn't in to them, clinging to someone they arent attracted to just because they are afraid of being alone.
It is time to be free ladies, SINGLE!!!!!!!!!!!! free to go out with friends, to take up a hobby, to not have to hear a thing about it....

I am happy to be single... Anyone else...

Can I get a what what!...lmao!...I use to be so down about not being in a relationship because I wanted marriage so badly. But I just cling on to the belief that what God has for me is for me and no man and his man ways can change that sooooooooooo if I'm single its because he ain't for me! Hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Yes we do.. I am getting tired of all these beautiful ladies here posting thise threads about two time loser men...

Get rid of him and do what you want honey..

Contrary to popular belief there are plenty of good men out there just take some time to spend improving yourself/ doing things for you. Our sole purpose in life is not to get married, but to live the best possible one. You can't do that if you are grouchy all the time.

Embrace where you are and thank god/creator/mother earth for all that you do have and keep stepping...

Love that!! I've been 'grouchy' lately and trying to get out of that. :sad:

I actually met some great people outside my circle so I want to open up to new things, new people, and just explore life with fresh eyes :yep: