My friend's hair has grown like crazy!!!!!......

Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

congrads Dena, how much are u taking, and how long have u been taking it ? What brand also thanks, I have GNC, and I have stoped taking, it, it smells like rotten eggs, I would really lkike to know how things r going with Karen and her friend ty
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

karen, how are things goin? Did you reach your goal? Tell, tell.... I 'm dying to know.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Are cysteine pills small like biotin?

Denali, were you taking the extra vit. C too?
What exactly is accelerated growth?
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Im going ot try this although i ordered some off the kosher site but i cant find that much vit c does that mean i'd have to take 2-3 vit c tabs?
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

I did not have any break out when I was taking it, I do think I had some stomch pains, not sure,
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Well for vit c, I drink a glass of orange juice with my pills.. I take 2,000 mg per day. My growth rate is pretty slow, but I have gained at least 1 inch per month. With the aid of these pills I am hoping to reach bra-strap by May, oh yeah

These pills are expensive, I advise you to take advantage of puritan prides sale. Buy one bottle get two free~ you can't beat that!
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Also, I think you can achieve the same growth rate with biotin. I just opted for this supplement because biotin broke my skin out horribly
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

I would prefer biotin, it tasteless and easy for me too take, I only really get nail growth for biotin am taking now, but maybe more with my MSM I belive biotin caused more shedding of my hair,
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Wouldn't MSM be better to use? The dual results of faster growth and softer hair? As the base for both MSM and cysteine is sulfur? I think I'm gonna try that glovers treament for dandruff because it is 2.5% sulfur as the active ingredient. You put it on your scalp 30min to 1hr before you wash your hair.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

I think useing MSM with it will help, MSM, in the passed has helped with my shedding,
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Could the NAC-cysteine(apelled wrong) produce the same results as the L-cysteine.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

I would like to know if NAC-cysteine produces the same results as L-cysteine too because I have a bottle of NAC-cysteine.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

to those that are getting good results, do u stop cysteine after a month and how soon after can you start again?

And how soon do you see resullts
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

bumping for results, I am doing eggs, still have my pills not taking time, they taste gross, the eggs help alot
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Can someone post with the results of their growth taking this or using eggs, please? Thanks.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Teshila said:
Can someone post with the results of their growth taking this or using eggs, please? Thanks.

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My growth is about 1/2 inch with eggs, I tried not eating it, and I dont notice that much growth, I know with eggs, I will keep geting 1/2 each month
, I wish I had more, I had more last year, just taking biotin and MSM,
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

That is great! Have you thought of taking the eggs with biotin to increase growth? I know that many ladies are raving about the Freeda brand.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

i just bought 6 bottles of the pp l-cysteine. i plan to take 1000mg a day. is it really neccasery to take the vit c as well. has anyone taken the cysteine without the vit c without any adverse reactions?
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

i have taken the cysteine without extra vitamin c there is a little vitamin c in my multi vitamin and i didn't have any adverse side effects. When I first started taking l-cysteine i was taking 2000mg per day and i got a quick growth spurt probably about 1/2 inch in about two weeks. I stopped taking them for a while because I had to rely on mega doses of cafinne so i could stay up and study. I started back yesterday but this time I am only taking 1000 mg a day b/c 2000 mg a day gets too expensive.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

I have a co-worker as well that has just had crazy hair growth while my hair has barely grown an inch it seems. Just last year she had to cut off most of hair becasue of a bad mico braid. Her hair is now past her shoulders. I have asked in off ways how does your hair grow so fast? She has told me a few things that she does and either it was not all that she is doing or it is just genetics. I am trying very hard not to be discouraged, but I wish my hair would grow as fast as hers. Especially after all the money I have spent on vitamins and products in the last year.
I have really considered getting a big chop as well, but I fear it would never grow back at all. I mean now I have hair, nothing spectacular, some women don't have hair or have bald spots. I have none of that, just slow growth.
My thyriod condition my be the culprit. I have done some reading and extensive hair shedding is one of the symptons of the diesease and the medication I take. Like I said I am trying not to be discouraged or jealous.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Has anyone else tried L-cysteine?????????????????
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Candi said:
I have a co-worker as well that has just had crazy hair growth while my hair has barely grown an inch it seems. Just last year she had to cut off most of hair becasue of a bad mico braid. Her hair is now past her shoulders. I have asked in off ways how does your hair grow so fast? She has told me a few things that she does and either it was not all that she is doing or it is just genetics. I am trying very hard not to be discouraged, but I wish my hair would grow as fast as hers. Especially after all the money I have spent on vitamins and products in the last year.
I have really considered getting a big chop as well, but I fear it would never grow back at all. I mean now I have hair, nothing spectacular, some women don't have hair or have bald spots. I have none of that, just slow growth.
My thyriod condition my be the culprit. I have done some reading and extensive hair shedding is one of the symptons of the diesease and the medication I take. Like I said I am trying not to be discouraged or jealous.

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What exactly did she say she was doing to make her hair grow faster?

Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

cutelillady02 said:
i have taken the cysteine without extra vitamin c there is a little vitamin c in my multi vitamin and i didn't have any adverse side effects.

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I wouldn't take the chance of having side effects. It is very easy to supplement vit c. Vitamin c deficiency is not immediately seen, it takes time.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Candi don't worry, our hair tends to do what it wants to do when it wants to do it. Your hair may just start growing out of the blue. Just continue to take care of it with lots of TLC and keep looking at things on the bright side, u could be bald head with tons of splint ends. Grow hair grow!
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Don't feel alone. I have a thyroid condition too, but taking your meds on a regular basis and good hair care will take care of your shedding issues.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!......

karen said:

Hi, I just recently saw a classmate of mine at the college that I'm going to right now, and her hair has grown alot. I had knew her before because we took the same class last spring and it ended like in mid-May, and I haven't seen her until now. It's been 2.5 monthes since I've seen her, the last time I saw her her hair was about a couple of inches below her shoulder (I think 2-3 inches) and right now it's about bra-strap or close to it!!
Lol, I think that is about 4 inches or so new growth, I told her that I can't believe her hair has grown so fast and she told me that it's the L-cysteine that she's taking, she's been taking it eversince she cut her hair in the winter because her sister got good result from taking it before, I think she said that she was taking 2000mg or so a day and her regular multi-vitamins. So I went out to walmart today and bought myself a 3 bottle of L-cysteine, I can't wait to get results like her. I'm soo excited. Ohh I wanna grow 3 inches before october... I think I can do it.

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have u seen any results from taking the L-Cysteine???
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!......

Anyone have any results w/ the L-cysteine? I think I may buy some this weekend.