Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair stuf
I had to share this sad story. A friend of mine who is trying to grow her hair out just shared a story with me.
Her hair was breaking too much even with all her efforts to keep it moist and healthy. Her hair has grown alot since she started to take better care of it. A few days ago she had a suspicious feeling about a girlfriend of hers who comes to her apartment every weekend. My girlfriend and her boyfreind decided to monitor the apartment and when they set up a small video camera she saw her girlfriend add a small bit of bleach to her hair supply.
She did not tell her girlfriend anything. She just cut her off. Now she knows why her hair was breaking off alot.
I had to share this sad story. A friend of mine who is trying to grow her hair out just shared a story with me.
Her hair was breaking too much even with all her efforts to keep it moist and healthy. Her hair has grown alot since she started to take better care of it. A few days ago she had a suspicious feeling about a girlfriend of hers who comes to her apartment every weekend. My girlfriend and her boyfreind decided to monitor the apartment and when they set up a small video camera she saw her girlfriend add a small bit of bleach to her hair supply.
She did not tell her girlfriend anything. She just cut her off. Now she knows why her hair was breaking off alot.